قسم التشريح والانسجة والاجنة

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حول قسم التشريح والانسجة والاجنة

يعتبر من الأقسام الأساسية والكبرى منذ تأسيس الكلية ويتضمن معمل الأنسجة والأجنة ومعمل الأبحاث و قاعات التشريح المجهزة و متحف قسم التشريح.

حقائق حول قسم التشريح والانسجة والاجنة

نفتخر بما نقدمه للمجتمع والعالم


المنشورات العلمية


هيئة التدريس

من يعمل بـقسم التشريح والانسجة والاجنة

يوجد بـقسم التشريح والانسجة والاجنة أكثر من 8 عضو هيئة تدريس

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د. عبدالرحمن محمد صالح الرطيب

عبدالرحمن الرطيب هو أحد أعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم التشريح والأنسجة والأجنة بكلية الطب البيطري. يعمل السيد عبدالرحمن الرطيب بجامعة طرابلس كـأستاذ مشارك وله العديد من المنشورات العلمية في مجال تخصصه.

منشورات مختارة

بعض المنشورات التي تم نشرها في قسم التشريح والانسجة والاجنة

Morphometrical Study of Bony Elements of the Forelimb Fetlock Joints in Horses

There are many reports describing fractures in the bony elements of the equine fetlock joint and a few of these discuss possible relationships of these fractures to the mechanical loading of these bones. The likelihood of fracture must be related to the size and shape of bones involved, but information concerning the normal range in size and shape of these bones in horses is lacking. This study aimed to identify morphometrical variations of these bones within different groups of horses. Right and left metacarpal, proximal phalangeal and proximal sesamoid bones were collected from 10 Thoroughbreds (TB), five Standardbreds (SB) and eight Ponies (P) euthanized for non-orthopaedic reasons. All bones were boiled, cleaned and dried. Dimensional parameters were measured using a custom-built apparatus, calliper and plastic tape. The width and depth of the medial condyles of Mc3 were greater than the lateral condyles in all groups. The length to the lateral condyle was greater than the length to the medial condyle of Mc3, and the lengths of the lateral sides of the Mc3 and P1 bones were greater than the lengths of the medial sides in both forelimbs of all groups. The lateral sesamoids were similar to, or larger than, the medial sesamoids in all dimensions. There were some morphometrical variations in the bony elements of the equine fetlock joints in all groups.
Abdulrhman Mohamed Salah Alrtib, C J Philip, Aiman Hussein Saleh Oheida, Helen M S Davies(4-2012)
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Radiographic Comparison of Carpal Morphometry in Thoroughbred and Standardbred Race horses

Carpal conformation is thought to contribute to the frequency of carpal pathology so non-invasive measurement of carpal morphometry would be useful to identify joints at risk. However, there are scant radiographic morphometrical details for the carpals of Thoroughbred (TB) and Standardbred (SB) racehorses even though these breeds differ in the incidence of carpal damage. This study aimed to identify morphometrical similarities and differences in carpal conformation in TB and SB. Thirty carpal dorsopalmar radiographs (DP) were collected from 15 TB and 15 SB. All DP radiographs were at zero degrees or within the acceptable range of rotation. Twelve carpal radiographic parameters were selected and measured on each radiograph. Statistical analysis found significant differences in four carpal parameters. These parameters revealed that the middle carpal joint in SB was significantly more angled distomedially whereas the radial distal metaphysis showed a greater distolateral inclination in TB. The radiocarpal and the carpometacarpal articulations exhibited common features in the two groups of horses. These carpal traits in TB and SB highlight their potential association with loading distribution and pathology. Measuring carpi from untrained and injured horses is necessary to establish breed specific features for the ideal carpal conformation in each of these breeds.
Aiman Hussein Saleh Oheida, Abdulrhman Mohamed Salah Alrtib, Aiman Abdulghader Salim Shalgum, Mansur Ennuri Moftah Shmela, Mohamed A Marzok, Helen M S Davies(4-2019)
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Clinical, radiological, and pathological findings of primary nasal osteosarcoma in a Libyan cat

Background: Although bone tumors are common pathologies in companion animals, limited reports describe nasal osteosarcoma (OSA) in cats. Case description: A case of nasal OSA in a local Libyan cat was admitted to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tripoli-Libya, with nasal swelling and discharges and facial deformity. The radiological findings revealed nasal osteolysis with the absence of evidence of lung metastasis. In addition, fungal growth was not identified in microbiological culture. Furthermore, the pathological examination has grossly revealed a destructed nasal bone due to the presence of a tumor mass, with a mucohemorrhagic nasal discharge and absence of metastasis. OSA was confirmed histopathologically. Conclusion: This report presents the clinical, radiological, and pathological findings of a primary nasal OSA in a Libyan cat with no tumor metastasis to other body organs.
Mohamed Hamrouni S. Abushhiwa, Seham AL-Abed Hassan AL-Azreg, ٍٍSamer Khalifa Khalil Tmumen, Abdulrhman Mohamed Salah Alrtib, Abdulkareem Khalifa Ali Elbaz, Mahir Kubba, Al-Asayed R. Al-Attar, Emad M R Bennour(12-2019)
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