faculty of Engineering

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About faculty of Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli, was established in 1961 in the name of the “Faculty of Higher Technical Studies” within the program of scientific and technical cooperation with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO. Thus, this makes it the first engineering college in Libya. In 1967, it was included to the University of Libya under the name of the Faculty of Engineering. In 1972, the Faculty of Petroleum Engineering established. However, it then was then included to the Faculty of Engineering, and elements from the Faculty of Science, University of Tripoli in 1973. In 1978, the Faculty of Nuclear and Electronic Engineering was created. In 1985 the Faculty of Petroleum Engineering was merged with the Faculty of Engineering within the framework of linking the colleges and higher institutes with engineering research centers. The Faculty of Nuclear and Electronic Engineering was then added to the Faculty of Engineering in 1988.


The Faculty of Engineering has a pioneering role in the scientific career, its role is increasing significantly in line with the technical development, especially in the fields of communication and informatics engineering. In addition, it also following new developments with their applications in the engineering sector, along with permanent and renewable energy, modern methods of construction and architecture and their environmental impacts. In response to this development, the Faculty of Engineering undertook changes in its educational curricula and academic structure by growing from a faculty with four departments since its inception to become a group of thirteen departments in order to meet the desires and requirements of the Libyan society and to achieve its goals and aspirations for progress. Accordingly, the study system in the Faculty has evolved from the academic year system to term-based system.


The expansion of the academic fields in the Faculty undoubtedly requires expansions in the facilities that accommodate the increasing numbers of students which have reached twelve thousand in recent years. This development will include halls, laboratories and other advanced capabilities and equipment, including computers and research measuring devices.


The Faculties consists of the following departments: Department of Civil Engineering - Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering - Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering - Department of Computer Engineering - Department of Architecture and Urban Planning - Department of Petroleum Engineering - Department of Chemical Engineering - Department of Geological Engineering - Department of Mining Engineering - Department of Aeronautical Engineering - Department of Naval Engineering and Ship Architecture - Department of Nuclear Engineering - Department of Materials and Mineral Engineering - Department of Engineering Management "Postgraduate studies".


These departments carry out their specialized scientific tasks in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations and decisions, which include in their entirety:


-          Academic supervision of students in terms of registration, teaching and evaluation.

-          Follow-up of research, authoring and translation programs.

-          Preparing and holding specialized scientific conferences and seminars.

-          Preparing and reviewing academic curricula to keep pace with scientific progress and the needs of society.

-          Providing specialized scientific advice to productive and service institutions in society.

-          Conducting scientific and practical studies in the field of research to solve relevant community problems.

-          Contributing to developing plans and proposals for managing the educational process in the Faculty and departments.

Facts about faculty of Engineering

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Masters of Science
Major Petroleum Engineering

The founding of this postgraduate program goes back to the spring semester of 1992 as the first local program in the country offering an M. Sc. degree...



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Who works at the faculty of Engineering

faculty of Engineering has more than 326 academic staff members

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Mr. Ahmad Abdussalam Mohamed Almkhlufi

التعليم والمؤهلات:
• بكالوريوس الهندسة من كلية الهندسة – جامعة طرابلس.
• ماجستير الهندسة من كلية الهندسة – جامعة طرابلس.

البحوث المنشورة:

1. “The development of engineering education to meet the needs of the community”, Saleh R. Gashoot and Ahmad A. Al-Makhloufi, Third forum on engineering education, Building partnership with government, industry and society, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 14-15 October 2003. [In Arabic Language].
2. “Studying the effect of the shape on the performance of the Darrieus rotor”, Ali M. Elmabrok and Ahmad A. Al-Makhlufi, World renewable energy and environment conference (2006 Tripoli-Libya)
3. “Evaluation of Fuzzy Model Reference Learning Control for Yaw angle control”, Ahmad A. Makhlufi, Abdulhamid A. Ghmmam, and ATahir EL Hashan, International ICASAT2007 conference, Tripoli-Libya, Apr. 2007.
4. “Buckling of plates on a foundation with different types of sides support”, Dr. Ali N. Suri, Ahmad A. Al-Makhlufi, ICMAE 2013: International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Bangkok, Thailand, December, 24-25, 2013.
5. “Local buckling of web-core and foam-core sandwich panels”, Dr. Ali N. Suri, Ahmad A. Al-Makhlufi, ICAMAME 2014: XII International Conference on Aerospace, Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering, Dubai, UAE, April, 8-9, 2014.
6. “Aircraft Motion Simulation in Time Domain- A Useful Tool in Flight Mechanics”, Abdulhamid A. Ghmmam and Ahmed A. Makhlufi, ICEER2014-McMaster; International Conference on Engineering Education and Research, Hamilton, Canada, August 24-26, 2014.
7. Abdulhamid A. Ghmmam, Saad E. Issa and Ahmed A. Makhlufi, “Training Aircraft Design and Development Program: Towards Technology Transfer”, International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; ICMAE 2017, Toronto, Canada, May 29-30, 2017.


