قسم التربة والمياه

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حول قسم التربة والمياه

 افتُتح القسم مع إنشاء كلية الزراعة سنة 1966م، وقد اهتم بالتوسع في مختلف التخصصات المتعلقة بعلوم التربة والمياه وبإعداد الكوادر العلمية القادرة على إدارة وتسيير المشاريع الزراعية أو مواصلة دراستها والحصول على درجات ومؤهلات عالية، كما اهتم بتجهيز المختبرات وتزويدها بمختلف الأجهزة والمعدات الحديثة والمتطورة لاستخدامها في مجالات البحث والدراسة.

حقائق حول قسم التربة والمياه

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المنشورات العلمية


هيئة التدريس





من يعمل بـقسم التربة والمياه

يوجد بـقسم التربة والمياه أكثر من 26 عضو هيئة تدريس

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د. بشير احمد ميلود نوير

نوير هو احد اعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم التربة والمياه بكلية الزراعة طرابلس. يعمل السيد نوير بجامعة طرابلس كمساعد محاضر 1-0-04-2000 و من ثم كاستاد مساعد منذ 2013-07-01 وله عدد ثلاثة كتب و العديد من المنشورات العلمية الاخري باللغتين العربية و الانجليزية في مجال تقييم الاراضي و تطبيقات نظم المعلومات الجغرافية و الاستشعار عن بعد فى العلوم الزراعية و البيئية و الهندسية.

منشورات مختارة

بعض المنشورات التي تم نشرها في قسم التربة والمياه

Soil diversity (pedodiversity) and ecosystem services

Soil ecosystem services (ES) (e.g., provisioning, regulation/maintenance, and cultural) and ecosystem disservices (ED) are dependent on soil diversity/pedodiversity (variability of soils), which needs to be accounted for in the economic analysis and business decision-making. The concept of pedodiversity (biotic + abiotic) is highly complex and can be broadly interpreted because it is formed from the interaction of atmospheric diversity (abiotic + biotic), biodiversity (biotic), hydrodiversity (abiotic + biotic), and lithodiversity (abiotic) within ecosphere and anthroposphere. Pedodiversity is influenced by intrinsic (within the soil) and extrinsic (outside soil) factors, which are also relevant to ES/ED. Pedodiversity concepts and measures may need to be adapted to the ES framework and business applications. Currently, there are four main approaches to analyze pedodiversity: taxonomic (diversity of soil classes), genetic (diversity of genetic horizons), parametric (diversity of soil properties), and functional (soil behavior under different uses). The objective of this article is to illustrate the application of pedodiversity concepts and measures to value ES/ED with examples based on the contiguous United States (U.S.), its administrative units, and the systems of soil classification (e.g., U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Soil Taxonomy, Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Database). This study is based on a combination of original research and literature review examples. Taxonomic pedodiversity in the contiguous U.S. exhibits high soil diversity, with 11 soil orders, 65 suborders, 317 great groups, 2026 subgroups, and 19,602 series. The ranking of “soil order abundance” (area of each soil order within the U.S.) expressed as the proportion of the total area is: (1) Mollisols (27%), (2) Alfisols (17%), (3) Entisols (14%), (4) Inceptisols and Aridisols (11% each), (5) Spodosols (3%), (6) Vertisols (2%), and (7) Histosols and Andisols (1% each). Taxonomic, genetic, parametric, and functional pedodiversity are an essential context for analyzing, interpreting, and reporting ES/ED within the ES framework. Although each approach can be used separately, three of these approaches (genetic, parametric, and functional) fall within the “umbrella” of taxonomic pedodiversity, which separates soils based on properties important to potential use. Extrinsic factors play a major role in pedodiversity and should be accounted for in ES/ED valuation based on various databases (e.g., National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) databases). Pedodiversity is crucial in identifying soil capacity (pedocapacity) and “hotspots” of ES/ED as part of business decision making to provide more sustainable use of soil resources. Pedodiversity is not a static construct but is highly dynamic, and various human activities (e.g., agriculture, urbanization) can lead to soil degradation and even soil extinction. arabic 7 English 46
Elena A. Mikhailova , Hamdi A. Zurqani , Christopher J. Post , Mark A. Schlautman, Gregory C. Post (3-2021)
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Simulation of Soil Water Movement in Sandy Soil under a Prairie Field with Hydrus _2D Model

Summary: One of the main characteristics of trickle irrigation system is that water leaving an emitter enters the soil and moves both laterally and vertically. There has been much speculation on the shape and moisture distribution within the wetted soil volume. This knowledge is important in the design, operation and management of a trickle irrigation system. A simulation study of soil water distribution under a prairie field in Tripoli Libya, by the use of the two dimensional model Hydrus 2D model was carried out. Sandy soil was irrigated using surface point source with application rates of 1.5, 2, 2.7, 3, 3.5, 4.5, 4.8 and 6 l/h. The surface wetted radius, vertical advance of wetting front and the distribution of moisture content in the soil profile were determined. Three statistical criteria were used to compare the quality of simulation results, such as mean bias error (MBE), root mean square error (RMSE) and Theil’s Inequality coefficient (U). Simulation positions of the wetting front were in agreement relative to the observed measurements of the wetting front. Specifically, in the lateral, the experimentally determined wetting front was closely estimated by the model. In the downward direction the simulated wetting front advanced much slower than the observed especially at later stage of infiltration. Considering the difficulties in estimating the dynamic water conditions in the field there was generally good agreement (especially in the lateral direction) between the measured and simulated values. In the deeper downward direction the simulated moisture content distributions were less than the measured. On the other hand, the Hydrus_2D model described the water content distribution quite well at relatively high levels of moisture contents; however, it did not do as well at lower moisture content. The discrepancies between the simulated and measured values may be due to variation in the size of the surface source of water during infiltration and to the natural variation of soil properties. However, due to the complex mechanisms of water movement under the complicated boundary and initial conditions from a surface point source the results support the use of Hydrus 2D as a tool for investigating and designing point source trickle irrigation system. Keywords: Trickle irrigation, wetting front, soil moisture distribution, Hydrus _2D model
Ahmed Ibrahim Ekhmaj, M.S.M. Amin, Abdul Hakim Almdny, W. Aimrun, .M. Abdulaziz, (1-2006)
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A Comparison of Fuzzy AHP and Ideal Point Methods for Evaluating Land Suitability

This article compares two fuzzy approaches to land suitability evaluations, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Ideal Point. The methods were evaluated using a case study which models the opportunities for wheat production under irrigation conditions in the north‐western region of Jeffara Plain, Libya. A number of relevant soil and landscape criteria were identified through a review of the literature and their weights specified as a result of discussions with local experts. The results of the Fuzzy AHP showed that the majority of the study area has membership values to the set of suitability between 0.40 and 0.50, while the results of the Ideal Point approach revealed most of the study area to have membership values between 0.30 and 0.40. While the Fuzzy AHP and Ideal Point approaches accommodate the continuous nature of many soil properties and produce more intuitive distributions of land suitabilities values, the Fuzzy AHP approach was found to be better than Fuzzy Ideal Point. This was due to the latter's tendency to be biased towards positive and negative ideal values
Mukhtar Elaalem, Alexis Comber, Pete Fisher(6-2011)
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