Faculty of Science

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About Faculty of Science

Faculty of Science

The Faculty of Science is the core at the University of Tripoli, as it was the first that established in this prestigious university. It is also the first faculty of science in Libya. At the present, it includes ten scientific departments: Departments of Zoology, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Geology, Computer Science and Statistics, Atmospheric science and geophysics. It currently works to create a new department of Archaeology in order to study the scientific and research side of the historical heritage of the Libyan people. Graduates of this college have worked in various governmental sectors, such as oil exploration, extraction and refining, chemical industries complexes in Abu Kamash and Ras Al-Anuf, as well as plastics companies in production and manufacturing, and in factories for soap, cleaning materials and others. They were also recruited by the education sector in different research and pedagogical areas.


The graduates of this faculty have led the scientific process for many years and still represent the first building block in all colleges of science, and some other colleges in all Libyan universities for the past five decades. The scope of work for graduates included Faculties of Medicine (in the field of basic sciences, biochemistry, anatomy, histology and microbiology), many departments in the Faculty of Agriculture, general engineering, chemical and geological engineering; in particular, medical technology and pharmacy, and the Faculty of Economics and Arts. The Faculty of Science provides teaching assistants to other faculties and universities in the Libyan state.


The Faculty of Science is the first to create graduate studies programs in Libya, despite the nature of graduate studies in basic sciences, which need capabilities other than competent professors. Teaching staff in this institution graduated from international universities in the West and the East (USA, UK, Australia, and other European countries). They graduated from universities that are well-known for their high academic standard.


Having obtained their first university degree or higher degrees of specialization from Libya or abroad, graduates of Faculty of Science worked for industrial and nuclear research centers, petroleum sector, marine life, biotechnology, plastics, and other specialized research centers.


The Faculty has also enriched the scientific research movement in the fields of basic sciences in the Libyan state through the issuance of refereed basic science journal.

Facts about Faculty of Science

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Who works at the Faculty of Science

Faculty of Science has more than 267 academic staff members

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Prof.Dr. Esmaile Abdaslam Moftah Shakman

إسماعيل الشقمان هو احد اعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم علم الحيوان بكلية العلوم. يعمل السيد إسماعيل الشقمان بجامعة طرابلس كـأستاذ مشارك منذ 2016-03-06 وله العديد من المنشورات العلمية في مجال تخصصه


Some of publications in Faculty of Science

معوقات التحول الرقمي بالجامعات الليبية

هدفت الدراسة الى التعرف على المعوقات التي تحد من التحول الرقمي في مصرف الصحارى في مدينة طرابلس، ولتحقيق أهداف الدراسة أتبع الباحثون المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، من خلال استخدام برنامج SPSS لاختبار فرضيات الدراسة ومعرفة معنوية اراء المشاركين في الدراسة، ثم استخدام اختبار T للعينة الواحدة وذلك من خلال توزيع اداة جمع البيانات على المعنيين، وقد كانت اهم النتائج التي توصلت اليها الدراسة وجود معوقات تحد من التحول الرقمي في مصرف الصحارى في مدينة طرابلس (بشرية، تقنية، تشريعية وقانونية، أمنية، مالية) كما أوصت الدراسة العمل على تنمية الموارد البشرية وتوفير بنية تحتية والتركيز على سلامة وامن المعلومات بما يحقق التحول الرقمي في مصرف الصحارى بمدينة طرابلس.
جمال محمد اندير, فتحي جماعة الزغداني, على عبد الفتاح بن حليم(12-2021)
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دراسة فسيولوجية للحزاز الكبدي Riccia sorocarpa والحزاز القائم Funaria hygrometrica وعلاقتهما بالرطوبة.

