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Libyan Instructors' Perceptions of Integrating Canvas LMS in Libyan higher Education Institutions.

Canvas is a software platform that belongs to the Learning Management System (LMS) and used to enable instructors, administrators and students to manage knowledge, share information and collaborate by implementing an appropriate pedagogical approach. Integrating online Learning LMS tools in the Libyan higher education institutions has been one of the concerns in past years, especially during the recent Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID- 19 pandemic). Some studies were held in Libya recently to investigate the new means and strategies implemented by schools and higher education institutions of online education and e-learning resources. This study utilized qualitative methods to investigate the perceptions of Libyan instructors regarding integrating Canvas LMS in the higher education institutions, based on their own online learning experience from a professional development course on Canvas, to which they are all enrolled. Online questionnaire utilizing Google form Application was conducted with 82 Libyan instructors who responded for the study. The collected data was analyzed and the results of the study showed that ease of use and usefulness contribute to the instructors' intention and attitudes toward the use of Canvas LMS. The findings can be used by educational institutions to understand instructors’ perceptions regarding Canvas LMS, and ultimately improve e-learning and instructional practices. The study recommended that the higher education institutions should use Canvas LMS being easy, and useful for both students and teachers.
Ahmed Maher, Nadia Nuseir(5-2021)

Strategies towards the Implementation of Blended Learning in Engineering Education.

Blended learning is widely adopted as an effective approach to develop the traditional teaching style, and to fulfill the satisfaction of learners, students, and institutions. Therefore, this paper discusses the effectiveness of blended learning with learning management systems (LMS) implications in higher engineering education. Blended learning concepts, components, and challenges are discussed, as well as strategies of implementation are introduced.
Osama Terfas, Nadia Nuseir, Ahmed Maher(5-2021)
موقع المنشور

Strategies towards the Implementation of Blended Learning in Engineering Education

Blended learning is widely adopted as an effective approach to develop the traditional teaching style, and to fulfill the satisfaction of learners, students, and institutions. Therefore, this paper discusses the effectiveness of blended learning with learning management systems (LMS) implications in higher engineering education. Blended learning concepts, components, and challenges are discussed, as well as strategies of implementation are introduced.
• Osama Terfas(1-2021)

أهمية الموسيقى ودورها في تعلم اللغات

تركز هذه الدراسة على أهمية استخدام الموسيقى كوسيلة تعليمية لتعلم اللغات الأخرى. حيث اشتملت على: مقدمة، العلاقة بين الموسيقى واللغة، موسيقى اللغة، مزايا استخدام الموسيقى في تعلم اللغة، مقارنة بين الموسيقى واللغة، فوائد تعلم اللغة بالاعتماد على الموسيقى. وقد وخلصت الدراسة إلى جملة من النتائج أهمها ان الموسيقى تساهم في التغلب على معضلتي الحفظ والنطق عند المتعلم.
بشير منصور المبروك الملاحي, ابوالقاسم امحمد علي الشلحي(12-2020)
موقع المنشور

A Comparison between Three Organic Solvents in Extracting Essential Oils from Fresh and Dry Leaves Of Salvia Officinalis L

Salvia officinalis L. is a Mediterranean species, naturalized in many countries. The composition of essential oil isolated from Salvia officinalis L, wild growing in Libya, was analyzed. In this study, essential oils from fresh and dry leaves of Salvia officinalis L, Libya, were extracted with ethanol, hexane or chloroform as solvents using Soxhlet apparatus and the extracts were analyzed using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry method. Each solvent showed differences in the extraction yields between fresh and dry leaves. Physical constants of the extracts were shown variation in color, viscosity, density, PH and percentage of production between fresh and dry leaves for each solvent. GC-MS results showed that ethanol could extract the most compounds compared to hexane and chloroform from both fresh and dry leaves. In total 41, 28 and 31 compounds were identified in the essential oils of fresh and dry leaves of Salvia officinalis L using ethanol, hexane or chloroform respectively. For each solvent the number of compounds extracted from dry leaves was bigger than the number extracted from fresh leaves. arabic 33 English 104
ABUBAKER A BASHIR ATRROG, abdunnaser mohamed mohamed megrahi, Fathia Mousa H Altalhi(4-2018)
موقع المنشور

Code-Switching Between English and the Cyber Language through Computer-Mediated Communication: Discussion of Integrating Code-Switching in ESL Classroom

Code-Switching Between English and the Cyber Language through Computer-Mediated Communication arabic 20 English 132
Nadia Abdurrahman A. Nsir, Entisar ALi Hadi Elsherif(1-2014)
موقع المنشور

Introducing Slang to English Language Learners

Real life conversations do not include formal spoken interactions all the time; learning to use slang will help convergence, divergence, and maintenance, which constitute speech accommodation theory. Convergence is “accommodation towards the speech of one’s interlocutors” (Meyerhoff, 2006, p. 307). In other words, how individuals are familiarized to each other’s linguistic features during speech. In the case of ELLs, they needed to gain social approval in their new community, which makes convergence occur. They use slang to maintain their social approval and construct their identity. Their convergence is downward convergence since they use slang to belong to their school community arabic 5 English 41
Entisar ALi Hadi Elsherif, Nadia Abdurrahman A. Nsir(1-2021)
موقع المنشور