قسم الجراحة والتناسليات

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حول قسم الجراحة والتناسليات

حقائق حول قسم الجراحة والتناسليات

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المنشورات العلمية


هيئة التدريس

من يعمل بـقسم الجراحة والتناسليات

يوجد بـقسم الجراحة والتناسليات أكثر من 10 عضو هيئة تدريس

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د. عبدالرؤوف عمر أحمد قاجة

عبدالرؤوف قاجة هو احد اعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم الجراحة والتناسليات بكلية الطب البيطري. يعمل السيد عبدالرؤوف قاجة بجامعة طرابلس منذ 2003-03-09 وله العديد من المنشورات العلمية في مجال تخصصه

منشورات مختارة

بعض المنشورات التي تم نشرها في قسم الجراحة والتناسليات

Evaluation of Thoracic Limb Loads, Elbow Movement, and Morphology in Dogs Before and After Arthroscopic Management of Unilateral Medial Coronoid Process Disease

Objective To (1) evaluate thoracic limb loads and symmetry, and elbow function and morphology, before and after arthroscopic treatment of unilateral medial coronoid process disease (MCPD), and (2) determine if functional variables correlate with morphologic findings.Study DesignProspective case series.AnimalsDogs (n = 14) with thoracic limb lameness.Methods Dogs were included when unilateral MCPD was confirmed as the cause of lameness. Kinetic analysis of both thoracic limbs, along with kinematic analysis and goniometry of both elbows were carried out before, and 60, 120, and 180 days after partial coronoidectomy by arthroscopy. Radiography and computed tomography of both elbows were performed before and 180 days after arthroscopy.ResultsA nonsignificant (P = .11) increase in the peak vertical loads (PFz), and a significant (P = .022) increase in the vertical impulse (iFz) applied by the affected limb were seen. Symmetry indices improved, with significant differences between sessions (PFz: P = .019; iFz: P = .003). Kinematic variables showed no significant differences, between sessions or when comparing both elbows within sessions. Goniometry revealed no significant differences between sessions, but some significant differences were identified when comparing both elbows within sessions. Osteophytosis and degree of lameness showed no correlation, before (rs = −0.077; P = .79) or after arthroscopy (rs = 0.27; P = .35).Conclusions Kinetic variables improved after arthroscopy, without full restoration of function. Kinematic variables did not change significantly. Osteoarthritis and goniometric measurements in the affected joint worsened. Functional variables did not correlate with morphologic findings. arabic 23 English 137
Jalal Mohamed Abdelhadi(7-2004)
Publisher's website

Fetlock Parameters Development on Dorsopalmar Radiographs in the Equine Forelimb

Several reports have discussed possible bony morphological causes of fetlock pathology but without relating them to its morphometry. Radiographic measurement is widely used in constructing numerical databases of bone morphometry. Such measurements would not be reliable unless all factors affecting the radiographs were considered. Therefore, this study aimed to establish a specific dorsopalmar view (DP) for fetlock radiographic measurements, and then to develop reliable and repeatable fetlock parameters that represent fetlock conformation on those DP radiographs. Ten cadaveric forelimbs from ten adult horses were cut at the distal third of the radius and mounted in a normal posture for DP radiography. Specific features on fetlock bones were used as landmarks to identify the DP at zero degrees. Other bony features were selected as landmarks for developing fetlock parameters on these radiographs. Twenty-seven parameters were designed in the form of angles (12) and ratios (15). The repeatability and consistency of each parameter was tested. A specific fetlock DP view was determined at zero degrees based on certain landmarks. All angular and ratio parameters showed high reliability and consistency in their measurements. The established parameters provide an opportunity to test the relationship between fetlock morphometrics and performance, or the likelihood of certain pathologies.
Abdulrhman Mohamed Salah Alrtib, Aiman Hussein Saleh Oheida, Mohamed Hamrouni S. Abushhiwa, Helen M S Davies(3-2019)
Publisher's website

Load redistribution in walking and trotting Beagles with induced forelimb lameness

Objective: To evaluate the load redistribution mechanisms in walking and trotting dogs with induced forelimb lameness. Animals: 7 healthy adult Beagles. Procedures: Dogs walked and trotted on an instrumented treadmill to determine control values for peak and mean vertical force as well as vertical impulse for all 4 limbs. A small sphere was attached to the ventral pad of the right forelimb paw to induce a reversible lameness, and recordings were repeated for both gaits. Additionally, footfall patterns were assessed to test for changes in temporal gait variables. Results: During walking and trotting, peak and mean vertical force as well as vertical impulse were decreased in the ipsilateral forelimb, increased in the contralateral hind limb, and remained unchanged in the ipsilateral hind limb after lameness was induced. All 3 variables were increased in the contralateral forelimb during trotting, whereas only mean vertical force and vertical impulse were increased during walking. Stance phase duration increased in the contralateral forelimb and hind limb during walking but not during trotting. Conclusions and clinical relevance: Analysis of the results suggested that compensatory load redistribution mechanisms in dogs depend on the gait. All 4 limbs should be evaluated in basic research and clinical studies to determine the effects of lameness on the entire body. Further studies are necessary to elucidate specific mechanisms for unloading of the affected limb and to determine the long-term effects of load changes in animals with chronic lameness arabic 10 English 72
Jalal Mohamed Abdelhadi(1-2013)
Publisher's website