المستودع الرقمي لـقسم اللغة الانجليزية

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The Most Effective Techniques for Testing the Lexical Competence of Third Year Secondary School Students- English Specialization at Gasser Al-khyar Area


Lexical competence can be defined as one's ability to use words differently and fully. This study is an attempt to investigate the effective techniques for testing the lexical competence in foreign language teaching. The study consists of four chapters. Chapter one is an introduction to the study. It focuses on the background of the study, and the problem of the study as well as the purpose and the hypotheses of the study. Chapter two deals with the definitions, characteristics, types and methods for testing lexical competence were given. This chapter also focuses on the testing language skills and what to test in testing learners' lexical competence. Chapter three is the practical part of the study. It includes subjects of the study and data for the study. The data consisted of the students' test and the teachers' questionnaire with their analysis and results. Chapter four is concerned with the concluding remarks that have been drawn from the study. Some recommendations on the appropriate use of testing vocabulary are also suggested in order to overcome the teachers and the student’s problems for techniques in testing and teaching lexical competence.
حميدة علي الباوندي (2015)

The City of the White Wall: A Creative Writing about the Old City of Tripoli


: The Old City of Tripoli (the Medina) is one of the oldest surviving historical cities in the world, established as an (Emporium) in the second millennium B.C. Not only is it the most important urban settlement on the Libyan coast, but also one of the oldest capitals in the world. It is the city of the White Wall, and the researcher is the storyteller of its narrative in the lights of an experience of twenty years within the society of the Medina. In addition to the importance of its strategic location, some other significant dimensions of its story, architecture, culture, traditions and tourism are basically included.
مريم أحمد سلامة (2015)

The Role of Motivation Among Ranking Police Officers in Learning English in Tripoli from their point views

" من خلال تجربته كأستاذ للغة الانجليزية بالإدارة العامة للتدريب والنادي الاجتماعي لاحظ الباحث إن معظم ضباط الشرطة لديهم الحافز(الدافع) القوي لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية وذلك كلا حسب مكان وطبيعة عملة وامكانياتة. ومن خلال تواجد الباحث تمكن من معرفة بعض المعوقات التي تكون محبطة لحافز التعلم اللغوي لديهم. لذلك تقرر البحث في هذه المشكلة وتقديم بعض المقترحات التي تساعد علي رفع مستوي الحافز لدي ضباط الشرطة لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية. قام الباحث أولا بجمع المعلومات من خلال إجراء استبيان ومسح لبعض أراء كبار ضباط الشرطة في هذا الصدد. ويتضمن البحث أربعة فصول وهي كالأتي: الفصل الأول: يتناول عرضا شاملا لدور الحافز في تعليم اللغة الانجليزية لدي ضباط الشرطة. الفصل الثاني: دراسة عملية عن دور الحافز لدي ضباط الشرطة في تعلم اللغة الانجليزية. الفصل الثالث: يتناول هذا الفصل تحليلا لنتائج الدراسة العملية التي أجريت على ضباط الشرطة. الفصل الرابع: وينتهي بالنتائج والتوصيات التي توصل إليها.


: Some police officers in Libya are still not clear about the reasons why they need to learn English. Most of them have studied English for a long time, since preparatory school, and they are not aware of the benefits they gained through learning English. It is easy for them to follow teachers’ instructions without strong motivated self-learning. The phenomena of a few independent learning models may explain why police officers usually do not have a systematic way of learning English, or a clear goal for studying the language. However, the only concern they have is to pass the final English examination at the end of a given course. Learners’ motivation determines the degree of their efforts and personal participation in learning English. This thesis examines police officers’ motivation of learning English, looks at definitions of motivation, Gardner’s social-educational model, and addresses how to facilitate the efficient teaching. Researching Gardner’s theory on police officers’ motivation can help teachers to use classroom activities that can stimulate students’ interests in learning English better. This thesis includes four chapters: The first chapter: Background of the Study this chapter talks about Motivation and language learning. The role of motivation in success the language learning. Why ranking police officers are motivated to learn English? The second chapter: Literature Review; in this chapter I will define motivation and types of motivation. This chapter also reviews motivation theories, including Gardner’s social psychological approach and Gardner’s socio-educational model. The third chapter: In this chapter, I did an experimental study to measure motivation of ranking police officers in learning English in Tripoli and then analysis of data and findings. The fourth chapter: In this chapter, I have collected the results and Conclusion and also the recommendations of the research. The relevant motivation theories can help teachers to build a supportive learning environment, to initiate students’ interest, and to enhance their learning motivation. As far as police officers, they generally lack learning motivation and have lower proficiency; therefore it is necessary for teachers to use appropriate strategies to cultivate students’ motivation. "
محمد عمر علي عاشور (2010)

