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دور اللجنة الدولية للصليب الأحمر في تعزيز العمل الإنساني ( جائحة كورونا أنموذجاً).

يهدف البحث إلى التعرف على مدى تأثير انتشار جائحة كورونا (COVID-19) هذا الوباء القاتل، وانعكاسه على واقع ومستقبل الإنسانية، ومدى مساهمة اللجنة الدولية للصليب الاحمر في منع انتشار هذا الفيروس المستجد، ومعرفة الدور الذي تُسهم به في التخفيف من الويلات التي يعاني منها الملايين والمشكلات النفسية التي تركتها الجائحة على أفراد المجتمع الإنساني، وذلك من خلال تحديد دورها في تعزيز العمل الإنساني، ومن خلال ما تم طرحه يتضح أن خصوصية اللجنة ووضعها القانوني يميزانها عن الوكالات الحكومية وغير الحكومية، وذلك من خلال تركيزها على المهمة الأساسية التي تتبناها وهي العمل على "تطبيق القانون الدولي الانساني بأمانة". وقد تم التوصل الى عدة نتائج نذكر منها: أن اللجنة لا تفرق في عملها بين الأشخاص المحتجزين في سياق الاضطرابات والتوترات الداخلية، وتؤدي مهمتها الإنسانية دون تمييز من أجل خدمة جميع من هم في حالة عجز عن الدفاع عن أنفسهم، وأن جائحة كورونا (COVID-19) خلّفت مستويات غير مسبوقة للاحتياجات في مجال دعم الصحة النفسية والدعم النفسي- الاجتماعي لدى ضحايا الفيروس وعائلاتهم والعاملين في مجال الصحة وغيرهم.
سعاد سالم أبوسعد (3-2021)
publisher's website

الخرائط الذهنية الرقمية ودورها في تتمية الملكة القانونيه

يوضح هذا البحث انعكاس فائدة الخرائط الذهنية الرقمية في العملية التعليمية القانونية فهما وتحصيلا، فمن حيث تنفيذه يُعد من البحوث الأكاديمية التجريبية، التي تحاول الوصول إلى حل للإشكالية محددة وصولا لاكتشاف حقائق جديدة
سعاد سالم أبوسعد (11-2020)
publisher's website

Investigating the Presence of Antibodies against Chicken Infectious Anemia Virus in Libya using the Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay

as attached
Abdulwahab Kammon(1-2022)

Detection of suspected DNA avian circovirus in commercial turkey flocks

as attached
Abdulwahab Kammon(1-2010)

Plasma corticosterone levels in laying hens from three different housing systems

as attached
Abdulwahab Kammon(1-2010)

Patho-biochemical studies on hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity on exposure to chlorpyrifos and imidacloprid in layer chickens

The hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity of chlorpyrifos (CPF) and imidacloprid (IMC) insecticides were experimentally studied in layer chickens, taking into account the patho-biochemical alterations. The LD50 values estimated were 41 mg/kg bw and 104.1 mg/kg bw for CPF and IMC, respectively. The plasma cholineesterase enzyme was severely inhibited in chickens given a single dose of CPF at a rate of 55 mg/kg bw via oral gavage, while it remained unchanged in chickens given IMC at rate of 139 mg/kg bw via similar route. The activities of liver function enzymes viz. AKP, ALT and AST were significantly increased in chickens of CPF and IMC groups. Uric acid level was significantly increased and cholesterol level was only significantly reduced in the plasma of chickens administrated CPF. Plasma glucose values in chickens given CPF as well as in chickens given IMC were significantly increased at (P
Abdulwahab Kammon(1-2010)

Necrotic Encephalitis associated with a Toxoplasma-like Protozoan Infection in Lambs

Introduction: A total of 32 young (1-3 months-old) lambs suffered from mortal neurological signs in a period of three months. The lambs were among the offspring of a herd of 300 sheep, in Tarhouna city, Libya. The affected lambs were initially treated with antibiotics, multivitamins and mineral supplements, however, none of these treatments attenuated the death toll among the small lambs. Methods: Three lamb carcasses were submitted to the National Center for Animal Health (NCAH) for post mortem examination. Gross pathological examination of the brains detected hydatid cysts and yellowish lesions within the cerebral cortex. Results: The histopathologic examination of the brain showed the presence of inflammatory lesions and necrotic features surrounded by granulomatous inflammatory patterns, which are accompanied by a few parasitic cysts. Ordinary and modified Ziehl-Neelsen stains for bacterial infection were performed, but the results did not strongly indicate bacterial infection. Toxoplasmosis, particularly T. gondii, and Neospora were first suspected. Immunohistochemistry testing for T. gondii did not show any conclusive indication for the presence of this pathogen. However, meticulous microscopic examination (100x) of the histopathologic features and the patterns of host-pathogen interaction of toxoplasmosis indicate that these lambs may have suffered from necrotic encephalitis associated with a different type of toxoplasmosis.
Abdulwahab Kammon(10-2021)

Chlorpyrifos chronic toxicity in broilers and effect of vitamin C

An experiment was conducted to study chlorpyrifos chronic toxicity in broilers and the protective effect of vitamin C. Oral administration of 0.8 mg/kg body weight (bw) (1/50 LD50) chlorpyrifos (Radar®), produced mild diarrhea and gross lesions comprised of paleness, flaccid consistency and slightly enlargement of liver. Histopathologically, chlorpyrifos produced degenerative changes in various organs. Oral administration of 100 mg/kg bw vitamin C partially ameliorated the degenerative changes in kidney and heart. There was insignificant alteration in biochemical and haematological profiles. It is concluded that supplementation of vitamin C reduced the severity of lesions induced by chronic chlorpyrifos toxicity in broilers.
Abdulwahab Kammon(1-2022)