قسم طب الاطفال

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المنشورات العلمية


هيئة التدريس





البرامج الدراسية

المقرر الدراسي
تخصص طب الأطفالPD480

A twelve week rotation. Five weeks at Tripoli children hospital, rotating in the inpatient and outpatient departments.One week at the pediatric department –Tajoura hospital. Five weeks at Tripoli medical center, one week at university.Emphasis is on acquiring skills, and medical knowledge to be able to assess and diagnose common....pediatric health issues...


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منشورات مختارة

بعض المنشورات التي تم نشرها في قسم طب الاطفال

Prevalence of atopic dermatitis among Libyan asthmatic children

Background: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common, chronic, relapsing, itchy, skin condition occurring in patients with a personal or family history of atopy, and there is clinical association among different allergic disease in a way that treating one of them will improve the other. Many studies worldwide showed presence of AD in asthmatic children with different prevalence among countries and showed clinical improvement in asthma control on treatment of atopic dermatitis. Therefore, this study was conducted to assess the prevalence of atopic dermatitis among Libyan asthmatic children. Methods: This is an observational cohort study on asthmatic Libyan children who were treated and followed up at Tripoli children hospital in Tripoli, Libya. It carried out on 300 children suffering from asthma admitted from pediatric outpatient department as well as from emergency department and asthma clinic over a period of 24 months; from December 2017 to December 2019. The parents were asked to complete a questionnaire to collect the needed information after their consent being taken. To assure the accuracy and consistency of the methodology (sampling procedure, measurements, and a collection of the data), a standardized protocol was prepared. Data were entered in SPSS statistical package and consequently were analyzed and presented as descriptive statistics. Results: The prevalence of atopic dermatitis among asthmatic Libyan children was 16.7% in our study. The results showed significant relationship between address and prevalence of atopic dermatitis. Conclusion. Further studies are required to address the ethnicity, environmental factors, skin type and others attributed to this problem and we recommend all pediatricians to look for AD in asthmatic children and treat it accordingly arabic 7 English 56
Hisham Alrabty, Munera Addala(5-2020)
Publisher's website

Asthma Bronchiolitis Relationship

Asthma has been considered the most common chronic respiratory disease affecting children and is involved in .different diagnoses of acute bronchiolitis in first year of life Therefore, this research has been conducted to explore the relationship between asthma and bronchiolitis on known asthmatics aging from 6months old to 16 years old frequenting the asthma clinic Tripoli Children Hospital for .)regular follow ups for 3 months (January, February, and march of 2004 The aim of this study: To ascertain the percent (prevalence)of bronchiolitis patients who will develop]e asthma .symptoms later on Conclusively there has been a strong relationship between asthma and bronchiolitis in a way that bronchiolitis pre- .disposes to asthma in 53.5% of patients especially in whom had a family history of allergy
Hisham Mukhtar Alrabty(4-2020)
Publisher's website

Problem facing us in casualty and Opds

Opinion Cough in kids less than 6yrs old whether being with sputum i.e. wet or without i.e. dry and parental asking about any medicine stopping this symptom certainly if being dry i.e. irritating and disturbing sleep. So most studies being done on this subject proved the following: a) It is not wise to suppress cough because it is natural defense mechanism to expel infected mucus i.e. sputum out of the body and clearing the airways to improve oxygenation so never to prescribe antitussive i.e. cough suppressant. b) sputum mucolytic agents and there are many agents their purpose to liquify it and get it watery to be easy expectorated again studies proved that the best muculytic agent is Good Hydration so no need to use except where there is a mucus retention in the lungs like case of brocheictasis. c) WHO recommendation made about 6 yrs back was never to prescribe any cough medicine whether antitussive or mucolytic to kids less than 6 yrs old. Myself and since about 10 years I had not prescribed any cough suppressant to children despite of age but if kids older than 6 years old I do prescribe mucolytic agent made certainly for kids like amydramine syrup which contains antihistamine diphenhydramine and without restrictions. In kids less than 6yrs old again I do prescribe mucolytic made for kids like soolan or Amydramine pediatric syrup in trial to hit 2 birds which are sedating and antihistamine effects and satisfying anxious parents and it does work almost in all cases arabic 6 English 32
Hisham Mukhtar Alhaashimi Alrabty(5-2017)
Publisher's website