ممارسة التقييم الذاتي ودوره في استمرارية التطوير المهني في مجال تدريس اللغة الانجليزية دراسة (تحليلية لبعض معلمي اللغة الانجليزية بمرحلة التعليم الثانوي بمدينة طرابلس) The Role of Reflective Teaching Practice in the Continuous Professional Development of Teachers – A case study of English Language Teachers in Tripoli Secondary Schools

يتلخص مضمون هذه الرسالة بأن دراسة تحليلية لمعلمي اللغة الانجليزية بمرحلة التعليم الثانوي، تؤكد بأن التطوير المهني المستمر يمثل الرافعة الاساسية وحجر الزاوية لكل تجديد يستلزم مواكبة المستجدات في أفق الاصلاح المنشود، كما انه يمثل الاهمية البالغة باعتباره ورشا مفتوحا وخيارا استراتيجيا لا مناص منه لكسب رهان الجودة وذلك بممارسة مفهوم (التقييم الذاتي (بغية التعلم من الخبرات السابقة الذي يؤدي الي التطوير المهني. حيث اجمعت الأدبيات التربوية علي أن التطوير المهني المستمر هو التكوين الذي يتلقاه المعلمين بعد التكوين الأول الذي حصلوا عليه قبل الخدمة, ويستهدف هذا التطوير مواكبة الاحداث والمواقف التي تظهر عادة في اساسيات العمل الذي يمارسونه وذلك من خلال التدرب علي اكتشاف تلك المواقف والمستجدات والقدرة علي تحليلها وتقييمها وأتخاد القرارات المناسبة حيالها بغية ابتكار حلول مناسبة ليتم بذلك تكوين خبرات جديدة منبثقه من الخبرات السابقة التي تم التعرض لها داخل الفصول الدراسية, والذي يساهم بذلك في رفع الكفاءة المهنية لدي المعلمين . وبناء علي ما يؤكده المتخصصون في مجال التربية والتعليم بأن هناك احساس متزايد كون أن برامج تأهيل المعلمين قد لا تتناسب أو لا تخدم موقف او ظاهرة سلوكية بعينها, فمن هنا جاءت فكرة التقييم الذاتي بأعتبارها تركز بشكل مباشر علي تغيير برامج إعداد المعلمين من مفهوم ) ما الذي يجب أن يفعله المعلم ( الي مفهوم (لماذا وكيف يفعل ذلك ( فضلا عن ان عملية التدريس اضحت عملية تكدس للمعارف والعلوم المفروضة عليهم لغرض معين دون منحهم فرصة التدريب والتدرب ليتمكنوا بذلك من كيفية التعامل مع المواقف السلوكية التعليميةبأنواعها المختلفة. ومن خلال تلك الافتراضات, يري منظروا التربية الحديثة أن المدرس الناجح يجب أن يمتلك كفاية التبصر والتقييم الذاتي والقدرة علي استيعاب الاثار الجانبية للمهنة , حينذاك يكون في محور التعليم الذي يتوقع أو يستبق الافعال المعرفية للتلاميذ, بعد ذلك تتم ملاحظة مدي نجاحهم أو إخفاقهم وهنا يكون في محور التعلم, لكن المدرس لا يكتسب هذه الكفاية الا اذا كان نشاطه مؤسسا علي وسائل فكرية تسمح بتجاوز الطابع التجريبي, والمرور عبر نظريات وخبرات سابقة من اجل انطلاقة جديدة , ان الاساس في اكتساب هذه الكفاية هو التناوب بين التطبيق والنظرية ثم التطبيق , ان هذا الانعطاف للنظرية التي يفرضها التناوب ينبغي القيام بها باستمرار وفي هدوء وبشكل فردي او جماعي مع مدرسون أو مدربون اخرون وذلك لأسباب مختلفة يذكر منها ان مهارة التقييم الذاتي أو التحليل تكتسب مع الوقت ولا يمكن التحكم فيها في وقت قصير.


