Faculty of Science

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About Faculty of Science

Faculty of Science

The Faculty of Science is the core at the University of Tripoli, as it was the first that established in this prestigious university. It is also the first faculty of science in Libya. At the present, it includes ten scientific departments: Departments of Zoology, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Geology, Computer Science and Statistics, Atmospheric science and geophysics. It currently works to create a new department of Archaeology in order to study the scientific and research side of the historical heritage of the Libyan people. Graduates of this college have worked in various governmental sectors, such as oil exploration, extraction and refining, chemical industries complexes in Abu Kamash and Ras Al-Anuf, as well as plastics companies in production and manufacturing, and in factories for soap, cleaning materials and others. They were also recruited by the education sector in different research and pedagogical areas.


The graduates of this faculty have led the scientific process for many years and still represent the first building block in all colleges of science, and some other colleges in all Libyan universities for the past five decades. The scope of work for graduates included Faculties of Medicine (in the field of basic sciences, biochemistry, anatomy, histology and microbiology), many departments in the Faculty of Agriculture, general engineering, chemical and geological engineering; in particular, medical technology and pharmacy, and the Faculty of Economics and Arts. The Faculty of Science provides teaching assistants to other faculties and universities in the Libyan state.


The Faculty of Science is the first to create graduate studies programs in Libya, despite the nature of graduate studies in basic sciences, which need capabilities other than competent professors. Teaching staff in this institution graduated from international universities in the West and the East (USA, UK, Australia, and other European countries). They graduated from universities that are well-known for their high academic standard.


Having obtained their first university degree or higher degrees of specialization from Libya or abroad, graduates of Faculty of Science worked for industrial and nuclear research centers, petroleum sector, marine life, biotechnology, plastics, and other specialized research centers.


The Faculty has also enriched the scientific research movement in the fields of basic sciences in the Libyan state through the issuance of refereed basic science journal.

Facts about Faculty of Science

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Who works at the Faculty of Science

Faculty of Science has more than 267 academic staff members

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Dr. Hanan Husayn Mohamed Ishteewi

حنان أشتيوي هي احد اعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم علم الحيوان بكلية العلوم. تعمل السيدة حنان أشتيوي بجامعة طرابلس كـمحاضر منذ 2014-09-07 ولها العديد من المنشورات العلمية في مجال تخصصها


Some of publications in Faculty of Science

Comparison between the Neural Networks Forecasting With Arima Models

لهذه الدراسة هدفان مهمان وهما: أولاً: توضيح فكرة بناء الشبكات؛ العصبية المقترحة ثانياً: مقارنة هذه الطرق بالإدراك الجيد لنماذج السلاسل الزمنية (ARIMA) باستعمال المعيار MSE، وهو المعيار الأول لتدريب الشبكة العصبية والثاني لحساب آلية توقعات نماذج الشبكات العصبية. باستخدام بعض الأمثلة الخاصة اتضح أن الإجراءات حول نموذج الشبكات العصبية وجدت بأنها تقدم توقعات أفضل من نماذج السلاسل الزمنية، وأن نماذج الشبكات العصبية قد تستعمل في التنبؤ ببيانات السلاسل الزمنية بتعديل بعض الأوزان التى تعتبر معالم نماذج الشبكات العصبية والتى يمكن أن تقدر خلال عملية تدريب الشبكة، ودقة التوقعات مقدرة بالدالة المناسبة التى تستعمل في عملية تدريب الشبكة. إن مشكلة تنبؤ النماذج شائعة في التحليلات الإحصائية، وفى الغالب الطرق مستعملة للتعامل مع تنبؤ نموذج الانحدار والسلاسل الزمنية بالرغم من أن هذه الطرق قد لاتكون دقيقة في العينات الصغيرة و النتائج المتحصل عليها في هذا البحث حسبت بفصل مجموعة البيانات إلى مجموعتين جزئيتين أو أكثر، استعملنا الجزء الأول لملائمة النموذج والجزء الأخير لبناء التوقع باستخدام المعيار MSE كأداة للمقارنة بين النماذج, وكلما كانت قيمة هذا المعيار صغيرة كان النموذج أفضل. Abstract This study has two objectives. First, presenting artificial neural networks (ANN) second, comparing the proposed method with the well known ARIMA model, the accuracy of the neural network forecasts is compared with the corresponding ARIMA models by using the mean square error (MSE). By using the proposed (MSE) measures the artificial neural networks (ANN) were found deliver a better forecasts than the ARIMA model. A class of artificial neural networks (ANN) may be used in forecasting time series data. It may be used to approximate unknown expectation function of future observation given past values , thus the weights of these ANN can be viewed as parameters, which can be estimated through the network training. Then the model is used for forecasting. The accuracy of the forecasts is evaluated by suitable function. The problem of forecasting model is common in statistical analysis. One of the mostly used approach to deal with forecasting model is regression and time series. Although, approaches may not accurate in small sample. In an effort to forecast daily flow waters to the three important dams such as Ejdabia, Sirt, Benghazi, we will training to a take new tool if forecasting model which known as neural network model. This tool deal with testing data after made as partition of the original series into two sets first is called training set, were used to fit the model, while the second is called testing sets, were used to make forecasting. In this work the MSE is well known as tool for comparing between the models, further more when the MSE is less, the value of this model is a better than other models.
ساميه محمد ميره (2010)
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Order Structures of One-point Extensions of Locally Compact Spaces

