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د. فوزية المبروك الصادق خميس هي احد اعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم الفيزياء بكلية العلوم. تعمل السيدة فوزية خميس بجامعة طرابلس كـمحاضر منذ 2014-10-22 ولها العديد من المنشورات العلمية في مجال تخصصها


Some of publications in Physics

Structural Evolution of 146–158 Nd Isotopes Using IBM-2 Hamiltonian

: Neodymium isotopes (Z=60) lie in the traditional rotational to transitional-spherical region that occurs at the range of deformed nuclei. The identity of 146−158 Neodymium nuclei have been determined in framework of Interacting Boson Model-2, a simulation program with NPBOS has been used to obtain the theoretical energy levels for Neodymium isotopes. The parameters of the best fit to the measured data are determined. The energy positive parity bands of those isotopes were calculated using (IBM-2) and then it compared with the experimental values. The mentioned isotopes ratios (E(4_1^+))/(E(2_1^+)) have calculated and also E-GOS curves (( E_γ)/I) have drawn as a function of the spin I, to classify symmetry of the nuclei. The electromagnetic transition probabilities B(E2) of these nuclei was calculated as well, where a good agreement for low lying energy states were obtained between experimental results and theoretical calculations. The results have been shown that the interested nuclei 152-158Nd have rotational characters SU (3), and O (6) symmetry is substantiated for 146-148Nd, as well as the critical point X (5) has been determined for 150Nd isotope.
D. Nasef, Najat S. Eshaftri, Ayad E. Ezwam, Suad M. Bogrin, Asma A. Elbendag, Sadiq M. El-kadi(12-2021)
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Improved Thermoluminescence Properties of Natural NaCl Salt Extracted From Mediterranean Sea Water Relevant to Radiation Dosimetry

Thermoluminescence (TL) technique has been used to characterize and determine the dosimetric properties of natural sodium chloride (NaCl) salt extracted from the Seawater of the Mediterranean Sea. The TLD grade material was prepared by evaporation and annealing the powder obtained from the aqueous solution. The TL properties include the response to theb-irradiation dose and the effects resulting from annealing up to 700oC, heating rate and fading. The analysis involve using total Glow Curve Deconvolution (GCD) to separate the inherent overlapping TL-peaks and determine the TL characteristics and the trapping parameters using general order (GO)kinetics (activation energy, kinetic order, peak position of trap and the frequency factor). The GL-curves exhibit well defined TL-peaks around 140oC, 225oC and 380oC and response depending on the annealing temperature due to variations due to formation of the structural defects. A linear response was noticed over the delivered range of absorbed doses up to 4Gy. The fading results gave evidence that TL emission is due to a redistribution of trapping levels and indicate that the prominent TL-peak near 225oCis useful for TL-dosimetric applications. arabic 15 English 115
Fawzeia Khamis(5-2020)
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دراسة الإشعاع الشمسي و تحديد الزوايا المثلى لبعض مناطق الجماهيرية

إستخدمت البيانات المتوفرة من محطات الأرصاد و الطاقة الشمسية بالجماهيرية لدراسة و تحليل الإشعاع الشمسي على السطح الأفقي في خمس مواقع هي طرابلس و شحات و هون و الكفرة و غات أختيرت من بين 15 محطة تغطي مناطق الجماهيرية و استنبطت معادلات تجريبية سنوية و نصف سنوية لكل منطقة يمكن إستخدام هذه المعادلا لتقدير الإشعاع الشمسي الكلي الساقط على سطح أفقي في هذه المناطق القريبة منها، كما تم درج الثوابت الخاصة بالمعادلات بجدول و نوقشت الإختلافات بين المناطق القريبة منها، كما تم درج الثوابت الخاصة بالمعادلات بجدول و نوقشت الإختلافات بين المناطق حسب الظروف الجوية، و بناء على البيانات المسجلة و المحسومة تم رسم خطوط كونتورية على خريطة الجماهيرية لبيان توزيع الإشعاع الشمسي. كما تم حساب المعدل الشهري لإشعاع الشمسي الساقط على سطح مائل وموجه نحو الجنوب، للمواقع الخمس المذكورة أعلاه و ذلك إستنادا على بيانات الإشعاع الشمسي الساقط على سطح أفقي. أستخدم نموذج لايو و جوردان(Liu & Jordan) لإيجاد المعدل الشهري لإشعاع الشمسي الكلي شهريا و سنويا و الزوايا المثلى المقابلة لأقصى طاقة يمكن تجميعها فصليا و سنويا. كذلك تم إستنباط علاقة تجريبية تمكن من تقدير الزوايا المثلى مباشرة بمعرفة خط عرض أي موقع داخل الجماهيرية. نختتم البحث بعرض الإستنتاجات و تقديم إقتراحات لمواصلة البحث في هذا المجال. Abstract The available data from meteorological and solar energy stations were used to study and analyse the solar energy radiation on horizontal surface in five locations in Jamahiriya namely: Tripoli, Shahat, Hun, Kifra, and Ghat, which were selected from 15 stations covering the whole area of Jamahiriya> Annual and semi-annual empirical relations were developed for each location; these locations or locations near by> The differences between the constants of these empirical relations are discussed. Using the recorded and calculated data, the contour lines of solar radiation are drawn on the Jamahiriya’s map. The monthly average solar radiation on south facing tilted surface has also been calculated for the above-mentioned locations, using the data available for a horizontal surface. Liu & Jordan model was used to determine the monthly and annual solar radiation. The optimum angles corresponding to maximum collected energy (annual and seasonal) were also determined. An empirical relation was also developed which can be used for estimating the optimum angle directly by knowing the latitude of any location in Jamahiriya. Conclusions and suggestions that may help for continuity of research in this area are given at the end of the thesis.
أميمة محمد محمد الفوراوي (2000)
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