بكالوريوس في تقنية المعلومات

تخصص هندسة البرمجيات

جامعة طرابلس - قسم هندسة البرمجيات

وصف البرنامج

يهدف البرنامج الى إعداد الكوادر القادرة على إداء انجاز المشاريع البرمجية بالطرق الهندسية المعمول بها في هذا المجال مثل التحليل وتحديد المتطلبات والتصميم وإدارة المشاريع وتأكيد الجودة وغيرها. ويحتوي على المقررات الدراسية العامة التي تضع الاساس لطالب تقنية المعلومات يدرسها الطالب في الفصول الاربعة الاولى. بعد ان ينحز الطالب عدد 50 وحدة دراسية من المقررات العامة والداعمة، يمكنه ان يتخصص بهذا البرنامج وفقا للشروط الموضحة ادناه. يدرس الطالب عدد 36 وحدة تخصصية تشمل مقررات في التحليل والتصميم والبرمجة. كما يوفر البرنامج فرصة ان يختار الطالب بعض المقررات المتخصصة من قائمة المقررات الاختيارية. ولدى الطالب ايضا فرصة ان يقوم بدراسة مقرر دراسي في اي برنامج دراسي في جامعة طرابلس شرط موافقة القسم. 

أهداف البرنامج

  • توظيف أفضل الطاقات البشرية والمناهج والوسائل والأدوات التي تضمن نجاح العملية التعليمية.
  • تعليم الطلبة مفاهيم ومعارف هندسة البرمجيات النظرية مع تمكينهم من اكتساب مهارات البرمجة العملية في مختلف تطبيقات الحاسوب.
  • متابعة تطورات تخصص القسم ومراعاة معايير الجودة والاعتماد المحلي والدولي.
  • تشجيع أعضاء هيئة التدريس والطلبة على العمل الجماعي والبحث العلمي المهني الخلاق.

مخرجات البرنامج

  • مهندس برمجيات
  • محلل نظم
  • مبرمج

خريج قسم هندسة البرمجيت يكون قادرا على

  1. تحليل وتقييم أنظمة المؤسسات وتصميم حلول رقمية وبرمجية لها.
  2. تطوير برمجيات ذكية لحل معضلات حسابية أومنطقية
  3. بناء أنظمة قواعد بيانات تعمل مستقلة أو مشتركة
  4. الإشراف على أنظمة قواعد البيانات وإدارتها
  5. إدارة مشاريع تقنية المعلومات
  6. بناء المواقع الإلكترونية وإدارتها
  7. برمجة أنظمة المحاكاة والوسائط المتعددة
  8. حماية الأنظمة والمعلومات الرقمية
  9. برمجة الأنظمة الثابتة والمتنقلة
  10. تقدير قيمة وتكلفة البرمجيات ومدى جودتها

المؤهل العلمي الذي يتحصل عليه الطالب

يتحصل الطالب على شهادة البكالوريوس في تقنية المعلومات تخصص هندسة برمجيات عند انهائه هذا البرنامج 

متطلبات الالتحاق بالبرنامج

  • الحصول على الشهادة الثانوية بتقدير عام 75%
  • اجتياز 50 وحدة دراسية من  المرحلة العامة في كلية تقنية المعلومات
  • اجتياز مقرر مقدمة في هندسة البرمجيات بتقدير عام جيد جدا

الخطة الدراسية

الخطة الدراسية للبرنامج الدارسي موضحة على الفصول الدراسية التالية:

'1الفصل الاول
رقم الرمز اسم المقرر الوحدات نوع المقرر الاسبقيات
1 ITEL111 لغة إنجليزية 1 02 إجباري

Nouns (types, function, derivations), adjectives (types, sequence, derivations) adverbs (forms, position), use and forms of the ultimate tense, interrogative formations, negative of verbs. Passive constructions (forms, usages), adjective clauses (recognition and types, case of relative pronoun), gerund phrases, infinitive phrases, listening comprehension.