Some of publications in faculty of Engineering

مسح عام لمستوي التنفيذ وتأثيره علي المقاومة والسلامة والديمومة للأعمال الخرسانية بمدينة طرابلس

من الأهمية بمكان عند تنفيذ المنشات الخرسانية أن تعتمد علي تصاميم مسبقة معتمدة وعلى دراية دقيقة بالمستوى التقنى والفنى للعمالة المناط بها أعمال التنفيذ لهذه المشاريع والتأكد من ثقافة وأمانة العمالة القائمة بالإنشاء ،، وكذلك من الضرورى جدا المعرفة التامة بأنواع ومواصفات المواد الداخلة في الإنشاء ومصادرها ،، والتعرف على الظروف المناخية والبيئة لموقع المشروع .ولهذا نرى تعدد وجود المواصفات القياسية في بلدان كثيرة من العالم لمعظم المجالات ومنها المنشآت الخرسانية ،، وهنا في ليبيا تزداد الحاجة إلى مواصفات ليبية للمنشآت الخرسانية مستعينة بإحدي – أو اكثر – المواصفات القياسية للخرسانة المسلحة المعتمدة عالميا والموثوق بها بعد تطويعها لظروفنا البيئية والتقنية والتشريعية والثقافية .ومن خلال مانراه من مظاهر سلبية أثناء تنفيذ الهياكل الخرسانية فى واقعنا الليبي والتى نتتبعها خلال أعمالنا الهندسية اليومية والمشاكل التى نستشار فيها للأضرار التى تلحق بتلك الأعمال الخرسانية المسلحة والتى يمتلكها فى الغالب المواطن العادى سواء كانت مشاريع ذات طابع سكنى أو تجارى أو خدمى ،فقد جاءت من هنا فكرة البحث وهي القيام بدراسة تأثير المواد المتوفرة محلياً والداخلة فى تنفيذ الهياكل الخرسانية ومستوي التنفيذ والتقنية المستخدمة للمنشات الخرسانية للمباني الخاصة داخل مدينة طرابلس للتعرف عملياً وميدانيا علي أثر هذه العوامل جميعها على جودة التنفيذ ومدى تأثر أقصى قدرة تحمليه للعناصر الإنشائية المكونه لهذه المنشآت الخرسانية .ولكى تحقق الدراسة أهدافها فقد تم وضع خطة البحث لتقديم دراسة موقعيه ومعملية تحاكى وتطابق بقدر الإمكان الوضع الحقيقى الموجود بمنطقة الدراسة ، وتقتضى هذه الخطة القيام باختيار عدد من المواقع داخل النطاق الجغرافى لمنطقة الدراسة – مدينة طرابلس ومتابعة مراحل التنفيذ لهذه المواقع بغرض الحصول على عينات وأوزان المواد الداخلة في إعداد الخلطة الخرسانية ،وأخذ مجموعة من العينات لهذه الخلطات بالقوالب المعتمدة لإعداد مكعبات خرسانية واختبار العناصر الإنشائية فى الحالة المتصلدة باستخدام مطرقة شميدت بعد 28 يوم من تاريخ الصب ، مع مراقبة وتسجيل كافة الملاحظات السلبية بالموقع فيما يخص المواد الداخلة في الإنشاء أو المعدات اللازمة أو طرق التنفيذ أو المعالجة والمتابعة للعنصر الإنشائي بعد صبه .وقد خلصت الدراسة إلى نتائج من المهم جدا الانتباه لها وتعميق الدراسات فيها نظرا لأن النتائج قد أظهرت فقدان كبير جدا فى مقاومة الضغط للخرسانة المسلحة المستهدفة تصميميا حيث وصلت نسبة فقدان المقاومة للضغط مانسبته (47.6%) من المقاومة التصميمية المطلوبة .وقد نتج هذا الفقدان في المقاومة عن عدة عوامل مهمة ولها تأثير على إنتاج خرسانة مسلحة ذات مقاومة ضغط تحقق المقاومة المستهدفة تصميميا ، وهى عوامل ثقافية وتدريبية وفنية وتشريعية واقتصادية تخص منطقة الدراسة –مدينة طرابلس -وهى عينة لاتبتعد كثيرا على باقى مدن ليبيا ويجب ان تتم هذه الدراسة على العديد من المناطق فى بلدنا الحبيب ،لكى تكون الدراسة أشمل وأعم ونحصل على بيانات ومعلومات ونتائج اختبارات يمكن من خلالها الوصول إلى معاملات تصحيح (معامل الأمان) تصلح للتطبيق بليبيا واستعمالها في الحسابات الإنشائية عند التصميم وكذلك في تعديل المقاطع الخرسانية المصممة وفق مواصفات قياسية تصميمة أخرى .
هشام الصّيد الفزاني (2012)
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3D-printable alkali-activated concretes for building applications: A critical review

