قسم الامراض الباطنية

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حول قسم الامراض الباطنية

يضطلع القسم بمهمة التدريب النظري و العملي (الحقلي و الإكلينيكي)، لكل من طلاب المرحلة الرابعة و الخامسة (الفصل السابع إلى العاشر)، و إعدادهم ليكونوا أطباء بيطريين متميزين.

حقائق حول قسم الامراض الباطنية

نفتخر بما نقدمه للمجتمع والعالم


المنشورات العلمية


هيئة التدريس

من يعمل بـقسم الامراض الباطنية

يوجد بـقسم الامراض الباطنية أكثر من 6 عضو هيئة تدريس

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أ.د. عمرى ميلاد محمد أبوعرقوب

عمرى ميلاد أبوعرقوب هو احد اعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم الامراض الباطنية بكلية الطب البيطري. يعمل السيد عمرى ميلاد أبوعرقوب بجامعة طرابلس كـأستاذ منذ 2006-04-01 وله العديد من المنشورات العلمية في مجال تخصصه

منشورات مختارة

بعض المنشورات التي تم نشرها في قسم الامراض الباطنية

Patellar luxation in Hejazi goats

Background: Patellar luxation (PL) is a common orthopedic affection among farm and pet animals with mostly congenital (environmental and/or genetic) background. Aim: We report here the first observation of lateral PL in Hejazi goats bred in Libya. Methods: Five Hejazi goats aged between 4 months and 2 years with severe hind limb lameness were admitted to Al-Sorouh veterinary clinic in Tripoli during the period from 2016 to 2018. The goats were thoroughly examined clinically and radiographically. Two goats were surgically treated, and the other three cases were not because of either the cost limitation or expected poor prognosis. The surgical intervention involved femoral trochlear sulcoplasty, medial joint capsule imbrication, and tibial tuberosity transposition. Results: The clinical examination showed grade III–IV lateral PL. Radiologically, there were unilateral or bilateral, ventrocaudal, and dorsal PLs. Two cases were referred to surgical correction. One case almost restored the normal movement of stifle joint together with a good general status 1 year postsurgery. However, the surgical treatment was not effective in correcting the luxated patella in the second case. Conclusion: Lateral PL is common among orthopedic affections in Hejazi goats in Libya, and its surgical treatment provided a quite convenient approach. An association between inbreeding and the PL was suggested in those cases. Keywords: Clinical and radiological findings, Hejazi goat breed, Inbreeding, Patellar luxation, Surgical treatment.
Mohamed Hamrouni S. Abushhiwa, Abdulrhman Mohamed Salah Alrtib, Taher N. Elmeshreghi, Mouna Abdunnabi Abdunnabi Abdunnabi, Mansur Ennuri Moftah Shmela, Emad M R Bennour(3-2021)
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Patellar luxation in Hejazi goats

Background: Patellar luxation (PL) is a common orthopedic affection among farm and pet animals with mostly congenital (environmental and/or genetic) background. Aim: We report here the first observation of lateral PL in Hejazi goats bred in Libya. Methods: Five Hejazi goats aged between 4 months and 2 years with severe hind limb lameness were admitted to Al-Sorouh veterinary clinic in Tripoli during the period from 2016 to 2018. The goats were thoroughly examined clinically and radiographically. Two goats were surgically treated, and the other three cases were not because of either the cost limitation or expected poor prognosis. The surgical intervention involved femoral trochlear sulcoplasty, medial joint capsule imbrication, and tibial tuberosity transposition. Results: The clinical examination showed grade III–IV lateral PL. Radiologically, there were unilateral or bilateral, ventrocaudal, and dorsal PLs. Two cases were referred to surgical correction. One case almost restored the normal movement of stifle joint together with a good general status 1 year postsurgery. However, the surgical treatment was not effective in correcting the luxated patella in the second case. Conclusion: Lateral PL is common among orthopedic affections in Hejazi goats in Libya, and its surgical treatment provided a quite convenient approach. An association between inbreeding and the PL was suggested in those cases. arabic 4 English 29
Taher N. Elmeshreghi, Mansur Ennuri Moftah Shmela, Mouna Abdunnabi Abdunnabi Abdunnabi, Emad M R Bennour(6-2021)
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Characterization of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolated at Tripoli Medical Center, Libya, between 2008 and 2014

Bacterial pathogens such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) represent a well-known public health problem affecting both healthcare-associated and community populations. Past studies have clearly shown the value of characterizing problem organisms including MRSA through the use of molecular techniques (i.e. strain typing), with the aim of informing local, regional and national efforts in epidemiological analysis and infection control. The country of Libya represents a challenge for such analysis due to limited historical infectious disease information and major political unrest culminating in the Libyan Civil War (Libyan Revolution) in 2011. A MRSA study population of 202 isolates, cultured from patients in Tripoli Medical Center through this historical period (2008–2014), was characterized by both phenotypic and molecular methods. The results revealed a diversification of epidemic MRSA strains over time with generally increasing resistance to fluoroquinolone antibiotics. The study identified prevalent MRSA in comparison to known global epidemic types, providing unique insight into the change of strains and/or characteristics over time especially with reference to the potential influence of the political revolution (i.e. pre- and post-2011). arabic 17 English 111
Elloulu BenDarif, Asma Khalil , Abdunnabi Rayes , Emad Bennour , Abdulgader Dhawi, John J Lowe , Shawn Gibbs, Richard V Goering (12-2016)
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