2 ITGS111 مقدمة في تقنية المعلومات 03 إجباري

The course introduces modern management techniques that are used for the marketing, selling, and distribution of goods and services through the Internet. Topics include: E-business Strategy, Business Models in the new world, Cyber-services, E-business relationships, E-business technology, E-Marketing and e-payment, Antecedents and barriers to e-commerce, Business Process Management, Case studies with LAB work.

3 ITGS113 تقنيات حل المشاكل 03 إجباري

This course introduces the student to different heuristic techniques that aid programmers and computer scientists in solving problems. The course uses classical math and word problems for generating potential solutions to ''real-life'' problems encountered in the profession, and problem solving in teams. Topics covered include: Errors in reasoning; verbal reasoning; analogy problems; heuristics; mathematical word problems; analysis of trends; lateral thinking; deductive and hypothetical reasoning; computational problem solving; problem solving in-the-large; generating, implementing, and evaluating solutions; discrete mathematics, statistics; interpersonal problem solving.

4 ITAR111 لغة عربية 1 02 إجباري

Introduction: the importance of studying Arabic, the need for mastering Arabic, the importance of Arabic in nationalistic, religious, civilization and cultural frames, the role of civilization in effacing Arabic, some grammatical rules: words, sentence structures, verbal sentences, some dictation rules, looking up words.

5 ITPH111 فيزياء 03 إجباري

Current and voltage: resistance and resistivity, Ohm's law, Power, energy, series and parallel resistance cuircuits, Kirchoff's laws.Waveforms: sinusoidal AC voltage and current, inductance, phase relations and elements of phasor, digital waveforms, digital timing (clock signals, jitter, drift, skew, hysteresis.Semiconductor diodes: semiconductor materials, extrinsic materials (n-type & p-type, energy levels, diode notation, diode equivalent circuits, transition and diffusion capacitance, reverse recovery time, zener diode and LEDs.Diode applications: load line analysis, diode approximation, series diode configurations, parallel and series-parallel configuration, AND/OR gates, half-wave rectification, full-wave rectification, clippers, clampers, voltage multiplier circuits

6 ITMM111 رياضة 1 03 إجباري

Inequalities, function, domain, range, limits, continuity, derivatives, chain rule, higher derivatives, implicit differentiation, trigonometric functions, maxima. Minima, point of inflection, curve sketching, role’s theorem, mean value theorem. Indefinite and definite integrals: definition “simple cases”, area between two curves, integration by substitution, by parts: applications.

'2الفصل الثاني
رقم الرمز اسم المقرر الوحدات نوع المقرر الاسبقيات
1 ITAR122 لغة عربية 2 02 إجباري ITAR111

Some grammar rules, nominal sentences (starters, predicates and comparing them, abrogatives), addition, numbers and specifiers, appositives, some dictation rules, dictionaries, scientific and literary styles and their application.

2 ITEL122 لغة إنجليزية 2 02 إجباري ITEL111

Introduction and augmentation of specialized vocabulary and aspects of scientific technical English used in the different departments of engineering. Listening comprehension

3 ITGS122 مقدمة في البرمجة 03 إجباري ITGS113

An introduction to computing and program development in the C programming language.  This includes a brief introduction to basic computer concepts, an understanding of the operating system sufficient for writing program. introduction to computer programming; Getting started in C programming: introduction to basic program syntax; Printing messages, data types and declarations, numeric and character data, expressions, printing results, and variables; Processing and interactive input: assignments, counting, and input and output of data; C's conditional statements; C's looping statements; Modularity using functions: user--defined functions, parameters and return values, standard library functions, scope, call--by--reference; More modularity using functions: scope, storage class, and call--by--reference; Arrays: single and two dimensional arrays, initializers, array parameters; Character strings: processing strings using loops, some character and string library functions; Structures: structure concepts, structures as parameters, arrays of structures; Additional or miscellaneous topics other material as time permits.

