قسم الجراحة

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أ. محمد احمد امحمد الكشر

د. محمد أحمد الكشر ماجستير جراحة عظام / جامعة الاسكندرية-مصر مساعد محاضر قسم الجراحة كلية الطب جامعة طرابلس أخصائي جراحة عظام

منشورات مختارة

بعض المنشورات التي تم نشرها في قسم الجراحة

Controversies in the Acute Management of High Spinal Cord Injuries, an Update and Opinion

Abstract The incidence of spinal cord injuries is the lowest of all major trauma, with devastating impact on the individual affected. The immediate treatment, though it remains mainly supportive, in many situations will determine the outcome and the cost of health care. Standards of care are unfortunately still lacking, this is mainly due to the existing controversies and lack of effective treatment of the injured cord. The author discusses here some of the controversial points based on literature review and personal observation. arabic 14 English 75
Nabil A. Alageli(10-2021)
Publisher's website

Consultation on the Libyan health systems: towards patient-centred services

The extra demand imposed upon the Libyan health services during and after the Libyan revolution in 2011 led the ailing health systems to collapse. To start the planning process to re-engineer the health sector, the Libyan Ministry of Health in collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and other international experts in the field sponsored the National Health Systems Conference in Tripoli, Libya, between the 26th and the 30th of August 2012. The aim of this conference was to study how health systems function at the international arena and to facilitate a consultative process between 500 Libyan health experts in order to identify the problems within the Libyan health system and propose potential solutions. The scientific programme adopted the WHO health care system framework and used its six system building blocks: i) Health Governance; ii) Health Care Finance; iii) Health Service Delivery; iv) Human Resources for Health; v) Pharmaceuticals and Health Technology; and vi) Health Information System. The experts used a structured approach starting with clarifying the concepts, evaluating the current status of that health system block in Libya, thereby identifying the strengths, weaknesses, and major deficiencies. This article summarises the 500 health expert recommendations that seized the opportunity to map a modern health systems to take the Libyan health sector into the 21st century arabic 10 English 65
Nabil A Alageli(1-2013)
Publisher's website

Conservative Management of Odontoid Peg Fractures, Long Term Followup

ABSTRACT We reviewed 48 consecutive patients with type II (32) and type III (16), odontoid peg fractures. The clinical & radiological outcomes were assessed over an average period of follow up of 6.8 years. Union rate was determined and we discussed several factors that may affect it. Patients were treated conservatively with initial bed rest with or without cervical skeletal traction followed by bracing for an average of 9 weeks. Results: Bony union was established in 25 of 32 (78%) type II fractures. Of 7 cases with no bony union 4 were stable probably with fibrous union. 3 remained unstable. In 13 of 16 (83%) type III fractures bony union was established. 2 of the 3 with no bony union were considered stable. Osseous non-union was higher in patients with displacement of >5mm, but there is no correlation between union and age, gender or angulation of the fracture in both types. Conclusion: non-surgical management of odontoid fractures remain a viable option in the management of these fractures arabic 9 English 60
Nabil A. Alageli(1-2017)
Publisher's website