The construction sector has embraced digitalization and industrialization to boost production, reduce material consumption, and improve workmanship. The 3D-printed concrete technology (3DPCT), more broadly recognized as the design of a 3D object via a computer-aided design (CAD) model or a digital 3D model, has accelerated considerable progress in these areas in other industries. Although 3DPCT has advanced remarkably in recent years, producing an appropriate 3D printing material that improves performance while reducing material consumption, which is really important for CO2 reduction, is urgently needed. The present 3DPCT faces many obstacles, one of which is the limited range of printable concretes. To tackle this limitation, extensive studies on developing creative approaches for formulating alkali-activated materials (AAMs) for 3DPCT for modern building applications have been conducted. AAMs are maintainable substitutive binders to ordinary Portland cement. Therefore, the need to undertake a comprehensive literature review on the current status of AAM performance on 3D-printable concretes for building applications is substantial. This article comprehensively reviews the quality requirements, advantages, disadvantages, common techniques, delivery, and placement of 3DCP. This literature also delivers indepth reviews on the behaviors and the properties of AAM-based concrete composites used in 3D-printed construction. Moreover, research trends are moving toward a wide-ranging understanding concerning the economic benefits and the environmental footprints of 3DCP for building applications with AAMs as suitable concrete materials for the emerging robust eco-friendly concrete composite for digital construction constructions nowadays. Given the merits of the study, several hotspot research topics for future investigations are also provided for facilitating the wide use of 3DPCT in real applications to address rapidly the gap between demand and supply for smart and cost-effective homes for upcoming generations.
Hakim S. Abdelgader(2-2022)
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Lifting Capacity in Drilling Horizontal Wells

Abstract It is found in the literature that correlations and methods used in the determination of the lifting capacity for vertical wells cannot be applied directly for calculating the lifting capacity for horizontal well section without modifications. It is therefore necessary to formulate a new experimental technique from which new lifting capacity correlation is deduced which will be applied for the determination of the lifting capacity for the horizontal well section.The phenomena of cuttings concentration accumulated in the bottom of the horizontal section which is present in horizontal wells, does not exist in the vertical sections of the well. This problem makes it necessary to conduct an experimental work in a horizontal well simulator, to exactly simulate the drilling operation in the horizontal section of the well, from which lifting capacity values are determined for different mud formulations containing different cuttings sizes, concentrations and different mud reheology circulation at different flow rates. The objective of this study is to investigate the behavior of whole cleaning in the horizontal well section and to determine the factors effecting the cleaning capacity of the mud in this section. Also to deduce correlations relating the lifting capacity of the mud in the horizontal section of the well with various drilling parameters and mud circulation conditions. This study is conducted in the laboratory using a horizontal well simulator consists of the circulating mud component similar to that present in actual drilling operations. The experimental work used consists of using four muds formulation systems mixed with different cutting sizes and concentrations. The returned cuttings are extracted from mud return line for selected given time increments and accordingly their weights and sizes are determined. It is concluded that there is an optimum cutting size for maximum lifting capacity for each cutting concentrations used. The lifting capacity observed form the experimental results is not only dependent on mud velocity, but it is also dependent on the cutting concentrations used. It was observed that when cleaning the system after each experiment, accumulation of rock cuttings were present in the bottom of the horizontal section of the model. In this study a lifting capacity correlation relating the lifting capacity with mud flow rate, cutting size, cutting concentration, mud density, and mud viscosity is generated for the horizontal section of the well. Therefore it recommended that cleaning of the horizontal section of the well should be conducted frequently (consecutively) after each drilling time increment, which means that the drilling operation is stopped and the mud circulation rate is set to maximum. A maximum mud circulation rate is needed in order to ensure that the cuttings generated by the bit are removed efficiently in the horizontal section. It is therefore recommended during drilling the horizontal section a sequential drilling and cleaning technique should be applied.
عادل محمد جالوتة (2010)
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