: The role of reflective teaching practice in the continuous professional development of teachers is a case study of some English language teachers in some secondary schools in Tripoli. The study is subdivided into five chapters. The first chapter is concerned with the initial key elements of the study such as the introduction , the problem of the study , the literature review that support the study , the purpose and the significance of the study, the research questions and the limitation of the study . The second chapter is concerned with the review of literature. It consists of two parts. The first part is concerned with supervision process and practical experience. In this part, the notion of supervision is presented explaining how the process of supervision is changed from time to time in order to help teachers develop their proficiency competence in teaching, and how the view of the position of the supervisor is changed from a person who has the authority to ask teachers what they have to do and what they have not to do, to a person who is more collaborative with the teachers who work together as collages in different jobs, by selecting certain approaches based on the needs of the teachers. In addition, some of supervision models from different education trends are presented to be as approaches that help teachers improve to their learning strategies. The second part of this study is concerned with reflective practice and the continuous professional development. In this part, the history roots of reflective practice are produced; the notion of reflective practice is identified explaining how this notion intends to transfer teachers from the view of technicians to the view of practitioners. In addition, different VIII reflective practice models that can help teachers grow professionally are carefully selected and defined. The third chapter is concerned with the research design and methodology. In this chapter the subject teachers, the questionnaire and the procedure of data analyses are described. The forth chapter is analyses for the purpose of answering the research questions, and to understand the teachers' attitude of practicing reflection. Chapter five which is the last chapter in this study is devoted to the findings of the study consisting of conclusion and the recommendations made in of the results.
فتحي العماري مفتاح القنصل (2014)

Using Short Stories in Teaching English to Libyan learners

Abctract: The aim of this study is to investigate and demonstrate the role of using short stories in teaching English to adult Libyan learners, and to outline the results of integrating this genre of literature on the learners' four language skills. This study traces back the use of literature in general, and short stories in specific on teaching English as EFL and ESL. Moreover, it illustrates the benefits and drawbacks of using stories as supplementary materials in teaching. Also, it suggests various activities to be used in the language classroom to enhance the learners' receptive and productive skills. Furthermore, it discusses the results of using short stories in teaching English to Libyan learners and how did they respond to different literary texts. On the basis of the results of this research, the researcher hopes to show all English teachers in Libya the importance of making use of short stories in teaching, as it results in the enhancement of the learners' language skills and makes the learning and teaching processes more collaborative and enriching not just in language, but also in terms of motivating the learner, broadening his insights, and improving his critical thinking, learning autonomy and creativity. The methodology followed was based on the researcher's personal observation in teaching two experimental classes with two different levels using short stories as supplementary materials. In opposition to teaching other classes with the same language levels but without using 3 any short stories in the teaching process. The results noticed from the learners' home works, language competence and classroom activities showed that the two experimental classes' language abilities enhanced noticeably far more than the other classes.
فاطمة محمد دلة (2015)

The Role of Using Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Vocabulary Learning And the Learnersꞌ Attitudes Towards Them


