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Histone deacetylase 2 inhibitor valproic acid attenuates bisphenol A-induced liver pathology in male mice

Accumulating evidence indicates the role of endocrine disruptor bisphenol A (BPA) in many pathological conditions. Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibition has potential for the treatment of many diseases/abnormalities. Using a mouse BPA exposure model, this study investigated the hepatoprotective effects of the Food and Drug Administration–approved HDAC2 inhibitor valproic acid (VPA) against BPA-induced liver pathology. We randomly divided 30 adult male Swiss albino mice (8 weeks old; N = 6) into five groups: group 1, no treatment (sham control (SC)); group 2, only oral sterile corn oil (vehicle control (VC)); group 3, 4 mg/kg/day of oral BPA (single dose (BPA group)); group 4, 0.4% oral VPA (VPA group); and group 5, oral BPA + VPA (BPA + VPA group). At the age of 10 weeks, the mice were euthanized for biochemical and histological examinations. BPA promoted a significant decrease in the body weight (BW), an increase in the liver weight, and a significant increase in the levels of liver damage markers aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase in the BPA group compared to SC, as well as pathological changes in liver tissue. We also found an increase in the rate of apoptosis among hepatocytes. In addition, BPA significantly increased the levels of oxidative stress indices, malondialdehyde, and protein carbonylation but decreased the levels of reduced glutathione (GSH) in the BPA group compared to SC. In contrast, treatment with the HDAC2 inhibitor VPA significantly attenuated liver pathology, oxidative stress, and apoptosis and also enhanced GSH levels in VPA group and BPA + VPA group. The HDAC2 inhibitor VPA protects mice against BPA-induced liver pathology, likely by inhibiting oxidative stress and enhancing the levels of antioxidant-reduced GSH.
Mohamed A. Al-Griw, Zaynab Osama Alshibani, Rabia Omar abdullah Alghazeer, Mohamed Elhensheri, Refaat. M. Tabagh, Areej A. Eskandrani, Wafa S. Alansari, Mahmoud M. Habibulla, Ghalia Shamlan(6-2022)
موقع المنشور

Nigella sativa oil alleviates mouse testis and sperm abnormalities induced by BPA: potentially through redox homeostasis?

Background & aim: There is significant evidence indicating that endocrine disrupted bisphenol A (BPA) seriously endangers human health. In males, BPA affects testis architecture and sperm quality, and ultimately reduces fertility. This study explored the therapeutic potential of Nigella sativa (NS) seed extract on testis and sperm abnormalities in BPA-exposed mice and characterized the underlying mechanism. Methods: Forty male Swiss albino mice (5.5 weeks old, N = 8 per group) were randomly divided into five groups: Group I, normal control, Group II, vehicle control (sterile corn oil); Group III, NS-exposed (oral 200 mg/kg); Group IV, BPA-exposed (oral 400 μg/kg body weight); Group V, BPA + NS-exposed mice. Animals were treated for 6 weeks and sacrificed for biochemical and histological examination. Results: The results indicated that BPA exposure results in significant testis and sperm abnormalities. Specifically, BPA promoted a marked reduction in the body and testis compared with the control group. Histopathological findings showed that BPA caused a widespread degeneration of spermatogenic cells of the seminiferous epithelium, decreased sperm counts and motility, and augmented sperm abnormalities, and whereas little alteration to sperm DNA was observed. In addition, BPA increased the levels of the lipid peroxidation marker, malondialdehyde (MDA), and reduced the levels of the antioxidant marker, reduced glutathione (GSH). Treatment with NS oil extract during BPA exposure significantly alleviated testis and sperm abnormalities, reduced MDA levels, and enhanced GSH levels. Conclusions: The results demonstrate that NS oil protects mice against BPA-induced sperm and testis abnormalities, likely by suppressing levels of the oxidative stress marker, MDA, and enhancing the levels of the antioxidant marker, GSH.
Mohamed A M Al Griw (5-2022)
موقع المنشور

Blocking of NF-kB/p38MAPK pathways mitigates oligodendrocyte pathology in a model of neonatal white matter injury

