قسم علوم الاغذية

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حول قسم علوم الاغذية

أنشئ قسم علوم الأغذية في العام الجامعي 1964/1963م كأحد أقسام كلية الدراسـات الفنية العليا (كلية الهندسة حالياً) تحت اسم تقنية الأغذية، وكانت مدة الدراسة به خمس سنوات للحصول على درجة بكالوريوس في الهندسة، واستمرت تبعية القسم حتى بعد تغيير كلية الدراسات الفنية العليا إلى كلية الهندسة.

بعد نقل تبعية القسم الإدارية و الأكاديمية إلى كلية الزراعة في العام الجامعي1972/1971م،استبدل اسمه و اصبح يعرف بقسم علوم الأغذية،وعدلت مناهجه لتتناسق مع أنظمة كلية الزراعة حيث خصصت السنتان الأولى و الثانية لدراسة العلوم الأساسية و بعض العلوم الزراعية المرتبطة بالتخصص . أما السنتان الأخيرتان يدرس بها مقررات علوم وتقنية الأغذية التى تغطي المجالات الأساسية التالية: كيمياء الأغذية، الأحياء الدقيقة للأغذية وتقنية الأغذية والألبان.

يحتل قسم علوم الأغذية مكانة متميزة بين أقسام الكلية نظراً للأهمية الإستراتيجية لحفظ وتصنيع المنتجات الزراعية الغذائية وذلك من الناحية التغذوية والصحية والاقتصادية. ويلعب خريجو القسم دوراً هاماً في مختلف المؤسسات ذات العلاقة بالغذاء والتغذية مسايرة للنهضة الزراعية والصناعية. كما أنه أول قسم في الكلية جميع أعضاء هيئة تدريسه من الليبيين منذ العام الدراسي 1983/1982م.

حقائق حول قسم علوم الاغذية

نفتخر بما نقدمه للمجتمع والعالم


المنشورات العلمية


هيئة التدريس





من يعمل بـقسم علوم الاغذية

يوجد بـقسم علوم الاغذية أكثر من 22 عضو هيئة تدريس

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د. إبراهيم غريبي إمحمد غريبي

إبراهيم غريبي هو احد اعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم علوم الاغذية بكلية الزراعة طرابلس. يعمل السيد إبراهيم غريبي بجامعة طرابلس كـاستاذ مساعد منذ 2017-09-05 وله العديد من المنشورات العلمية في مجال تخصصه

منشورات مختارة

بعض المنشورات التي تم نشرها في قسم علوم الاغذية

Antioxidant-Antibacterial properties and chemical composition of Bekrari and Bronci Libyan date palm fruits

This study evaluated the cortex, pulp and seed of Libyan Bekrari and Bronci date varieties for antioxidant, antibacterial and nutritional properties using standard methods. For both varieties, tannins, flavonoids, reducing sugars and cardiac glycosides were found in the cortex, pulp, and seed, whereas coumarins were only detected in the cortex and pulp. Saponins were present in seeds and alkaloids were absent in both varieties. The IC50 for Bekrari and Bronci seed and pulp extracts were 0.092 - 0.047 mg/ml and 8.81 - 4.98 mg/ml, respectively. The concentration of cortex extracts to reduce DDPH free radicals by 50 % were recorded at 4.25 and 3.69 mg/ml for Bekrari and Bronci, respectively. The seed extract of Bekrari at 100, 50, 25, and 12.5% showed antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus with inhibition zones 15.6, 13.3, 13, and 12 mm, respectively; and MRSA with inhibition zones 18.3, 16, 14, and 13 mm, respectively. The seed extract of Bronci also inhibited S. aureus and MRSA giving zones of inhibitions 16, 14.5, 12.5, 11 mm and 16.5, 14.2, 12.5, mm respectively, at the various concentrations. The Bronci and Bekrari seeds respectively contained 6.59 - 6.02 % protein, 5.48-6.60 % fat, 8.36-8.25 % moisture, 1.12-1.16 % ash, 38.45-39.60 % fiber, 0.80-1.24 % fructose, 1.05-1.24 % glucose and 1.32-1.56 % sucrose. The Bronci and Bekrari pulp respectively contained 3.47-2.25 % protein, 0.05-0.04 % fat, 7.67-7.84 % moisture, 1.72-1.85 % ash, 2.26-2.74 % fiber, 32.27-37.46 % fructose, 37.17-40.52 % glucose and 37.17-0.10 % sucrose. The Bronci and Bekrari cortex respectively contained 4.87-3.82 % crude protein, 0.65-0.29 % fat, 7.46-4.66 % moisture, 2.74- 1.59 % ash, 17.55-9.79 % fiber 17.95-20.01 % fructose, 17.32-18.41% glucose and 0.01-0.063 % sucrose. These results revealed and highlighted the strong antimicrobial, antioxidant and nutritional potential of Libyan date varieties.
Rabya A Ibrahim Lahmer(2-2021)
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مستوى تلوث حبوب الشعير و منتجاته ( دقيق الشعير و الزميتة ) بسموم الأوكراتوكسينات A و B من مطاحن خاصة بمدينة طرابلس

