قسم الهندسة الكيميائية

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حول قسم الهندسة الكيميائية

الهندسة الكيميائية هي إحدى فروع الهندسة الحديثة التي تهتم بالصناعات الكيميائية والبتروكيميائية وتصنيع النفط والغاز، ولقد تم افتتاح هذا القسم في السنة الجامعية 1968-1969م، كأحد أقسام كلية الهندسة، وقد تم التخطيط ووضع برنامج أكاديمي يهدف إلى إعداد المهندسين المتخصصين القادرين على إدارة وتطوير مصانع وآلات العمليات الكيميائية وكذلك تشغيل المرافق الصناعية الكيميائية والخدمية المختلفة. ويتولى تسيير البرنامج العلمي والبحثي بالقسم أكثر من 30 عضو هيئة تدريس في تخصصات مختلفة.

حقائق حول قسم الهندسة الكيميائية

نفتخر بما نقدمه للمجتمع والعالم


المنشورات العلمية


هيئة التدريس





من يعمل بـقسم الهندسة الكيميائية

يوجد بـقسم الهندسة الكيميائية أكثر من 23 عضو هيئة تدريس

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د. مواهب محمد الزروق الدردار

د.مواهب محمد الزروق الدردار هي احد اعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم الهندسة الكيميائية بكلية الهندسة. تعمل الدكتورة مواهب الدردار بجامعة طرابلس كـاستاذ مشارك منذ 15-01-2020 ولها العديد من المنشورات العلمية في مجال تخصصها ، رئيس قسم الهندسة الكيميائية منذ فبراير 2022م

منشورات مختارة

بعض المنشورات التي تم نشرها في قسم الهندسة الكيميائية

Experimental study of solar still performance coupled to a solar collector for potable water production

نظرا للنقص الكبير في كمية المياه الجوفية نتيجة لنقص كمية مياه الأمطار و المياه الصالحة للشرب عامة وعدم وفرة المياه في المناطق النائية وشبه القاحلة حيث تتوفر الطاقة الشمسية وتشح المياه مما يجعل للطاقة الشمسية أهمية كبيرة في تحليه المياه و التقليل من استعمال الطاقة التقليدية التي تصاحبها انبعاثات المسببة للمشاكل البيئية مثل الانحباس الحراري.الهدف من هدا البحث هو تصميم و دراسة تجريبية لأداء المحليات الشمسية نوعية الحوض(basin type solar still ) والمقطر الشمسي نوعية الفتيلة المبللة (tilted –wick solar still ) و المربوطة بالمجمعات الشمسية لغرض تسخين المياه قبل دخولها للمقطر. وقد تم استعارة نموذج رياضي مناسب لمحاكاة أداء المحليات الشمسية التي يتم دراستها ومقارنة الجانب العملي مع الجانب النظري و الذي يستفاد منه في معالجة المشاكل المتوقعة في تصميم المقطر . وقد تم مقارنة معدل إنتاجية المياه في وجود مجمع شمسي وفى عدم وجوده. حيث وجدنا أن معدل إنتاجية نوع (tilted wick) فى وجود مجمع شمسي كان 5.307lm2day عند معدل إشعاع شمسي 676.537wm2 ,وإنتاجية نوع ((basin في وجود مجمع شمسي day 3.333lm2 عند إشعاع شمسي 696.19wm2 , وإنتاجية نوع (basin) في عدم وجود مجمع شمسي day 3.025lm2 عند معدل إشعاع شمسي 721.49wm2 وقد وجدنا أن تركيز الأملاح الصلبة الدائبة كانت 3080mg/l ونقصت بعد عملية التحلية إلى 36.8mg/l و تركيز أيون الكلور كان 475mg/l و نقص إلى 2.2mg/l . حيث تعتبر الطاقة الشمسية هي من أكثر أنواع الطاقة ملائمة للاستعمال في الوقت الحالي لولا انخفاض معدل الاستفادة منها حاليا على نطاق تجارى واسع وتجرى الآن أبحاث كثيرة لتطوير وإيجاد وسائل مناسبة للحصول على الطاقة الكافية. Abstract The problem of drinking water shortage is a worldwide issue that made millions of people suffers this shortage. Different classical energy processes were used to partly solve the problem, but they were suitable only for large population areas due to their high capital, operation and maintenance cost. For these reasons, alternative methods must be sought for rural arid areas. This method uses solar energy to drive basin-type and tilted-wick-type solar stills to produce distilled water. The performance of the stills was also studied when they were connected to external solar collector to preheat the feed water to the stills. The present work deals with studying and modeling of solar stills. The basic idea of the work is to check the production of basin still and tilted wick still using solar energy for solar desalination, using brackish water with total dissolved solids (T.D.S) equal to 3080mg/l and ion chloride concentration of 475mg/l)(35) and solar energy. The still is basically a rectangular basin lined with black or blackened porous material that acts as the solar energy collector. The still was constructed from galvanized iron steel with dimensions 52×75×6 cm. the base area of 52×75 cm. The still inclined at 13o. Distilled water volume collected was recorded continuously for each hour. The productivity of tilted type still with preheated water was 5.307 L/m2 day at an average solar radiation of 676.537 w/m2. The productivity of basin type solar still with preheated water was 3.333L/m2day at an average solar radiation 696.19 w/m2. The productivity of basin type solar still without preheated water was 3.025 L/m2day at an average solar radiation 721.49w/m2. The T.D.S is 36.8mg/l, and ion chloride concentration is 2.2mg/l(35). The developed mathematical model from energy and mass balance on the system was used to predict the performance of the still. It was found that the model predicted inlet temperature and glass temperature well with that one’s measured experimentally. The productivity predicted from the model was far from that measured experimentally. This was due to the many assumption made in the development of the model.
زينب أحمد دالي (2011)
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Development Study of EL-Mergheb Cement Factory Production Specification from Ordinary Portland cement to High Sulfate Resistance Cement