Reactive gliosis and inflammation are risk factors for white matter injury (WMI) development, which are correlated with the development of many neurodevelopmental deficits with no treatment. This study aimed to understand the mechanisms correlated with WMI, with a particular focus on the role of nuclear factor‑kappa B (NF‑kB) and p38 mitogen‑activated protein kinases (MAPKs) pathways. Seven‑day‑old Wistar rats were used to generate cerebellar tissue slices. Slices were cultured and randomly allocated to one of 3 groups and treated as follows: group‑I (control); group‑II (WMI), slices were subjected to 20 min of oxygen‑glucose deprivation (OGD); group‑III (WMI+ blockers), slices were subjected to OGD and treated with the blockers. Results showed that OGD insult triggered a marked increase in the apoptosis among WM elements, as confirmed by TUNEL assay. Immunocytochemical experiments revealed that there was a significant decrease in the percent of MBP+ OLs and NG2+ OPCs, and myelin integrity. There was also a significant increase in the percent of reactive microglia and astrocytes. BrdU immunostaining revealed there was an increase in the percent of proliferating microglia and astrocytes. Q‑RT‑PCR results showed OGD upregulated the expression levels of cytokines (TNF‑α, IL‑1, IL‑6, and IL‑1β) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). On the other hand, treatment with BAY11 or SB203580 significantly enhanced the OL survival, restored myelin loss, and reduced microglia and astrocyte reactivity, and downregulated the iNOS and cytokine expression. Our findings demonstrate that blocking of NF‑KB/p38 MAPK pathways alleviated reactive gliosis, inflammation, and OL loss upon WMI. The findings may help to develop therapeutic interventions for WMI.
Mohamed A. Al-Griw, Michael G. Salter, Ian C. Wood(1-2022)
موقع المنشور

Seroprevalence of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 Antibodies among People Living with HIV: A Cross-sectional Study from Tripoli University Hospital

Background/Aims: Patients with preexisting morbidities(e.g., malignancy, posttransplant, and heart failure) are recognized to be at increased risk of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus‑2 (SARS‑CoV‑2) infection, as well as increased risk of mortality after infection. However, there are conflicting data on the susceptibility and prevalence of infection among people living with HIV (PLWH), with higher, lower, and equal prevalence to the general population were reported. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of SARS‑CoV‑2 antibodies among PLWH who are attending clinical care at the Department of Infectious Diseases of Tripoli University Hospital. Materials and Methods: A cross‑sectional study conducted during the period from October 01, 2021 to December 01, 2021 at the (Department of Infectious Diseases) outpatient clinic of Tripoli University Hospital. The OnSite Coronavirus Disease 2019 IgG/IgM Rapid Test (CTK Biotech, San Diego County, California, USA) was used to determine the presence of antibodies against the spike protein of SARS‑CoV‑2 in the collected serum samples. The test results were reported as “Negative” or “Positive” as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Results: A total of 108 PLWH were included in the study. Sixty‑nine (64%) were male, and the mean age for participants was 44 years. Specific IgG/IgM antibodies for SARS‑CoV‑2 were detected in 31 individuals, representing a seroprevalence of 28.7%. Conclusions: High seroprevalence of SARS‑CoV‑2 antibodies among nonvaccinated PLWH attending clinical care at Tripoli University Hospital. They require pritorization on vaccination and boosting
Nader Shalaka(12-2021)
موقع المنشور

Asthma Bronchiolitis Relationship

Asthma has been considered the most common chronic respiratory disease affecting children and is involved in .different diagnoses of acute bronchiolitis in first year of life Therefore, this research has been conducted to explore the relationship between asthma and bronchiolitis on known asthmatics aging from 6months old to 16 years old frequenting the asthma clinic Tripoli Children Hospital for .)regular follow ups for 3 months (January, February, and march of 2004 The aim of this study: To ascertain the percent (prevalence)of bronchiolitis patients who will develop]e asthma .symptoms later on Conclusively there has been a strong relationship between asthma and bronchiolitis in a way that bronchiolitis pre- .disposes to asthma in 53.5% of patients especially in whom had a family history of allergy
Hisham Mukhtar Alrabty(4-2020)
موقع المنشور

