Department of Pharmacology & Clinical Pharmacy

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Prof.Dr. Fathi Mohamed Omer Sherif

ا. د. فتحى محمد الشريف هو احد اعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم علم الادوية والصيدلة السريرية بكلية الصيدلة. يعمل السيد فتحى محمد الشريف بجامعة طرابلس كـأستاذ منذ يونيو 1999 وله العديد من المنشورات البحثية العلمية العالمية في مجال علم الادوية وصيدلة المجتمع.


Some of publications in Department of Pharmacology & Clinical Pharmacy

Pharmacological and Preliminary Phytochemical Studies of Cestrum Nocturnum on Experimental Animals

هذه الدراسة تتناول تأثير نبات مسك الليل على السلوكيات لفئران التجارب؛ النبات يسمى محليا نبات مسك اليل واسمه العلمي Cestrum nocturnum من العائلة Solanaceae البيتنجانية؛ وهو يستخدم لاضطرابات مختلفة في الطب الشعبي؛ في هذا البحث تم استخلاص النبات بطريقة النقع باستخدام الكحول الميثيلي. كما خضع نبات مسك اليل لدراسة كيميائية مبدئية لمعرفة المكونات الفعالة للنبات. أظهرت النتائج وجود العديد من المكونات العضوية وغير العضوية؛ كما تم اجراء العديد من التجارب الفارماكولوجية على مستخلص النبات باستخدام فئران التجارب (Albino mice) لدراسة تأثير النبات على الجهاز العصبي المركزي. بعد اجراء اختبارات السمية و تقدير LD50 (1361,758 mg/Kg)؛ تم اختيار الجرعات المستخدمة خلال هذه الدراسة وهي (1000, 500, 250, 125 mg/Kg). وقد درس اختبار اروين (Irwin) باستخدام اربع جرعات مختلفة (1000, 500, 250, 125 mg/Kg)؛ وكشفت النتائج تغير في بعض العوامل المقاسة في هذه التجربة مع زيادة الجرعة المستخدمة وهي: الإدراك والسلبية؛ والنشاط الحركي العفوي؛ والاستجابة للألم؛ والمشي الغير طبيعي؛ وقوة التمسك ووضعية الجسم؛ وفتحة الجفن. وفي هذه الدراسة تم توجيه الانتباه لبعض التغيرات؛ وتمت دراسة تأثير النبات على النشاط الحركي باستعمال الحلبة المفتوحة (Open feild) وقد تبين ان الجرعتين (500, 250 mg/Kg) أظهرت نقص في النشاط الحركي المتنقل وغير المتنقل.وتم أيضا اختبار القلق والسلوك باستعمال جهاز (Plus-maze) وأظهرت الدراسة عدم التأثير على القلق بينما أثبتت أن هناك نقص في النشاط الكلي. كما أثبتت الدراسة أنه ليس لنبات مسك الليل أي تأثير على السلوك الاجتهادي في اختبار(Forced swimming test ) أيضا تضمنت الدراسة البحث في امكانية تأثير النبات كمسكن للألم باستعمال طريقتين لإحداث الألم. 1) الطريقة الحرارية (Hot plate method) للكشف عن المسكنات التي تعمل على الجهاز المركزي. 2) الطريقة الكيميائية (Acetic acid induce writhing reflex method) احداث الألم بواسطة حقن حمض الخليك في تجويف بطن الحيوانات؛ للكشف عن المسكنات التي تعمل على الجهاز الطرفي. وبذلك أظهرت الدراسة أن الجرعات (1000, 500, 250, 125 mg/Kg) من مستخلص نبات مسك الليل لها تأثير مسكن للألم. ومن المثير للاهتمام في هذه الدراسة أن تأثير النبات كمسكن للألم كان أكثر من تأثير الأسبيرين (Aspirin) وذلك لجميع الجرعات المستخدمة؛ وأيضا أثبتت الدراسة أن النبات له تأثير مسكن بعمله على الجهاز الطرفي وعدم تأثيره على الجهاز المركزي . وبذلك أثبتت نتائج الاختبارات التي اجريت في هذه الدراسة أن نبات مسك الليل قد يكون له تأثير منوم وأيضا مسكن قوي للألم. ولكن لا ينصح باستعمال المستخلص الخام للنبات لتجنب السمية المصاحبة للتأثير العلاجي. وعليه نأمل اقامة العديد من الدراسات اللازمة لتحديد مكونات النبات المسئولة على العديد من التأثيرات الفارماكولوجية المفيدة. Abstract Cestrum nocturnum, locally named “Mesk El-lail” is a garden shrub belongs to the family Solanaceae. Cestrum nocturnum is used as a remedy for different health disorders. The aim of present work was to investigate the pharmacological action of Cestrum nocturnum methanolic extract on behavior; also, the plant was subjected to preliminary toxicity study to evaluate the acute toxic effect of the Cestrum nocturnum extract in mice. Doses used throughout this work, was adapted according to toxicity studies and estimation of the LD50 (1361.8 mg/kg). Irwin test was studied using four different doses (125, 250, 500 and 1000 mg/kg). Data revealed changing in some parameters with an increase in the doses of Cestrum nocturnum extract; parameters observed and reported included alertness, passivity, spontaneous motor activity, touch response, pain response, abnormal gait, grip strength, body posture and palpebral opening. In the present study, spontaneous motor activity was studied using photoelectrical cell test; two doses (250 and 500mg/kg) of Cestrum nocturnum extract were used and data showed decrease in: horizontal; ambulatory non-ambulatory movement; and number of movement of the mice. Elevated Plusmaze was used to investigate the effect of Cestrum nocturnum extract on anxiety and to ensure the effect of Cestrum nocturnum on the motor activity. In present work Cestrum nocturnum did not affect anxiety measure but showed decrease in the motor activity. Cestrum nocturnum did not demonstrate any stress related behavioral alteration in forced Swimming test. In this current study, the analgesic effect of the plant extract was studied in mice using two methods of pain induction: i) thermal method, using Hot Plate for investigation of centrally acting analgesics; ii) chemical method, provoked by acetic acid induced abdominal writhing reflexes for investigation of peripherally acting analgesics. Regarding the peripheral analgesic activity, statistical analysis of the results revealed that the doses of 125, 250, 500 and 1000 mg/Kg of Cestrum nocturnum extract provoked significant peripheral analgesic activity; but data obtained in this work, showed that all the four different doses of Cestrum nocturnum extract which were administered to mice, did not induce any central analgesic activity when compared with the control group. In conclusion, Cestrum nocturnum demonstrated sedative effect and strong dose dependent peripheral analgesic activity; however, it is not recommended to use the crude extract of the plant in order to avoid toxicity that may accompany its clinical use.The plant is rich in active constituents and needs further studies for isolation, investigation and identification of the active constituents which may contribute to its beneficial effects.
امينه ميلود الشريف (2014)
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Effect of Ion Channel Blockers on the Pharmacological Action of Paracetamol Using Albino Mice