Abstract For a locally compact space, we define an order-anti-isomorphism from the set of all one-point extensions of onto the set of all nonempty closed subsets of . We consider various sets of one-point extensions, including the set of all one-point locally compact extensions of , the set of all one-point Lindelöf extensions of , the set of all one-point pseudocompact extensions of , and the set of all one-point Cech-complete extensions of , among others. We study how these sets of one-point extensions are related, and investigate the relationship between their order structure, and the topology of subspaces of , we also study the relationship between various subsets of one-point extensions, the existence of minimal and maximal elements in various sets of one point extensions, and we show how some of our results may be applied to obtain relations between the order structure of certain subfamilies of ideals of partially ordered with inclusion, and the topology of subspaces of .
مسعودة سعد نجم (2009)
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مآثر الرياضيات العربية والإسلامية على تطور الرياضيات في أوروبا

إن هذا البحث ما هو إلا محاولة إنصاف لواقع تاريخي حضاري يمس حياة الأمة العربية والإسلامية قبل أن يكون دفاعاً عنها، هذه الأمة التي طالما تعسفت عليها بعض المصادر الغربية في طمس الحقائق العلمية وخاصة في مجال تطور الرياضيات وتسجيل العديد من الاكتشافات الرياضية لصالح الغرب دون تقديم دلائل الإثبات، وشجعته أيد آثمة مستخدمة التزييف والتضليل وإضعاف لثقة بالذات في التراث العلمي العربي الإسلامي. الهدف من البحث: -يرمي هذا البحث إلى تحقيق الأهداف الآتية: -*التعرف على التراث العلمي العربي وأهمية تاريخ الرياضيات. *توثيق العلاقة بين تاريخ الرياضيات والمحتوى العلمي الرياضي. *تعريف العرب والمسلمين بواجباتهم نحو تراثهم العلمي. *دراسة التطور التاريخي في علوم الحساب والجبر والهندسة وحساب المثلثات. *دراسة أعمال بعض نوابغ علماء العرب والمسلمين في علوم الرياضيات. *إبراز الإسنادات الخاطئة لغير علماء العرب والمسلمين. منهجية البحث: -سيتم إتباع المنهج الوصفي التحليلي لتسجيل أهم الاكتشافات الرياضية وتطورها من الناحية العلمية التاريخية وإعطاء المزيد من التوضيح وربط العلاقات العلمية بعضها ببعض وصولاً إلى المعلومة الرياضية النهائية وإبراز الفكر العربي الإسلامي في الاكتشافات المختلفة للرياضيات.
هدي الصادق رحومة عبد الله (2007)
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