وثيقة اخلاقيات لبحث لعلمي

ا كان لإلنسان أن يخطو، يف فترة وجيزة تقارب القرن من الزمن، هذه اخلطوات العمالقة يف مجال العلوم واملعرفة، بدون البحث العلمي الرصني الذي يعتمد الطريقة العلمية يف التفكير، وليس غريبا أن تكون إحدى أهم ركائز تصنيف اجلامعات العاملية مدى قدرة اجلامعة على اإلسهام الفاعل يف إثراء املعرفة االنسانية من خالل ما جتريه من بحوث. وانطالقا من اإلحساس مبسؤولياتها، ويف سبيل السعي إلى احلصول على موطأ قدم لها بني جامعات العالم، شكلت جامعة طرابلس جلنة من أساتذتها؛ لوضع مشروع وثيقة ألخالقيات البحث العلمي داخلها تلزم باحثيها اتباع االشتراطات، واملعايير، واملتطلبات األخالقية املنبثقة أس�اس�ا م�ن املفاهيم وامل�ب�ادئ العليا التي تقوم عليها املجتمعات، وتقرها الديانات واألعراف والتشريعات والثقافة واملواثيق الدولية ذات العالقة والتي تضبط وتنظم السلوك اإلنساني وتصنف املمارسات واألفعال والعالقات والسياسات، فيما إذا كانت مقبولة، أو غير مقبولة، ولتحافظ على أعلى مستوى ممكن من الشفافية واملصداقية يف العملية البحثية.
بسمة محمد خليفة دورو, خالد الهادي عبدالسلام الرفاعي, عبدالكريم امحمد احمد احتاش, محمد عبدالسلام محمد القريو , محمود احمد امحمد الديك, ضو خليفة محمد الترهوني, (1-2017)
موقع المنشور

Inhibition of ionotropic GluR signaling preserves oligodendrocyte lineage and myelination in an ex vivo rat model of white matter ischemic injury

Preterm infants have a high risk of neonatal white matter injury (WMI). WMI leads to reduced myelination, inflammation, and clinical neurodevelopmental deficits for which there are no effective treatments. Ionotropic glutamate receptor (iGluR) induced excitotoxicity contributes to oligodendrocyte (OL) lineage cell loss and demyelination in brain models of neonatal and adult WMI. Here, we hypothesized that simulated ischemia (oxygen‑glucose deprivation) damages white matter via activation of iGluR signaling, and that iGluR inhibition shortly after WMI could mitigate OL loss, enhance myelination, and suppress inflammation in an ex vivo cerebellar slice model of developing WMI. Inhibition of iGluR signaling by a combined block of AMPA and NMDA receptors, shortly after simulated ischemia, restored myelination, reduced apoptotic OLs, and enhanced OL precursor cell proliferation and maturation as well as upregulated expression of transcription factors regulating OL development and remyelination. Our findings demonstrate that iGluR inhibition post‑injury alleviates OL lineage cell loss and inflammation and promotes myelination upon developing WMI. The findings may help to develop therapeutic interventions for the WMI treatment.
Mohamed A. Al-Griw, Michael G. Salter, Ian C. Wood(1-2021)
موقع المنشور

The diagnostic performance of chest computed tomography scanning in the diagnosis of coronavirus disease 2019 compared to polymerase chain reaction: A retrospective study of 1240 cases from Tripoli University Hospital, Libya

OBJECTIVE: The increasing prevalence of suspected cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) presenting to emergency departments (EDs) requires a rapid and reliable triaging tool. The diagnostic performance of chest computed tomography (CT) has yet to be validated for triaging cases in the ED. We aimed to assess the diagnostic performance of chest CT compared to GeneXpert Xpress Xpert severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 test in rapidly diagnosing COVID-19 among patients with respiratory symptoms presenting to the ED. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a retrospective, single-center study at Tripoli University Hospital including cases with respiratory symptoms who underwent chest CT as well as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing for suspected COVID-19 between May 18 and August 18, 2020. RESULTS: A total of 1240 cases were included, among whom 570 had radiologically evident COVID-19 on chest CT (46%). Five hundred and sixty-five cases had positive PCR results (45.6%), of whom 557 had radiologically evident COVID-19 on chest CT (97.7%). The calculated accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were 98%, 98.5%, 98%, 97.7%, and 98.8%, respectively, in relation to the PCR results. CONCLUSION: During the current pandemic, chest CT is a quick and reliable diagnostic tool for COVID-19 in the ED.
Nader Shalaka(11-2021)
موقع المنشور