Paracetamol is one of the most widely used drug as antipyretic and analgesic for mild to moderate pain. Currently, paracetamol is the first-line choice for pain management and antipyresis. Ion channels are pore-forming proteins that allow the flow of ions across membranes and involved in many cellular processes; drugs acting on ion channels have long been used for the treatment of many diseases. Objective: To estimate the effect of voltage gated ion channel blockers on analgesic activity of Paracetamol and explore the interaction between ion channel blockers and paracetamol on pain behaviour. Materials and Methods: Male albino mice were used. The central antinociceptive activity was determined by hot plate test and formalin test (Phase I; neuropathic pain). Antiinflammatory activity was determined by formalin test (Phase II). Intraperitoneal injection was adopted. Five groups of mice were used. Group 1; control group (1% T80), group 2; treated with (200mg/kg) paracetamol, group 3; treated with different drugs of ion channel blockers, group 4; received standard drugs, Aspirin (200mg/kg) for formalin test (phase II) or tramadol (5mg/kg) for hot plate test and formalin test (phase I), group 5; received combined treatment of ion channel blockers and paracetamol. Results: Pain produced by noxious stimuli (heat and formalin) was significantly reduced by acute administration of paracetamol. Inflammation pain produced by formalin injection was significantly decreased by acute administration of paracetamol. Acute administration of nifedipine showed significant decrease in nociception and inflammation pain. Combined treatment of nifedipine and paracetamol produced antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activity but less than the additive effect. Verapamil has no analgesic effect in the two models, and did not change the affect of paracetamol analgesic activity when administered together. Phenytoin produces significant decrease in nociceptive pain using hot plate but not in formalin test (Phase I), and produce significant decrease in inflammatory pain (Phase II). The combined treatment of phenytoin and paracetamol showed analgesic activity less than the additive effect. 4-Aminopyridine produces significant antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activity. The combined administration of 4-aminopyridine and paracetamol showed analgesic activity, which is less than the additive effect using formalin test, while paracetamol analgesic activity is potentiated by 4-aminopyridine using hot plate test. Conclusion: Paracetamol has antinociception and anti-inflammatory activity on pain model used (Hot plate test and Formalin test). Ion channel blockers produce antinociception and anti-inflammatory activity. Verapamil has no effect on nociception or inflammation pain and no effect on paracetamol analgesic activity. Nifedipine, phenytoin and 4-aminopyridine interact with paracetamol producing less additive analgesic effect, except 4-aminopyridine in thermal stimuli (Hot plate) is more sensitive compared to chemical stimuli (formalin test – phase I), where potentiates paracetamol action.
هناء مدحت الزقلعي (2014)
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Effect of Caffeine at Different Concentrations on Behavior and Motor Activity in Mice

Aims: This article aimed to study the effect of different caffeine concentrations on behaviour and motor activity of mice. Place and Duration of Study: This study took place in Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Tripoli, and was conducted between 2017 to 2018. Methodology: The experiment was carried out using 24 male mice (25-30 gm). Plus maze was used for screening antianxiety effect of caffeine. While swimming maze was used to test the antidepressant effect. Descriptive statistics was performed using SPSS (version 22), followed by one sample Kolmogorov-Simirnov test. One-Way ANOVA was applied to compare between groups and Post Hoc test (LSD). Results: At a dose of 100 mg/kg, caffeine produce significant decrease in the duration of immobility using forced swimming maze; while the lower (25 mg/kg) and the higher (200 mg/kg) doses did not produce any changes compared to the control. In plus maze, Caffeine decreases the anxiety measure at the dose used of 100 mg/kg; but did not change the anxiety measure when lower (25 mg/kg) or higher (200 mg/kg) doses used compared to the control. The spontaneous motor activity was decreased significantly after administration of the higher dose of 200 mg/kg; the lower dose (25 mg/kg) showed insignificant increase, while the dose of 100 mg/kg produce insignificant decrease in the spontaneous motor activity. Conclusion: Caffeine has dose dependent effect, in a dose 100 mg/kg it produce anxiolytic and antidepressant like action, while lower (25 mg/kg) and higher (200 mg/kg) doses did not show any changes. Caffeine also produce dose dependent decrease in the spontaneous motor activity, this indicate that caffeine produce CNS depression with higher doses. arabic 12 English 73
Sakina S. Saadawi, Khairi A. Alennabi, Sumaya Baayo, Amera Fares, Najwa Alosta, Suher M. Aburawi(3-2020)
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