المستودع الرقمي لـقسم الترجمة والتعريب

احصائيات قسم الترجمة والتعريب

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Dialects on Screen: Translating Jordanian Dialect into English The Case of Captain Abu Raed Film

This article explores the translation of dialects on-screen within the Jordanian context. Such place of translation is arguably one of the most challenging areas of translation, yet interesting due to its variety. Arab peoples use their dialects to express their opinions on several platforms, including TV media. Audiovisual translation research is growing in investigating subtitling Arabic dialects and languages on screen. Scholars propose a dialect-to-dialect approach or a dialect-to-standard approach. However, in this paper the focus is more on the strategies which inevitably fall within those approaches. The study uses a Jordanian film known as Captain Abu Raed as a source of highlighting and demonstrating translation of dialects within an Arabic context. The initial findings show that some dialectal expressions are taken off or sacrificed by replacing them with neutralized standard language.
Hamza Ethelb(10-2019)
موقع المنشور

Changing the Structure of Paragraphs and Texts in Arabic: A Case from News Reporting

This study explores the textual alterations of Arabic news structure and how it has been influenced by news texts produced in English. The paper precisely examines sentence, paragraph and text structures in terms of form and content in relation to news translation. It analyses news articles collated from Aljazeera and Al-Arabiya news networks. The collated corpus is translations from English into Arabic by these two media outlets. The analysis showed considerable changes that the form of Arabic textual structures has incurred, especially in the general layout of texts. Although it confirm Hatim’s (1997) text-type categorisation with regard to argumentation in Arabic news texts that Arabic lacks argumentative elements it news content, it exhibited significant shift in internal cohesion, paragraph transitions, and syntactic patterns. These changes could emanate from many other influencing factors, but translation is definitely one.
Hamza Ethelb(7-2019)
موقع المنشور

Teaching English to Adult Learners: APractical Remedial Method

This study explores the particularities of teaching English to adult learners. It looks at whether adult learners’ comprehension of lessons is slowed down by factors of teaching style orclassroom settings. The study uses a questionnaire to collect views of adult learners from the Libyan context. The questionnaire that contains 37 statements measures different aspects of teaching English. It was delivered online using Google Forms. Those aspects include teaching style, preferences of correcting mistakes, willingness of cooperation among adult learners, self-dependenceand self-confidenceof learners, and preferred techniques to learninggrammar and vocabulary. This study also offers a remedial method that is inferred from the experience of the researchers and supported by the results of the data. The results show that adult learners have differentperception towards acquiring a foreign language. They agree that they need to better theirlearning input. The suggested remedial process could be an answer to their needs.
Hamza Ethelb(10-2020)
موقع المنشور