University of Tripoli

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About University of Tripoli

About the University of Tripoli

The first university in Libya was established by a royal decree on December 15, 1955 under the name of “University of Libya”. It began with the Colleges of Arts and Education in Benghazi. In 1957, the Faculty of Science was established in Tripoli. This formed the inception of the University of Tripoli. Then, the Faculty of Agriculture was birthed in 1966. However, before that the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) created the Higher Technical Studies Faculty, which later was annexed to the University of Libya in 1967 under the name of Faculty of Engineering. In 1973, the University of Libya split into University of Benghazi and University of Tripoli. In 1976, its name was changed to Al-Fateh University. In 2009, the Medical colleges were separated to become “Al-Fateh University for Medical Sciences”. This lasted one year as in 2010 the medical colleges were coupled together back to University of Al-Fateh. In 2012 the university regained its original name as the University of Tripoli. Faculties were constantly established at the University of Tripoli to reach 20 colleges. 

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Academic Staff







خريجون إنظموا حديثاً

محمد محمد محمد الطرابلسي
Department of Computer Engineering
اسماء اب جد العصار
Studies and Examination Department
هبة محمد محمد نصار
Department of Pediatrics
اطلع على المزيد

Who works with us?

Mr. Mustafa Almokhtar
Department of Medicine - faculty of Medicine
Department of Financial planning - faculty of Economy
قسم القانون الجنائي - faculty of Law
Most active staff on the website

Recently added Publications

Some of publications in University of Tripoli

Imad Ali Alsuwaih (6-2016), The Use of IT in Accounting Education Accounting Postgraduates at the Faculty of Economics of Tripoli's University, مجلة الاقتصاد والعلوم السياسية - جامعة طرابلس, .

Ahmed Ali Salem AL-ATRASH (6-2011), The changing interactions between Libya and the Maghreb: bilateral versus multilateral engagement, The Journal of North African Studies , 16(2), pp. 51-62.
Publisher website

Imad Ali Alsuwaih (1-2014), THE Role of Firm Characteristics in The Accounting Research, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT STUDIES, 2(6), pp. 1-17.

Ibrahim Eldaghayes (6-2022), The One Health concept for the threat of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 to marine ecosystems, International Journal of One Health, 8(1), pp. 48-57.
Publisher website

زهرة علي فطوح (1-2019), (12) إدارة الجودة الشاملة و إمكانية تطبيقها في كلية التربية جنزور/مجلة الباحث /يناير 2019/ العدد/20 . , مجلة الباحت , , 20(2019), الصفحات 30-65.

عماد علي ناجي السويح (12-2016), مدى تلبية التشريعات الليبية لمتطلبات مبدأ الإفصاح والشفافية الصادر عن منظمة التعاون الاقتصادي والتنمية, مجلة العلوم الإدارية والمالية , .

عماد علي ناجي السويح (3-2018), واقع الإفصاح المالي الإلكتروني في الشركات المدرجة في سوق المال الليبي, مجلة المعرفة, , 7(1), الصفحات 58-83.
Publisher website

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