د. رضاالمبروك

قسم اللغة الانجليزية كلية التربية - طرابلس

الاسم الكامل

د. رضا خالد امحمد المبروك

المؤهل العلمي


الدرجة العلمية

استاذ مساعد


رضا المبروك هو احد اعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم اللغة الانجليزية بكلية التربية طرابلس. يعمل السيد رضا المبروك بجامعة طرابلس كـاستاذ مساعد منذ 2013-05-28 وله العديد من المنشورات العلمية في مجال تخصصه

معلومات الاتصال

روابط التواصل


Judging the Judges: Examining Supervisors Assessment of Unobservable Skills in Developed EFL Teaching Practice Model.

This qualitative descriptive case study reflects the researcher's experience, as a Teaching Practice (TP) Co-ordinator at the Libyan Faculty of Education Tripoli (FET), in developing and examining academic supervisors’ implementation of an innovative TP Assessment Model for EFL trainees. Previous assessment lacked accuracy and comprehensiveness and relied solely on assessing behavioural observable skills. The new TPAM incorporates, for the first time at FET, Unobservable Skills Assessment through supporting documents that supervisors use to assess trainees’ skills in classroom observation, feedback provision, self-reflection, and reporting on TP experience, all of which comprise a Teaching Practice Portfolio (TPP). The study focuses on a key concern: (1) How to develop existing assessment criteria in an objective and comprehensive manner embracing both observable and unobservable skills. Two operational sub-questions emerged: (2) How would the supervisors’ implement the Unobservable Skills Assessment in the TPAM; (3) How would trainees respond to Unobservable Skills Assessment criteria? Data were collected through quantitative analysis of the supporting documents; semi-structured interviews with seven supervisors involved; focus group discussions with trainee teachers. The findings show that while the supervisors were satisfied with the developed assessment criteria, their overall performance in implementing the Unobservable Skills Assessment was poor; besides a lack of immediate feedback provision after school visits, the supporting documents for unobservable skills were not fully executed. Only two supervisors out of seven demonstrated acceptable adherence to the model requirements. Some trainees had reservations regarding the extra workload required in carrying out self-reflections and in writing reports of TP experience; others considered the criterion of professional development outlook inconsequential during initial teacher training. arabic 16 English 101
ٌٌReda Khaled Emhemmed Elmabruk(1-2020)
Publisher's website

Returning to Graduation Project: Attitudes and Perceived Challenges of Students and Staff at a Libyan EFL Department

In 1997, the Department of English (Faculty of Languages, University of Tripoli) canceled Graduation Project (GP) as a graduation requirement primarily due to growing student plagiarism. Two decades on, the Department decided it is time for Returning to Graduation Project (RGP). In preparation for this, a Research Methods (RM) module was delivered to students, and an intense ‘research design and methodology’ course was taken by the staff. In this exploratory mixed-methods case-study research, the main question focuses on attitudes and perceived challenges facing students and staff concerning RGP. The aim is to tackle negative attitudes and perceived obstacles in anticipation of a successful RGP, which spells out the significance of the research. Data were collected through a questionnaire (n=52) and a focus group discussion with seventh-semester students (10); semi-structured interviews with staff (13). A small majority of students (54%) supported RGP; the remaining 46% raised two kinds of concerns: realistic challenges of lacking resources, inadequate RM skills, and supervisor issues; unrealistic challenges involved time constraints, fear of presenting, and problems of determining research topics. Staff members were receptive to RGP but raised numerous concerns. Whereas experienced members expressed cynicism due to low students competencies and lacking resources, others saw RGP as an opportunity for students to gain practical research experience ahead of postgraduate study. Several challenges were perceived, chief among them are students lack of research skills, inexperienced supervisors, inadequate resources, and an ever-lasting concern with plagiarism. New staff reported the need for tuition in ‘data analysis and interpretation’, and ‘supervision practice’. Peculiarities characteristic of the case milieu emerged. arabic 18 English 99
ٌٌReda Khaled Emhemmed Elmabruk(1-2020)
Publisher's website