قسم الكيمياء الحيوية

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حول قسم الكيمياء الحيوية

حقائق حول قسم الكيمياء الحيوية

نفتخر بما نقدمه للمجتمع والعالم


المنشورات العلمية


هيئة التدريس





من يعمل بـقسم الكيمياء الحيوية

يوجد بـقسم الكيمياء الحيوية أكثر من 6 عضو هيئة تدريس

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أ.د. عبدالله مسعود بشين بشين

عبدالله بشين هو احد اعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم الكيمياء الحيوية بكلية الطب البشري. يعمل السيد عبدالله بشين بجامعة طرابلس كـأستاذ منذ 2007-04-15 وله العديد من المنشورات العلمية في مجال تخصصه

منشورات مختارة

بعض المنشورات التي تم نشرها في قسم الكيمياء الحيوية

Seroprevalence of Pertussis in School-entry Age Children in Libya, A Cross-sectional Study

Objective: In Libya, no pertussis booster doses are administered to children after 18 months of age. In light of evidence of waning of vaccine-induced immunity to pertussis, this study aimed to evaluate the waning of immunity in vaccinated school-entry age children, as measured by susceptibility to infection at population level. For this purpose, IgG and IgA levels were measured as markers of recent (infection in the last 6 months) and non-recent infections (infection in the last 12 months). Material and Methods: This was a cross sectional study undertaken in Tripoli, in February 2015. Children of school-entry age (> 5 to ≤ 7 years) were recruited on convenience basis at vaccination centers. Sera were tested for antibodies to pertussis. Results: Samples from791 children (421 males and 370 females, mean age 6.50 were tested). All of the participants had received 4 doses of Whole cell pertussis containing vaccine in the first 2 years of life. The prevalence of recent and non-recent pertussis infection were 4.8% and 2.5%, respectively. The proportion of children with undetectable level of IgG was 76.1%. Conclusion: The findings of this study showed significant circulation of Bordetella pertussis among vaccinated children by school-entry age. The circulation of B. pertussis in this population may be an indirect sign of waned immunity, which is simply corroborated by the absence of detectable antibodies in 76.1% of the children. arabic 14 English 76
Suleiman Abusrewil, Abdulla Bashein(1-2019)
Publisher's website

Polymorphisms of the thiopurine S-methyltransferase gene among the Libyan population

Background: Thiopurine S-methyltransferase (TPMT) is a cytosolic enzyme that catalyses the S-methylation of 6-mercaptopurine and azathioprine. Low activity phenotypes are correlated with polymorphism in the TPMT gene. Patients with low or undetectable TMPT activity could develop severe myelosuppression when they are treated with standard doses of thiopurine drugs. Since ethnic differences in the TPMT gene polymorphism have been demonstrated worldwide, assessing it in the Libyan population is worthwhile. Methods: We investigated TPMT gene polymorphism in a total of 246 Libyan healthy adult blood donors from three different Libyan regions (Tripoli, Yefren, and Tawargha) and 50 children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). We used polymerase chain reaction restriction length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and allele-specific PCR-based assays to analyse the TPMT gene for the variants* 2 c. 238 G> C,* 3A (c. 460 G> A and c. 719 A> G),* 3B (c. 460 G> A), and* 3C (c. 719 A> G). Results: Our results show that the TPMT variants associated with low enzymatic activity were detected in 3.25%(8 in 246) of adult Libyan individuals and the frequency of total mutant alleles was 1.63%. Heterozygous genotypes were TPMT* 3A in three subjects (0.61%) and TPMT* 3C in five subjects (1.02%). No TPMT* 2 and TPMT* 3B allelic variants and no homozygous or compound heterozygous mutant alleles were detected. The normal allele (wild-type) was found in 98.4% of the adult individuals studied. No mutant alleles were detected among the 50 children who had ALL. arabic 10 English 74
Hamza Ben Zeglam, Abdulla Bashein, (1-2015)
Publisher's website

Libya’da Okula Başlayan Çocuklarda Boğmaca Seroprevalansı, Kesitsel Bir Çalışma

Bulgular: 791 çocuktan (421 erkek, 370 kız, ortalama yaş 6.5) alınan örnekler test edildi. Tüm çocuklar hayatlarının ilk iki yılında 4 doz tam hücreli boğmaca aşısı ile aşılanmıştı. Yakın zamanda gerçekleşen ve gerçekleşmeyen boğmaca enfeksiyonu sıklığı sırasıyla% 4.8 ve% 2.5 idi. Çocukların% 76.1’i tespit edilemeyecek düzeyde IgG’ye sahipti. Sonuç: Çalışma boğmaca enfeksiyonun okula başlayan çocuklar arasında sık olarak geçirildiğini göstermiştir. Bu artış, okula başlama yaşındaki çocukların% 76.1’inde serumda boğmacaya karşı antikor düzeyinin tespit edilemeyecek düzeyde olmasının dolaylı bir sonucu olması ile açıklanmıştır. arabic 26 English 62
Suleiman Abusrewil, Abdulla Bashein, (1-2021)
Publisher's website