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Reversibility in radionuclide/bentonite bulk and colloidal ternary systems

Ternary systems of 152Eu(III), bulk bentonite and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) ([Eu] = 7.9 × 10−10 M; pH = 6.0–7.0) have been studied. Without EDTA, there was slow uptake in a two-stage process, with initial rapid sorption of Eu(III) (96%), followed by slower uptake of a much smaller fraction (3.0% over a period of one month). The reversibility of Eu(III) binding was tested by allowing Eu(III) to sorb to bentonite for 1–322 days. EDTA was added to the pre-equilibrated Eu bentonite systems at 0.01 M, a concentration that was sufficient to suppress sorption in a system where EDTA was present prior to the contact of Eu(III) with bentonite. A fraction of the Eu was released instantaneously (30‒50%), but a significant amount remained bound. With time, the amount of Eu(III) retained by the bentonite reduced, with a slow fraction dissociation rate constant of approximately 4.3 × 10−8 s−1 (values in the range 2.2 × 10−8 – 1.0 × 10−7 s−1) for pre-equilibration times ≥7 days. Eventually, the amount of Eu(III) remaining bound to the bentonite was within error of that when EDTA was present prior to contact (4.5% ± 0.6), although in systems with pre-equilibration times >100 days, full release took up to 500 days. Europium interactions with colloidal bentonitewere also studied, and the dissociation rate constant measured by a resin competition method. For the colloids, more Eu was found in the slowly dissociating fraction (60–70%), but the first-order dissociation rate constant was faster, with an average rate constant of 8.8 × 10−7 s−1 and a range of 7.7 × 10−7–9.5 × 10−7 s−1. For both bulk and colloidal bentonite, although slow dissociation was observed for Eu(III), there was no convincing evidence for ‘irreversible’ binding.

An investigation on Libyan olive oil in the western region

Thirteen Olive oil samples were collected from five different places in the western Libyan region with different cultivation periods. The physical and chemical properties of samples were investigated and classified whether they comply with the Libyan standard specification number 8/2002 or not. The density and refractive index of almost all samples were found within the normal range (0.908-0.919) and (1.4688-1.4705) respectively whereas the chemical properties showed a range of fluctuated values such as peroxide number (11.20-60.40), acidity value (0.737-17.94), saponification number (185.34-199.65), esterification number (173.84-194.36) and iodine number (71.00-94.10). A third of the investigated samples are considered to be of good quality mainly the newer samples
Ragiab A. M. Issa(9-2017)


The thermovoltaic detection (TVD) technique is based on measurement of the EMF generated by two dissimilar metal electrodes in contact with the specimen. This technique has recently been applied when investigating different types of materials involving thermal decomposition reactions which have more normally been studied by conventional thermal analysis techniques, such as DTA, TG, etc. This paper reports the application of the combined TVD and DTA techniques for thermal characterization of materials. The Harrop DTA system has been modified such that measurements by the two techniques can be made simultaneously in the same environment. Data have been obtained on different types of materials, e.g., NiSO,.6H,O and CoSO,.7H,O, etc., at a programmed heating rate of 10” C rnin- ‘. Results obtained by these techniques are discussed and compared with the corresponding values in the literature.
Ragiab Ali Mokhtar(5-1990)

