قسم اللغة الانجليزية

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حول قسم اللغة الانجليزية

حقائق حول قسم اللغة الانجليزية

نفتخر بما نقدمه للمجتمع والعالم


المنشورات العلمية


هيئة التدريس





من يعمل بـقسم اللغة الانجليزية

يوجد بـقسم اللغة الانجليزية أكثر من 8 عضو هيئة تدريس

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د. حسين فرج عبدالنبي البوزيدي

منشورات مختارة

بعض المنشورات التي تم نشرها في قسم اللغة الانجليزية

Techniques and Strategies of Teaching Reading Skills at Secondary Level: An Applicative Approach

Abstract: Traditional teaching practices and classroom do not promote many opportunities for the students to participate in the classroom or speak in the classroom rather they are like one way traffic. The teacher plays an active role and teaches deductively throughout the course. It is regarded as the silent skills which can be learned automatically by the students. But the reality is reading is one of the important receptive skills of the language which enables students to learn or acquire other important skills of the language. It is like the soul of the language which fills the entire body with positive energy. So it is equally important to understand the importance of the reading skills in teaching and learning and develop the techniques and strategies of pedagogy which will make the learning process easier. Strategies are often applied by the teachers and used by the learners to obtain the intended meaning of the text which they read. The paper intends to promote a practical application of classroom pedagogy to teach reading skills using activity-based teaching. It also emphasizes how different strategies of teaching reading and techniques can be used or utilized in teaching through different activities. Key Words: Reading skills, Strategies, Techniques, Activities based teaching arabic 13 English 83
Hussein Faraj Abdulnabi Albozeidi(1-2019)
Publisher's website

Wilhelm's Strategies and Teaching of English at the Secondary Level in Libya: A Prescriptive Approach Regarding Reading Skills

Libya is a 3rd world country which faces a lot of challenges in giving required resources and ideal environment for the effective learning and teaching, especially that of English language,although, the Libyan Government has taken lot of efforts for effective teaching, reading and learning. The most important skill for learning a language is by reading, which has focused the attention for teachers, researchers, pedagogues, teacher training and foreign language professionals in the recent times. Reading is very important in learning and mastering any foreign language. Skills are the stepping stone for effective English competence among the students. In Libya, the learner faces many difficulties to learn and master the foreign language like English, especially reading comprehension skill. Libyan students have negative attitudes in learning English language since they face many difficulties in comprehension skills. In such cases, the teaching method and material adopted by the teacher is very important for the students. The teachers using various motivational methods and different learning strategies play a crucial role in coaching reading skills among the students. This paper aims to study and to identify: 1. The problems that teachers face while teaching reading skills to the students at the secondary school level in Libya, with respect to their teaching reading skills 2. The recent developments in teaching reading skills at the secondary school level. 3. To understand how the knowledge and effective utilization of reading strategies be demonstrated. 4. To suggest recommendations to improve the present condition of teaching reading skills. arabic 19 English 107
Hussein Faraj Abdulnabi Albozeidi(2-2018)
Publisher's website

Non-equivalence at word level

لكل عملية ترجمة هدف أو عدة أهداف محددة , غير أن الهدف الأساسي والرئيسي للترجمة هو عملها كحلقة وصل بين الناس بمختلف ألسنتهم وثقافاتهم . ومن هذا المنطلق تعد الترجمة مهمة ليست بيسيرة كما يظن الكثير من الطلاب , وللشروع في عملية ترجمة ما , عادة لا يعير الطلاب الكثير من الاهتمام للكلمة التي تعتبر اصغر وحدة ترجمة , كيف تترجم وكيف يمكن إيجاد مكافئ لغوي سليم لها ليتم استخدامه في اللغة المستهدفة وما نوع الإستراتيجية المستخدمة لترجمتها لصنع السياق والمعنى المفهوم والواضح من اللغة الأم إلى اللغة المستهدفة . هذه الدراسة ستسلط الضوء على مشكلة عدم التكافؤ على مستوى الكلمة التي يواجهها طلاب الفصل الخامس والسادس في قسم اللغة الإنجليزية / كلية التربية قصر بن غشير - جامعة طرابلس عند الترجمة من العربية إلى الإنجليزية. كما تسلط الضوء أيضا على الاستراتيجيات التي يستخدمها المترجمين المحترفين للتغلب على مثل هذه المشكلات .. arabic 4 English 25
walid alnouri mohamed suisi(6-2019)
Publisher's website