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An MPLS-Based Fat Tree Network-on-Chip Systems

This paper describes a Fat tree based Network-on- Chip system using MPLS networking technique. A discrete-event simulator has been developed in C++ in in order to demonstrate the applicability of the MPLS to Network-on-Chip systems. The correctness and the efficiency of the MPLS based Fat networkon- chip system is measured against well-known wormhole with virtual channels technique. The results of the MPLS-based NoC in terms of throughput and latency are clearly proves the applicability of the MPLS to implement future NoC designs arabic 8 English 38
Azeddien M. Sllame, Nagwa Abobaker Salama(11-2016)
موقع المنشور

Integrating LAB Work With Classes in Computer Network Courses

The use of the communication and information technology tools can aid students in their lab work to add more flexibility to the accessibility and providing of up-to-date higher education allowing students accessing knowledge anytime, anywhere which will facilitate the lifelong learning and provide accessibility to the curriculum and other students’ resources from anywhere at any time. Laboratory work by students in the information technology and engineering fields of study is a must requirement in all accreditation agencies and targeted employment places. This chapter demonstrates a project based learning technique that has been integrated with ordinary classes in computer network courses. The tools used in this study concentrates on the modeling and simulation of different aspect of computer networking that highlight different skills needed to any computer network engineer. arabic 8 English 53
Azeddien M. Sllame(1-2017)
موقع المنشور

Nagwa Salama, Azeddien M. Sllame,: A Simulator For FAT-Tree Network-On-Chip Systems Based On MPLS Technique, In The Libyan International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Technologies (LICEET 2018), Tripoli, Libya, March 2018.

This paper is presenting a discrete-event simulator written in C++ for modeling and simulating Fat tree network-on-chip systems based on MPLS technique. The simulator contains main component that construct butterfly Fat tree structure and other components that generate suitable number of switches and IP nodes (cores). The designed switch consists of input ports, output ports, input/output link controller, multi-buffers, crossbar switch, routing and arbitration components and MPLS unit. The correctness and the efficiency of the MPLS based Fat network-on-chip system is measured against well-known wormhole+ virtual channels technique. The produced results are clearly demonstrated the efficiency of the MPLS technique for future NoC designs. arabic 45 English 189
Azeddien M. Sllame, Nagwa Abobaker Salama(2-2018)

Vulnerabilities of Biometric Authentication “Threats and Countermeasures”

Biometric systems have a powerful potential to provide security for a variety of applications, systems are nowadays being introduced in many applications and have already been deployed to protect personal computers, Banking machines, credit cards, electronic transactions, airports, high security institutions like nuclear facilities, Military Bases and other applications like borders control, access control, sensitive data protection and on-line tracking systems. While biometrics may improve security in different environments and serve many purposes, biometric systems, like any other security system, have vulnerabilities and are susceptible to threats. they are susceptible to external vulnerabilities of biometric systems so that their weaknesses can be found and useful countermeasures against foreseeable attacks can be developed The increasingly high profile use of biometrics for security purposes has provoked new interest in researching and exploring methods of attacking biometric systems.
Abdulmonam Omar Ahmed Alaswad, Ahlal H. Montaser, Fawzia Elhashmi Mohamad(0-2014)
موقع المنشور

The impact of electronic communications and governance in the activation of E-learning,

الحوكمه الإلكترونية والتعليم الإلكتروني هما جوانب هامة من النقل الإلكتروني للمعلومات على مستويين مختلفين . إذا كانت برامج الحكومة الإلكترونية حيوية لتحسين الخدمات العامة، فإن "التعليم الإلكتروني" هو نعمة لضمان التعليم النوعي في كلمكان . لا يزال كثير من الناس يخلط إذا "الحكومة الإلكترونية" و "التعليم الإلكتروني" هما شيئيان مترادفان . هذه الورقة تحاولكشف النقاب عن هذا الخلط من خلال إبراز بعض الجوانب المتنوعة من كل مفهوم . وعلاوة على ذلك، هذه الورقة تستكشفالتأثير المحتمل للحوكمه الإلكترونية على المجتمع الحديث، وتركز على المزايا الكامنة في التعليم الإلكتروني في البيئةالأكاديمية، ونعالج الجوانب الأساسية للجانبين لنفس العملة . المؤلفون يفترضون أن "الحوكمه الإلكترونية" و "التعليمالإلكتروني" هما مفاهيم ناشئة عن تكنولوجيا المعلومات، الاتصالات الحديثة التي يتم تقديمها وتنفيذها على المستويات الحكوميةوالمؤسسية على التوالي لتعزيز التواصل الكفء والفعال للمعلومات الإلكترونية وذلك لسد الفجوة gap للفجوة الرقمية digital divide في جميع أنحاء العالم .

وائل صالح محمد أبوغريس, هلال هدية المنتصر محمد, (7-2012)