Biocides (disinfectants and antiseptics) are used extensively in hospitals and other health care settings for a variety of applications. However, their antibacterial effectiveness is not always well stated by the manufacturers and consumers find it difficult to choose the right product according to their needs. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate practically achieves disinfection efficacy of locally available disinfectants and antiseptics on surfaces and infectious microbiological utilities of Tripoli Medical Center (TMC). Fourteen biocides; Ten disinfectants (Dex36, Dex50, Dex53, Mzid-S, Mzid-AF, Deson, Dettol, Seem, Chlor and Wipol) and four antiseptics (HiBi, Esept, Emed and Desman) were tested at concentrations recommended by manufacturers on surfaces, walls and different utilities that were contaminated by locally circulating six isolates of Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus haemolyticus, staphylococcus aureus, Klebscilla pneumonia, Acinetobacter baumannii, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa using four standard evaluation test procedures (capacity test, diffusion test, in-use test and suspension test). Results showed the highest average log reduction (7.4) of test bacteria was given by quaternary ammonium based disinfectants; Dex50, Dex53, Deson-AF and Mzid-S. A comparable average log reduction of test bacteria was noted (7.0, 7.2 and 7.3) for Deson-AF, Dex.50 and Dex.53 respectively. In contrast HiBi as an alcoholic based antiseptic gave the highest average log reduction (7.2) against tested bacteria. Desman, Emed and Wipol antiseptics had poor antibacterial activity on tested bacteria causing almost undetectable log reduction in cell viability. From contamination point of view, five critical departments in Tripoli Medical Centre (TMC) namely; Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Surgical ICU, Dermatology, Oncology, and Urology departments were found contaminated with six types of bacteria. Bacillus cereuses followed by Klebscilla pneumonia were the most bacteria spread in whole five mentioned departments, particularly in dermatology department. Staphylococcus haemolyticus was next most widespread bacterium and almost isolated equally from the five medical departments. Acinetobacter baumannii had been isolated from Neonatal ICU; whereas Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa had been isolated from Oncology Department and Surgical ICU respectively. In addition, Dex36, Chlor, Chlor, Wipol, Desman and E-med exhibited bacterial contamination in both capacity and in-use tests. In conclusions, quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) and combination of QACs with aldehyde formulations were found to be the best disinfectants for disinfection of contaminated surfaces.
عتيقة صالح الهادي (2016)

The Lady in Black


: The Lady in black is a narrative fiction novel of imaginative events and imaginative characters that are given a scope and a breathing space in real places to express their feelings and to make decisions of their own. Rami and his daughter, Rosalinda or the referred to as the Lady in black, are the main characters of this novel. Rami, the only son of the Libyan Sunni’s family made a journey to Palermo / Italy that resulted in getting his MD with honors, getting married to the Italian Lucia Ricci, the birth of his daughter, Rosalinda and his assassination in Rome. After having discovered that her father was not the Italian Bruno as she had thought for so long but the Libyan Rami, she broke up with the Bruno’s family and promised to revenge her biological father’s death. She accompanied the Palermo group in their sail to Libya not with the intention as they did to participate in the 2011 February liberation war, but mainly to find the assassins of her father and to revenge his death. She, however, found herself in the middle of the Libyans war and could not get anywhere and had to fight for her life, but she was arrested by the Gaddafi’s militia and was transferred to Rexes hotel in Tripoli. There she met the assassin face to face and shut him dead, declaring in her Libyan grandparents’ residence that her war was done and had to mix with action once more.
منار مبروك الأسطى (2014)

Curriculum Deficiencies in T.T. Institutes to Train and Prepare the Professionally Qualified Teachers, to Teach English for Specific Purposes in Secondary Schools in Tripoli


: The main concern of this thesis is to examine the deficiencies of very important role of curriculum and syllabus plans in Tripoli Teacher Institutes to train and prepare the professionally qualified teachers to teach English for Specific Purposes in secondary schools in Tripoli. This study intended to investigate whether the curriculum and syllabus plans used in Teacher Training Institutes are adequate for training and preparing professional English for Specific Purposes teachers in secondary schools in Tripoli. Curriculum includes the philosophy, purposes, design, and implementation of the whole program. In this study a questionnaire and interview (of fifteen items) were distributed to two hundred and twenty five students who were enrolled in the 6th, 7th, and 8th semesters in the English department in Tripoli, Ganzour, and Bin- Ghesher in three Teaching Training, a questionnaire of twelve items was distributed to twenty secondary school teachers in various secondary schools in (Tripoli, Ganzour, and Bin- Ghesher ) schools, and interviews to twenty institute teachers in three institutes in Tripoli for investigation of curriculum and syllabus plans.
محجوبة أبوبكر الزيدي (2012)