4 ITGS124 تحليل و تصميم نظم 03 إجباري ITGS113

This course provides a methodical approach to developing computer systems including feasibility study, systems planning, analysis, design, testing, implementation and software maintenance. Emphasis is on the strategies and techniques of systems analysis and design for producing logical methodologies for dealing with complexity in the development of information systems. The course includes the Waterfall model (The System Development Life Cycle), system analysis and design techniques (Process Modeling (DFDs), Logical Modeling (decision tree, decision table, structured English), Data Modeling (ERD Diagrams), Object Oriented Modeling (UML use cases).

5 ITGS126 الدوائر المنطقية 03 إجباري ITPH111

Introduction to information representation & number systems and codes; Boolean algebra and logic gates; simplification of Boolean functions; Analysis and design of combinational logic circuits; multiplexers; Decoders and adders,; Introduction to synchronous sequential logic; flip flops; Analysis and design of clocked synchronous sequential circuits.

6 ITMM122 رياضة 2 03 إجباري ITMM111

Vector Calculus: Vector Function. Derivative of a Vector function. Gradient of a scalar function. Divergence and curl of vector functions. Directional derivative and calculation of pressure, Kinetic interpretation of energy.Linear Algebra: integral of matrices. Addition and multiplication of matrices. Inverse of square matrix. Orthogonal, Hermition and Unitary matrices. Properties of determinants and expansion of the determinants. Solution of nonhomogeneous linear equations by Cramer’s rule. Elementary operations. Echelons and reduced echelon forms. Rank of a matrix. Equivalent matrices. Gauss-Jordan elimination method. System linear homogeneous and nonhomogeneous equations vector spaces. Subspaces. Linear dependence and independence Span, Basis and Dimension. Eigen value problems Eigen vectors. Cayley  - Hamilton   theorem.

'3الفصل الثالث
رقم الرمز اسم المقرر الوحدات نوع المقرر الاسبقيات
1 ITST211 مبادئ الإحصاء والاحتمالات 03 إجباري ITMM111

Probability: concept of a random experiment and sample space; addition and multiplication laws of probability; conditional probability and independence, Bay's theorem and its application. Random Variables  and their probability: Conditional Probability; Binomial , Poisson, Hyperogeomtric, Normal , Gamma , Exponential and uniform random variables and their properties. Basic statistical concepts:   Statistical data, measures of central tendency; dispersion skewness and kurtosis.Regression and Correlation:   simple, linear regression; regression coefficient and correlation coefficient. Fitting of linear and curve linear regressions, Multiple linear regression and multiple.Test of Significance:  Basic concepts; use of normal test and t-test for hypothesis testing for a mean and the differences of two means. Use of X2 distribution for testing independence and goodness of fit.

2 ITGS219 الطرق العددية 03 إجباري ITMM122

This course is a programming course; students need to implement all discussed topics by any programming language in class per class fashion.This course include these topics: Introduction to error analysis, root finding methods for non-linear equations (interval halving, false position), Newton’s method, definition of interpolation, Newton’s-Gregory interpolation, central interpolation (Gauss forward and backward, Bessel, Stirling), Least square approximation, Spline curves, Numerical differentiation, Numerical integration (Trapezoidal method, Simpson's), Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations (Taylor’s series method), Euler method, Runge-Kutta method.

3 ITGS217 التراكيب المنفصلة 03 إختياري ITMM122

This course include these topics: Number systems: natural numbers, radix r representation of integers, mathematical induction. Logic: propositional logic, predicate logic. Boolean algebra; sets; recursion; relations, and functions. Combinatory: counting principles; permutation groups. Graphs: graphs; diagraphs; trees; Euler's formula and coloring of graphs. Formal machines: automata and regular expressions; register machines: turning machines.