"أجريت أربعة تجارب لدراسة تحمل كل من الحزاز الكبدي Riccia sorocarpa والحزاز القائم Funaria hygrometrica للجفاف، حيث جمعت العينات من مدينة طرابلس (مشتل الجديدة) وكذلك من منطقة جادو (العين الزرقاء)، ونظفت النباتات بعناية لإجراء التجارب عليها. أوضحت نتائج هذه الدراسة أن كلا من النباتين يزيد امتصاصهما للماء كلما تزيدات نسبة الرطوبة ، إذ نجد أن أعلى كمية ممتصة من الماء ، كانت عند نسبة رطوبة 100% متبوعاً ب 90% ثم 80% على التوالي ، وأن قدرة هذه النباتات على امتصاص الماء تحت رطوبة نسبية منخفضة كان ضعيفاً ، وذلك لعدم قدرتها على زيادة مساحة أوراقها وتمددها ، لانه فى هذه الحالة كانت الرطوبة غير كافية ، أما عندما زادت كمية الرطوبة عند 100% ، 90%، 80% كانت كافية لامتداد أوراقها وزيادة مساحتها ، ولذلك نجد ما تمتصه من الماء تحت الرطوبة العالية يساوى أضعاف ما تمتصه تحت الرطوبة المنخفضة .الحزازيات التى تنمو فى المناطق المعتدلة من ليبيا ، تعاني من مشاكل عدم تكرار هطول الأمطار ، مما يسبب فى انخفاض الرطوبة النسبية ، وبالتالي بينت نتائج هذه الدراسة أيضا أن Riccia sorocarpa هي من حزازيات المناطق المعتدلة كان محتواها المائي 20% عند رطوبة نسبية 50% ، وأن Funaria hygrometrica وهي أيضاً من حزازيات المناطق المعتدلة محتواها المائي كان 30% تحت رطوبة نسبية 70% ، وبدأت في الجفاف بعد ذلك بسرعة تحت معدلات من الرطوبة النسبية المنخفضة 30- 50% ولكنها تستطيع إعادة نشاطها إذا ما بللت بالماء ، أو بماء المطر من جديد. أظهرت نتائج هذا البحث أيضاً أن الإجهاد المائي ( الجفاف ) أدى إلى زيادة تركيز حامض البرولين في الحزاز القائم F. hygrometrica عنه عند توفر الرطوبة ، بالتالي فإن هذا النبات عندما يرتفع فيه تركيز الحامض بمستوى أعلى يكون أكثر مقدرة على مقاومة الجفاف والنمو .وكذلك أظهرت نتائج هذه الدراسة أيضا أن النسب العالية والمنخفضة من الرطوبة النسبية أثرت على تركيز العناصر الصغرى والكبرى والثقيلة في نبات F. hygrometrica ، حيث تبين أن التركيز الأعلى للعنصر كان عند مستوى 0% و 30% رطوبة ، و التركيز الأقل للعنصر كان عند مستوى 70% و 100% رطوبة. Abstrcat Four experiments were carried out on drought tolerance of Riccia sorocarpa and Funaria hygrometrica collected From Tripoli (Al-Jadida Arboretum), and from jadu (Alain Al-Zarqa), the specimens were cleaned carefully. The results showed that water absorption is positively correlated with humidity, the maximum water absorption was noted at 100% relative humidity, followed by 90% and 80 %,respectively.The results also showed that the ability of absorption was decreased under low relative humidity because the plants were unable to increase the leaf surface area under insufficient humidity conditions, while at high humidity, the plants were able to increase their leaf surface area, and then the amount of water absorbed under high humidity, was many times more than the amount of water absorbed under low humidity.Liverworts that grow in temperate habitats in Libya suffer from infrequent rain fall which resulting low humidity, that why water content of Riccia sorocarpa was 20 % at 50 % relative humidity, and in Funaria hygrometrica was 30 % at 70 % relative humidity, and started to dry dramatically under 30 – 50 % relative humidity, but it were able to resume their growth when welted or if re-rained again. The results also showed that drought led to an increase in concentration of the prolic acid in F. hygrometrica,whin the relative humidity was there.Thus, this plant when it raises higher level of concentration of the acid it will be to be more resistant to drought.The results of this study also found that the high and low rates of relative humidity affected on the concentration of macro-and micro elements, and heavy metals in F. hygrometrica, it was found that the highest concentration of the element was at 0% and 30% moisture, and the lowest concentration was at 70% and 100% humidity."
نادية سليمان حامد طلوز (2013)
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The Role of Remote Sensing in Supporting Urban Planning in Libya a Case Study of Tripoli Area

Abstract Libyan cities have experienced a period of rapid urban expansion in the past decades. Urban growth as an example has been the focus of urban researches for a long time. Due to the complexity of the urban growth process, it’s very difficult to model urban growth using traditional urban models. Recently, urban researches are keen on a new technology, Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing technique was applied in many aspects of life, due to ability of covering and representing the real world around us. In urban research, field researches set up many applications to simulate the urban phenomena such as sprawl process, landuse change trends, landcover...etc. Remote sensing technology helps to extract and organize the data about such phenomenon. In addition to understand their spatial relationships, and provides a powerful means to planners and decision makers for analyzing and information about a place or a phenomenon. This will have great impact on the quality of the decision-making. The study uses Spot 5 images, topographic maps which derived from aerial photographs for the year 1980. The remote sensing image interpretation and change detection to review the urban expansion for the study area in (1980 and 2009).Spot satellite image of 2009 and Landuse maps1980 will be used to derive information on urban land use in the study area. The visual interpretation is used to extract landuse. The mutual use of Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) describes the overall physics changes of the study area. This effort can be considered as an application case in this field (RS-based town planning information system), where this thesis show how that system can be useful of using this technology and supporting the sector by developing a model that can support the process of planning and maintain what remained of the agricultural lands to prevent them from encroachment by the urban growth.
حسين علي أحمد زيدان (2010)
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