Faculty of Information Technology

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About Faculty of Information Technology

Faculty of Information Technology

The Faculty of Information Technology is one of the most recent faculties at the University of Tripoli, as it was established in pursuant to the former General People's Committee for Higher Education Decision No. 535 of 2007 regarding the creation of Information Technology Faculties in the main universities in Libya.


Upon its establishment, the Faculty consisted of three departments: Computer Networks Department, Computer Science Department and Software Engineering Department. It now includes five departments: Mobile Computing Department, Computer Network Department, Internet Technologies Department, Information Systems Department and Software Engineering Department.


The Faculty’s study system follows the open semester system by two (Fall and Spring) terms per year. The Faculty began to actually accept students and teach with the beginning of the Fall semester 2008. It grants a specialized (university) degree in information technology in any of the aforementioned disciplines. Obtaining the degree requires the successful completion of at least 135 credit hours. Arabic is the language of study in the college, and English may be also used alongside it. It takes eight semesters to graduate from the Faculty if Information Technology.


The Faculty aspires to open postgraduate programs in the departments of computer networks and software engineering in the near future.

Facts about Faculty of Information Technology

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Faculty of Information Technology News

2021-05-04 451 0
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بكالوريوس في تقنية المعلومات
Major هندسة البرمجيات





Who works at the Faculty of Information Technology

Faculty of Information Technology has more than 38 academic staff members

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زهره الاشعل هي احد اعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم تقنيات الانترنت بكلية تقنية المعلومات بجامعة طرابلس. تعمل السيدة زهره الاشعل بجامعة طرابلس كـمحاضر مساعد منذ 2016-04-20 وحاليا تعمل بدرجة محاضر. ولها العديد من المنشورات العلمية في مجال تخصصها


Some of publications in Faculty of Information Technology

An Extensive Study on Online and Mobile Ad Fraud

The advertising ecosystem faces major threats from ad fraud caused by artificial display requests or clicks, created by malicious codes, bot-nets, and click-firms. Currently, there is a multibillion-dollar online advertisement market which generates the primary revenue for some of the internet's most successful websites. Unfortunately, the complexities of the advertisement ecosystem attract a considerable amount of cybercrime activity, which profits at the expense of advertisers. Web ad fraud has been extensively studied whereas fraud in mobile ads has received very little attention. Most of these studies have been carried out to identify fraudulent online and mobile ads clicks. However, the identification of individual fraudulent displays in mobile ads has yet to be explored. Additionally, other fraudulent activity aspects such as hacking ad-campaign accounts have rarely been addressed. The purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art ad fraud in web content as well as mobile apps. In this context, we will introduce a deeper understanding of vulnerabilities of online/mobile advertising ecosystems, the ad fraud’s well-known attacks, their effective detection methods and prevention mechanisms. arabic 8 English 40
Hala Shaari, Nuredin Ahmed(12-2020)
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Performance Comparison of VoIP over MPLS-Based Networks with RSVP Protocol Using SIP, H.323 Signaling Protocols

This paper describes the usage of OPNET simulation tool to evaluate VoIP over MPLS networks which employs RSVP protocol as QoS mechanism with SIP or H.323 as signaling protocols for setting up VoIP calls over the Internet. The results showed that the H.323 with RSVP over MPLS networks produced minimal end-to-end delay than SIP protocol; making it a good choice as a signaling protocol with VoIP over MPLS networks for places requiring minimal end-to-end delay, while SIP reported lowest delay jitter with minimal call setup time
Azeddien M. Sllame, Asra Hema, Huda Alnajem(3-2018)
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Capturing Variants of Transliterated Arabic Names in English Text

Transliteration is the process of representing words of one language into another using corresponding equivalent phonemes. For example, “Mohammed”, “Mohammad”, or “Muhammed” are three valid transliterations to the Arabic proper noun “محمد”. Transliteration from Arabic to English usually results in several different versions for the same Arabic name causing some names to have more than 40 different versions. Finding transliterated names is a problem in most languages. In English, this problem has been studied by researchers and many techniques have been developed to find transliterated names referring to the same foreign name. Techniques such as string matching and phonetic matching have been used to find similar names. However, some of these techniques were designed to find similar names of English origin and not a specific transliterated names. In this paper we review current techniques used to find variants of the same name and introduce a new technique we specifically developed to find transliterated Arabic names in English text. We developed a data set of more than 25,000 transliterated Arabic names and tested the effectiveness of current and the new technique on finding 115 names within that list. Our results show that our technique is superior to all other techniques. We also present an online system that we developed to find transliterated Arabic names on the web using our technique. arabic 8 English 57
Abdusalam F. Ahmad Nwesri, Nabila Al-Mabrouk S. Shinbir(9-2009)
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