ظاهرة الاقتراض اللغوي وأثرها في النص القرآني

إن مصطلح الاقتراض كان معروفا عند العرب منذ القدم، فقد دخلت ألفاظ ومصطلحات كثيرة من لغات مجاورة لها، خاصة (الفارسية ، والآرامية ، واليونانية ، واللاتينية ) إضافة إلى اللغات الساميّة التي يعود الاقتراض بينها وبين العربية إلى عصور قديمة جدا (كالسريانية ، والكنعانية ) ولكن ليس بهذا المصطلح (الاقتراض ) وإنما بمصطلح (الأعجمي) ،وقد تواتر عند العرب استعمال لفظ الأعجمي قبل مصطلح الدخيل والمعرّب ، فكان عندهم كلُّ كلام غيرُ عربي هو أعجمي . أهمية الموضوع: مفهوم اقتراض الألفاظ في القرآن الكريم وتكيفها في العربية، والسبب في تعدد مصطلحاته وماذكره العلماء القدامى والمحدثين من هذه التراجم، وما تجبه حركة الترجمة إزاء هذا المصطلح، وفي آخر الحث تم تشكيل جدول إحصائي للألفاظ الدخيلة قي القرآن الكريم استنادا لما ذكره (الإمام السيوطي ت911 ه) -رحمه الله- في كتابه المهذّب فيما وقع في القرآن من المعرّب. الهدف من البحث: يهدف إلى دراسة مفهوم الاقتراض وحدوده، واستلزامه وظواهره والأسباب التي أدت إلى الاقتراض اللغوي، كالثنائية اللغوية والتعدد اللغوي في المجتمع الواحد، والأسباب الاجتماعية والاقتصادية التي أدت في زيادة الظاهرة، وإبراز اللغات الأكثر اقتراضا في النص القرآني. إشكالية البحث: يعالج النظرة التي تختلف في الدرس اللغوي من تقارب المصطلح وتعدد أسمائه وتشجيع الباحثين للتوجه لدراسة ألفاظ ودلالات النص القرآني، كونها تثري البحث اللغوي في اللسانيات التطبيقية وخاصة في علم اللغة المقارن. فرضية البحث: ما هو الاقتراض اللغوي وماهي أنماطه والدوافع التي أدت إلى انتشاره وما موقف العلماء منه وعمل جدول إحصائي للكلمات المقترضة في القرآن الكريم كما أوردها الإمام السيوطي في كتابه المهذب، وقد اتبع في ذلك المنهج الوصفي التحليلي. ختاما نأمل أن نكون قدمنا بحثينا المتواضع بما يخدم البحث اللغوي إذا ما قوبل بما أنجز من بحوث لغوية قيّمة بهذا الصدد. الكلمات المفتاحية: الاقتباس اللغوي، الاستلاف، الاستعارة، الاحتكاك اللغوي.
إبتسام علي بشير ساسي , ناهد عبد الدائم محمد الباجقني (11-2020)

دور اللعب في تشخيص وعلاج القلق في مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة

يتناول البحث كيفية استخدام اللعب في تشخيص وعلاج القلق في مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة
سنيه مصطفى حسن دويك, ربيعة حسين احمد حسين, اسماعيل معمر علي يوسف, , , (1-2020)

Lipophilicity of some guaianolides isolated from two endemic subspecies of Amphoricarpos neumayeri (Asteraceae) from Montenegro

In this study 10 guaianolide-type sesquiterpene g-lactones named amphoricarpolides, isolated from the aerial parts of two endemic subspecies of Amphoricarpos neumayeri (ssp. neumayeri and ssp. murbeckii Bošnjak), were investigated by means of reversed-phase thin-layer chromatography. Methanol–water and tetrahydrofuran–water binary mixtures were used as mobile phase in order to determine lipophilicity parameters RM0 and C0. Some of the investigated compounds were screened for their cytotoxic activity against HeLa and B16 cells. Chromatographically obtained lipophilicity parameters were correlated with calculated logP values and IC50 values. Principal component analysis identified the dominant pattern in the chromatographically obtained data.
موقع المنشور

Multi-frequency Electrical Impedance Tomography: Image Reconstruction Using Complex Sensitivity Matrix with Finite Element Methods

: Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is a non invasive imaging technique with widespread applications in medicine and industry. It aims to image the conductivity distribution within an object by making electrical measurements on the surface of the volume. Single frequency electrical impedance tomography offers many positive attributes which are now being exploited clinically, but there are also problems which have been identified. Multi-frequency electrical impedance tomography has been proposed to solve this problem by making impedance measurements over a range of frequencies. The reason for this is that the impedance of biological tissues varies with frequency, and the variations are different from tissue to tissue. It is therefore possible, in principle to make static image (i.e. images of the distribution of frequency dependence of the impedance within the body) by measuring tissue impedance over a range of frequencies. In this paper new method concerning multi-frequency electrical impedance tomography have been developed. In the this new developed method; current density and finite element method have been used for the derivation of the complex sensitivity matrix. The new developed method was applied in some models and acceptable results were found. By using these method it possible to produce improvement and fast image reconstructions.
Amani SOLIMAN(3-2012)
موقع المنشور

Reconstruction of Medical Image Registration and Applications in EIT

Medical image registration is process for determining the correspondence of features between two medical collected at different times and different position or using different imaging modalities, where the aim is to follow changes in two imaging. The aim in Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is to exploit the difference in the passive electrical properties of tissues in order to generate a tomographic image. The advantage of such a technique over other imaging modalities is that it provides a non-invasive and sensitive method of probing the body using non ionizing radiation. This paper will Shows the reconstruction of image registration and application in multi frequency electrical impedance tomography. Using by the determination of the appropriate coordinate transfer function (CTF), the image reconstruction has been improved, and the all information in the image can be obtained.
Amani Soliman, (3-2018)
موقع المنشور