Abstract This study is to develop the specifications of the present cement products so as to comply with the quality and quantities requirements of the local market. The subject of this thesis is to present the results of a series of laboratory trials on a number of raw material mixtures prepared to produce moderate and high sulfate resistance cement at EL- Mergheb cement factory which currently produces ordinary Portland cement. At first, six different raw material sample mixtures were prepared from marlstone,marl and iron ore. The clinker (cement ) produced from these samples was within the moderate sulfate resistance cement ( MSRC ) specifications which mainly requires the tri calcium aluminate (C3A) to be less than 8 % by weight. The trial runs on other three raw material samples made that from mixing marlstone , clay , and iron ore produced clinker specifications that were out of those for MSRC namely, C3A is greater than 8 % . This means that the addition of clay to the raw mix prevents the production of cement with MSRC specifications. This was due to the high percentage of Al2O3 in the clay . The specifications of the clinker products based on these results , MSRC was successfully produced at the factory from raw material mixtures ( marlstone, marl and iron ore ) without any clay addition . Finally three raw mix samples were prepared from marlstone, marl, iron ore, and sand and tested in the laboratory to explore the possibility of producing high sulfate resistance cement ( HSRC) which requires C3A to be less than 5 % . The results of these laboratory trials showed that when the sand in the raw mix is kept under 1.80 % , the produced clinker specifications are within those of HSRC. The permission to carry out these trials in the factory is underway. The expected economic benefits from producing both MSRC and HSRC is highly feasible. Both types will be sold in local market without any additional operating or capital costs .
صالح محمد صالح (2013)
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Assessment Study of Energy Consumption in Ras Lanuf Refinery by pinch Analysis

Abstract Against the background due to the energy crisis in the late 1970’s, the pinch analysis has emerged as a powerful tool for the integrated design of process heat networks which include heat exchangers, distillation columns, furnaces, etc..The key strategy of this methodology is to set energy targets prior to design based on basic thermodynamic principles.The subject of this thesis in to apply this analysis to one of the Libyan Refineries, namely Ras Lanuf Refinery, to assess energy utilization of such big energy – consuming plants and to explore the potential of energy as well as capital costs savings based on the finding of applying this analysis. Based on actual operating data collected from the plant and application of the procedure of the pinch analysis to this real case study where a minimum temperature difference approach in the Ras Lanuf refinery heat exchangers design of 10 (ΔT min =10 ) the following results were obtained. Actual rate of energy consumption of the base case design of the refinery is 9MW which is provided by burning fuel oil in the furnace, while the minimum target predicted by the pinch analysis should be 8MW. This amounts to just over 11% energy savings which equivalent to $462,000 per year reduction in the operating cost of the refinery
هويدة الهادي الحبيشي (2011)
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