قسم الحوسبة المتنقلة

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المنشورات العلمية


هيئة التدريس





البرامج الدراسية

بكالوريوس في تقنية المعلومات
تخصص الحوسبة المتنقلة



من يعمل بـقسم الحوسبة المتنقلة

يوجد بـقسم الحوسبة المتنقلة أكثر من 10 عضو هيئة تدريس

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منشورات مختارة

بعض المنشورات التي تم نشرها في قسم الحوسبة المتنقلة

An Algorithm Based on Using Roots of Quadratic Equation to Test the Primality of a Large Number

This paper is presented an algorithm for testing primality of a large number in faster way and low storage space. Today the almost techniques which are used for testing the primality of the large number are struggling to reduce the cost of both processing time and storage space. Therefore, an intensive research by mathematicians and computers scientists is going in this field. The suggested algorithm is based on using of solutions of the quadratic equation (QE). The technique is aiming to find any two distinct numbers which are representing the obtained two roots of the QE. If these two roots are exist, in this case the given integer is not prime and the algorithm can identify the two roots in efficient cost of time and storage. The algorithm has appeared that it is working well by producing fantastic results. From these results, new ideas and thoughts have been listed for further analysis and discussion for testing of the primality of numbers
Omran Emhemmd Ahmed Farhat, Nahed Fathi M Farah, Ali K. Sabera(5-2019)
Publisher's website

Developing a mobile game app themed about Libyan culture using Unity engine

This paper presents the design and implementation of an educational game App using Unity engine. The game aims to provide informative experience of Libyan traditions while keeping players entertained. Also, the game attempts to document Libyan fading traditions while being amusing and enjoyable. This game will be very first Libyan games to be launched into Google Play Store.
Khaled Mohamed khalifa Ben Hamed, Nahed Fathi M Farah, Mohamed Bashagha, Mohanned Binmiskeen(12-2020)
Publisher's website

Assessing Growth and Instability of Open Source Software Systems

Abstract: software systems progressively evolve over time where source code needs to be modified, newly are added and others need to be deleted. Therefore, it is worth to monitor progress and software development, to measure growth and assess system stability. This paper assesses OSS software growth and instability to clarify impacts of its instability on its system growth. Three open source software applications, with different characteristics, have been selected. Size and instability metrics are extracted and statistically analyzed in order to assess the reflections of software growth under instability behaviors.
Ali Mresa, Abdussalam Baryun(6-2021)
Publisher's website

قسم الحوسبة المتنقلة في صور

الالبومات الخاصة بفعاليات قسم الحوسبة المتنقلة