Abstract The present study aims to isolate and identify such fungi natural occurrence barley grain collected from Tripoli, Libyia, fungi production of ochratoxins, survey natural occurrence of ochratoxins in barley and its products (flouer and zometa) , study the effect of kind barley on ochratoxins production and determination the chemical composition of barley and its products. The effect of barley flour and zometa processes on ochratoxin A in barley was studied. 1- Natural incidence of fungi on barley grains: Samples are plated on Czapek's agar medium. The infection and total fungal count was calculated the results indicated that the infection was ranged from 85 to 100% and total fungal count was ranged from 93 to 150 isolates. The naturally infected with fungi belonging to genera Aspergillus spp, penicillium spp and Fusarium spp. Aspergillus spp, penicillium ssp and Fusarium spp were ranged from 36.70% to 58%, 17.3% to 36.6% and 16.0 to 31.3% respectively. 2- Natural occurrence of fungi producing ochratoxins: A- Aspergillus ochraceus: Sixty – three of A. ochraceus isolates was found from 608 Aspergillus spp isolates. Twenty isolates from 63 of A ochraceus was found positive for ochratoxins production . The production of toxins were 56.49 mg/Litter, 1.72 mg /Litter and 0.62 mg / Litter YES for ochratoxins A, B and C respectively. B- Penicillium verrucostum Thirty – six P. verrucostum isolates from 360 Penicillium spp Were found. Nineteen isolates of P. verrucostum from 36 isolates were found a positive to ochratoxins production . The production of toxins was 44.5 mg /Litter , 2.4 mg / Litter and 0.38 mg / Litter for ochratoxin A, B, C respectively. 3-Natureal occurrence of ochratoxins in barley and its products : A- Barley grainsThe results indicated that 38 out from 66 barley samples (57%) was found positive to ochratoxina A, concentration was ranged from 0.7 – 12.4 µg/kg with mean value of 3.91 µg /kg barley. Ochratoxin B and C did not found in any samples. 4- Natural occurrence of ochratoxins in barely products. B- Barley flour: Concerning to the occurrence of ochratoxins in barley products, the results revealed that 29 out from 66 (43%) flour samples were positive to ochratoxin A, the rang was 1.34-3.39 µg/kg and mean of 2.4/µg /kg.C- Zometa flour: The results indicated that 36% from 66 zometa samples were positive for ochratoxin A . the concentration was ranged from 0.55 to 1.9 µg/kg with mean 1.2 µg/kg zometa flour.5- Effect of barley kind on ochratoxins productionThe results appeared that both Aspergillus ochraceus and penicillium verrucosum very were growth and produced ochratoxins on all kind of barley and its products. (barley flour zomata flour). For Aspergillus ochraceus: The results indicated that the product of toxins were ranged from 11.09 to 19.43 mg/kg and 0.21 to 2.41 mg /kg sample for ochratoxin A and ochratoxin B respectively. For Penicillium verrucostum: The results also indicated that the production of toxins ranged from 9-5 to 11.52 and 0.09 to 0.93 mg/kg sample for ochratoxin A and ochratoxin B respectively. The results improved that both Aspergillus ochraceus and P. verrucostum produced ochratoxins A and B on all barley grains and its products , when suitable condition from temperature and moisture content were found . Fate of ochratoxin A residues in barley grains during flour and zometa processes. The results showed that (cleaning , removal of broken grains, atrophic , at other as well as the process of grinding) and screening (barley flour) caused a loss of 8 and 30% of ochratoxin A concentration respectively. The initial aperations for barley and grain milling and screening process (barley flour) led to 35.6% of total ochratoxin A concentration (50 µg/kg barley). Results also indicated that the process of roasting temperature 200°C for 15 min. and milling and screening destruction 13 and 35% from ochratoxin A concentration respectively . Zometa process steps were caused 52% from initial of ochratoxin A concentration (50µg/kg barley). It could be concluded therefore that cleaning , removal of broken grains, atrophic , at other as well as the process o grinding) and barley and grain milling screening of pulses contaminated with ochratoxin A does not complete eliminate health hazard.
صفي الدين عبد الله خليفة إنبيه (2008)
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ضوابط مبدأ التناسب في مجال التجريم و العقاب

يسعى هذا البحث إلى تحديد الإطار الذي يضبط مبدأ التناسب بين الجريمة و العقوبة،، فلا مجال للحديث عن تشريع جنائي يحقق المصلحة المبتغاة دون الالتزام بتطبيق هذا المبدأ.
ليلى امحمد إبراهيم أبوبكر (4-2022)
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