4 ITGS215 مقدمة في الشبكات 03 إجباري ITGS111

Introduction to fundamental concepts in the design and implementation of computer communication networks, their protocols (OSI model vs TCP/IP protocol stack), applications, circuit and packet switching access networks. Introduction to Application Layer, topics include: Web, HTTP, FTP, Email, DNS, and socket programming. Introduction to Transport Layer, topics include: UDP, TCP, flow control, congestion control. Introduction to Network Layer, topics include: routing principles, IP routing, IPv4, IPv6, broadcast, multicast, unicast. Introduction to Link Layer and local area networks, topics include: error detection/correction, multiple access protocols, LAN, Ethernet. Basics of physical layer and wireless networking and related Security issues.

5 ITGS213 مقدمة في هندسة البرمجيات 03 إجباري ITGS111

This course offers an introduction to software engineering. Topics covered: Software Engineering fundamentals; Software processes; Object-oriented concepts and UML; Requirements analysis; System modeling and specification; Software design models; from design to implementation; Software testing; Software tools; Emerging software development methods; Teamwork.

6 ITGS211 البرمجة الشيئية 03 إجباري

This course covers: basic concepts concerning knowledge discovery in data, relation of knowledge discovery and data mining. Data sources for knowledge discovery. Principles and techniques of data preprocessing for mining. Systems for knowledge discovery in data, data mining query languages. Data mining techniques association rules, classification and prediction, clustering. Mining unconventional data - data streams, time series and sequences, graphs, spatial and spatio-temporal data, multimedia. Text and web mining. Working-out a data mining project by means of an available data mining tool.

'4الفصل الرابع
رقم الرمز اسم المقرر الوحدات نوع المقرر الاسبقيات
1 ITGS220 تراكيب بيانات 03 إجباري ITGS122

Classification of data structures, space and time considerations. Linked lists, stacks and queues. Tree structures, binary search trees. Array and pointer based implementations. Recursive applications. Sorting and searching.

2 ITGS222 أساسيات نظم المعلومات 03 إجباري ITGS111

Information systems are an integral part of all business activities and careers. This course is designed to introduce students to contemporary information systems and demonstrate how these systems are used throughout global organizations. The focus of this course will be on the key components of information systems - people, software, hardware, data, and communication technologies, and how these components can be integrated and managed to create competitive advantage. Through the knowledge of how IS provides a competitive advantage students will gain an understanding of how information is used in organizations and how IT enables improvement in quality, speed, and agility. This course also provides an introduction to systems and development concepts, technology acquisition, and various types of application software that have become prevalent or are emerging in modern organizations and society.

3 ITGS223 معمارية الحاسوب 03 إجباري ITGS126

This course deals with all essential concepts of operating systems. Starting with describing role of an operating system in managing different tasks during the processing operation. The course explains the process concept, in particular process description within an OS environment and its scheduling strategies. Also, it covers: memory management, virtual memory, I/O management and disk scheduling, file management. Mutual exclusion and synchronization, deadlock and starvation concepts and algorithms are discussed in details in this course supported with LAB work.

4 ITGS224 أمن المعلومات 03 إجباري ITGS111

This course introduces students to the basic principles and practices of computer and information security. Focus will be on the software, operating system and network security techniques with detailed analysis of real-world examples. Topics include cryptography, authentication, software and operating system security (e.g., buffer overflow), Internet vulnerability (DoS attacks, viruses/worms, etc.), intrusion detection systems, firewalls, VPN, Web and wireless security.

5 ITGS226 مقدمة في برمجة الانترنت 03 إجباري ITGS122

Introduction into internet and World Wide Web and their protocols, TCP/IP, MIME, http protocols. SGML – documents and their types. Html BASICS. CSS. Basics of Scripting languages programming. Server part of application (ASP, PHP,ASP.Net, or JSP), Web pages and accessing database(ADO and MS Access, or MySql).

6 ITGS228 مقدمة في قواعد البيانات 03 إجباري ITGS217

This course introduce the fundamentals of database management system characteristics of DB approach, components of DB systems, DB architecture, Data modeling, Database users and administrators. Entity-Relationship model, Relational-Algebra, SQL Programming, Database design, Functional dependency and Normalization, Relational Database, Introduction to Object oriented database and UML, practical applications using a standard Relational DB system.