قسم التشريح والانسجة والاجنة

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حول قسم التشريح والانسجة والاجنة

يعتبر من الأقسام الأساسية والكبرى منذ تأسيس الكلية ويتضمن معمل الأنسجة والأجنة ومعمل الأبحاث و قاعات التشريح المجهزة و متحف قسم التشريح.

حقائق حول قسم التشريح والانسجة والاجنة

نفتخر بما نقدمه للمجتمع والعالم


المنشورات العلمية


هيئة التدريس

من يعمل بـقسم التشريح والانسجة والاجنة

يوجد بـقسم التشريح والانسجة والاجنة أكثر من 8 عضو هيئة تدريس

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د. عبدالرحمن محمد صالح الرطيب

عبدالرحمن الرطيب هو أحد أعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم التشريح والأنسجة والأجنة بكلية الطب البيطري. يعمل السيد عبدالرحمن الرطيب بجامعة طرابلس كـأستاذ مشارك وله العديد من المنشورات العلمية في مجال تخصصه.

منشورات مختارة

بعض المنشورات التي تم نشرها في قسم التشريح والانسجة والاجنة

Patellar luxation in Hejazi goats

Background: Patellar luxation (PL) is a common orthopedic affection among farm and pet animals with mostly congenital (environmental and/or genetic) background. Aim: We report here the first observation of lateral PL in Hejazi goats bred in Libya. Methods: Five Hejazi goats aged between 4 months and 2 years with severe hind limb lameness were admitted to Al-Sorouh veterinary clinic in Tripoli during the period from 2016 to 2018. The goats were thoroughly examined clinically and radiographically. Two goats were surgically treated, and the other three cases were not because of either the cost limitation or expected poor prognosis. The surgical intervention involved femoral trochlear sulcoplasty, medial joint capsule imbrication, and tibial tuberosity transposition. Results: The clinical examination showed grade III–IV lateral PL. Radiologically, there were unilateral or bilateral, ventrocaudal, and dorsal PLs. Two cases were referred to surgical correction. One case almost restored the normal movement of stifle joint together with a good general status 1 year postsurgery. However, the surgical treatment was not effective in correcting the luxated patella in the second case. Conclusion: Lateral PL is common among orthopedic affections in Hejazi goats in Libya, and its surgical treatment provided a quite convenient approach. An association between inbreeding and the PL was suggested in those cases. arabic 4 English 29
Taher N. Elmeshreghi, Mansur Ennuri Moftah Shmela, Mouna Abdunnabi Abdunnabi Abdunnabi, Emad M R Bennour(6-2021)
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Objective: Metacarpophalangeal joint (MCPJ) radiographic parameters were developed to evaluate MCPJ conformation of equine forelimbs, but the effect of joint rotation during radiography on these parameters has not been reported. The current study examined the effect of the rotation around the vertical axis of MCPJ on 27 MCPJ parameters (12 angles and 15 ratios) and identified the acceptable range of rotation at which minimal amount of changes occurred in these parameters. Design: Descriptive study Animals: MCPJs of seven right forelimbs from seven different horses with no MCPJ abnormalities. Procedures: MCPJs of seven right equine forelimbs were loaded in a load cell to obtain the normal MCPJ angle. They were frozen at −20C° and then scanned using a CT-scan machine. The collected slices were reconstructed to obtain a 3D model of MCPJs, and the dorsopalmar view at zero angle (ZDP) were identified. The view was then rotated around the vertical axis of MCPJ. Snapshots were taken for MCPJ at −10°, −5°, Zero, +5° and +10° angles. All the parameters were measured on the total 35 radiographs and statistically analysed. Differences were estimated per 5° of MCPJ rotation for all the parameters. Results:Generally, the ratio parameters were less affected than the angular parameters during MCPJ rotation. Conclusion and clinical relevance: Rotational angles of vertical ±10° from ZDP were considered as an acceptable range for reliable radiographic measurements of MCPJ parameters. Keywords Equine; fetlock; morphometry; radiology; rotation
Abdulrhman Mohamed Salah Alrtib, Aiman Hussein Saleh Oheida, Mohamed Hamrouni S. Abushhiwa, Helen M.S. Davies(12-2021)
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Front fetlock joint angle (FA) measurement might predict musculoskeletal injury. This study aimed to identify an accurate reliable tool, and develop a consistent method for measuring the FA. Fetlock centre of rotation was identified radiographically. Goniometer measurements were validated on ten vertically fixed post-mortem distal forelimbs by positioning the centre of rotation of the goniometer on the approximate centre of rotation of the joint for five measurements of each FA at three day intervals and one measurement by another person (rater B). Both FA’s of fourteen sound horses standing squarely on a concrete floor were repeated before and after lifting the contralateral limb, which was flexed at the carpus and held at the same level as the carpus of the standing limb. Consistency of measurements was assessed using both fetlock joints of five horses standing squarely on a concrete floor measured six times in random order and then with the contralateral limb lifted using both front fetlocks of eight horses measured five times in random order. The repeatability coefficient was calculated with WinPepi v10.5 software. The centre of rotation was on or around the eminence of the lateral collateral ligament. The repeatability coefficient of the goniometer validation was 4.7°. The mean FA for rater A and B were not significantly different (161.4° versus 162.9°). FA’s were significantly less after lifting the contralateral limbs (P
Abdulrhman M. Alrtib, Helen M S Davies(7-2012)
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