أ. عبدالسلامالجبالى

قسم تقنية الاسنان كلية التقنية الطبية

الاسم الكامل

أ. عبدالسلام عبدالقادر خليفة الجبالى

المؤهل العلمي


الدرجة العلمية



عبدالسلام الجبالى هو احد اعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم تقنية الاسنان بكلية التقنية الطبية. يعمل السيد عبدالسلام الجبالى بجامعة طرابلس كـمحاضر مساعد منذ 2016-2-27 , ومحاضر منذ 26-09-2020 وله العديد من المنشورات العلمية في مجال تخصصه

تنزيل السيرة الذاتية

معلومات الاتصال

روابط التواصل


الكل منذ 2017



Dental Material Science
Sheffield University-United Kingdom
11 ,2015


Tripoli University
9 ,2010


Assessment of the current die spacing materials that provides the most accurate internal and marginal fit of metal crowns

one of the main factors that affect the success of the cast crown is the accuracy of the internal and marginal fit, a well-fitting crown reduces the chance for recurrent caries and periodontal disease, whereas the space between a poorly-fitting crown and tooth preparation enables accumulation of bacterial plaque, the use of paint- on die spacing technique to produce the cement gap and subsequently to improve the seating of the cast crowns has become quite popular in the recent years. The purpose of the study is to compare the marginal gap and the internal fit produced by two paint-on die spacing materials (Manicure and paint on die spacer ). Twenty four identical stone dies were made, 12 were coated with paint- on die spacer material, and 12 were coated with nail varnish material, the dies coated with die spacer were divided into three groups (DA,DB,DC), and the dies coated with nail varnish were also divided into three groups (VA,VB,VC), groups DA and VA were coated with one layer, DB and VB were coated with two layers, DC and VC were coated with three layers, for both groups wax patterns were made and casted using the lost waxing technique and all steps were standardized, impression replicas of the casted crowns were made and sectioned by means of the impression replica technique, measurements were taken using Scanning Electron Microscope, from 4 points (marginal gap, mid-axial, axio-occlusal and mid-occlusal). There was no statistical significant difference in accuracy between crowns fabricated on die spacer coated dies and crowns fabricated on nail varnish coated dies. with the crowns fabricated on die spacer coated dies being slightly more accurate.
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Direct and indirect Techniques for provisional Restorations Fabrication for (Implant and non-implant Supported) Fixed Prosthodontics

Abstract Introduction: Provisional restoration is an important part of fixed prosthodontics. It must provide pulp protection, positional stability, occlusion maintenance , and space preservation. There are two methods for provisional restoration fabrication; direct and indirect techniques. Aim: the study aims to identify the most preferred technique of fabricating provisional fixed restorations according to different parameters and situations and to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each technique, by specialist dentists practicing in different dental clinics in Tripoli. Methodology: In this study, 120 closed ended questionnaires were distributed to specialist dentists in dental fixed restoration among different private dental clinics in Tripoli/Libya to find out which technique they prefer to apply in their clinics. Results: This study has revealed that dentists prefer the direct technique for the anterior area and single unit and up to 3-4 units fixed partial denture. While indirect technique was more commonly used by dentists in cases of multi-units and posterior teeth. In addition, it has a higher success rate and does not cause pulpal and gingival irritation.
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Convergence angles of Porcelain Fused To Metal Crowns performed in Libyan private dental practice

Abstract Back ground: Full coverage porcelain fused to metal crowns (PFM) is commonly recommended for restoration of extensively damaged teeth. Ability of the dentist to adequately prepare teeth is necessary to achieve a proper success and longevity of these restoration. Aims: This study aimed to determine the degree of axial taper and total occlusal convergence angles (TOC) for Porcelain Fused To Metal crowns (PFM) prepared with clinically practiced values, that carried out by dental practitioners in Tripoli center, Libya. Materials and Methods: It was a descriptive, cross-sectional study design and held at Alzendah private dental laboratory, Tripoli Libya. A convenience sample (40) models of Porcelain Fused To Metal Crowns (PFM) preparations carried out by private dental practitioners were scanned by employing a 3D model scanner (Ceramill Map300, Amanngirrbach, Austria). Evaluation of the total occlusal convergence (TOC), bucco-lingual and mesio-distal convergence angles of each abutment tooth was proceeded using B&B dental software (Guide system, B&B, Italy). The degree of taper was measured on the axial walls of each crown preparation and the bucco-lingual and mesio-distal convergence angles subsequently calculated. Results: A total of 40 casts having crown preparations (15 anterior, 25 posterior). The mean convergence angles mesio-distally for all preparations was 40.29° (sd 21.8°), and for the bucco-lingual was 29.92° (sd 9.3°), with mean of TOC was 35.10°. In anterior preparations, the mean bucco-lingual convergence angle was 42.32° (sd 12.2°) compared to 24.52° (sd 15.5°) for posterior preparations (p
Dr. Khaled Omar & Abdussalam Eljabali(1-2022)
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