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Dust Collection System in Cement Industries Using Nano-Technology


One of an important application the filtration system, whether filtering water or air. Cement plants in Libya which are located in residential areas, agricultural, or near water sources, so dust problem are solved by using innovative solutions in environmental dust collection. Dust collection system has proved. Highly effective especially after improving the mechanical properties of the candidate to add enhanced materials, this was an obvious performance of the filter. Carbon fiber has a global and multi-market increases mechanical properties in various industries. The addition of simple ratios of fiber carbon to polypropylene increases the tensile strength significantly, working to withstand the difficult conditions faced by the filter of high pressure and sometimes moisture, and other conditions that earlier discussed in this thesis. Addition of Talc has significant effect to improve the arrangement of atoms leading to nucleation effect. By using CF reinforce to PP to produce the appropriate filter. Fiber reinforced plastic are very costly but the ability to sustain a load without excessive deformation or failure. Specified filters for use in nearly any industrial application. By applying this design can minimize the negative impact caused by the industry and reduce these emissions to about 99%+ efficiency on 0.3-0.4 micron particulate.
فاطمة عمر حديد (2015)

Experimental and Theoretical Assessment of Fuel Production from Waste Plastics


Recently more than 150 million tonnes of plastics were produced in the world. On the one hand, the consumption and production of polymers are increasing, on the other hand as landfill and incineration become more expensive and less accepted .The increasing amount of polymer wastes from them generates further mainly environmental problems. The recycling of plastic wastes is gaining increasing importance. Pyrolysis is one promising method for the treatment of mixed and contaminated plastic wastes. In this way the plastic wastes are converted into fuels or other valuable feedstock for the petrochemical industry. In present work catalytic cracking of waste plastics blend with HGO [Libyan gas oil supplied by the Zawia Oil Refinery Company boils in the range of 275-375Cº] was investigated using H-ZSM5and H-BETA. Reaction systems that were studied included high density polyethylene HDPE and polypropylene blend with HGO, reactions were carried out in one litre micro autoclave reactor under different conditions of weight, temperature and type of catalyst, The optimum conditions were 2.5% catalyst by weight of total feed stock, one hour, atmospheric presser and three temperatures selected 400Cº, 425Cº and 450Cº. The product distribution for the system [plastics and HGO] provided some good results high yield of liquid [gasoline] up to 210Cº, gases and small amount of heavy oils. Some analysis was used to qualify and quantify the product. The results from GC.MS analysis showed that the yield of gasoline (c5-c12) over H-ZSM5 higher than H-BETA. In case of 5%PP, 15%HDPE and 80%HGO over H-ZSM5 at 450Cº, 96% total conversion achieved. The result from TGA in the same case is 15% by weight. Also the theoretical calculations to quantify the produced gases after burring of waste plastic in rotary kiln reactor have been evaluated. it is found that the suitable ratio of CO:H2 to produce methanol is 7:1
بسمة محمود التونسي (2010)

Study of the Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium for the System Acetonitrile + Benzene + N-heptane


This research was an attempt to use the currently available activity coefficient methods with universal sets of parameters to simultaneously predict ternary liquid-liquid equilibrium data. The focus of this research was to calculate phase equilibrium data within fair error using set of Parameters obtained from the above-mentioned models. The significance of this work is to study the liquid-liquid phase equilibrium of the ternary system at several temperatures and to test the capability of the various equilibrium models to correlate these data. A series of liquid-liquid equilibrium measurements were performed by changing the composition of the mixture.The prepared mixtures were placed in the extraction vessel and stirred for 2 h and then left to settle for 4 h. Samples were taken by a syringe from both the upper phase and lower layers. Both phases were analyzed using gas chromatography equipped. Liquid-liquid equilibrium for the ternary system acetonitrile + benzene + n-heptane was measured at 298,313,333 K. The results were used to estimate the interaction parameters between each of the three compounds for the NRTL and UNIQUAC models as a function of temperature. The estimated interaction parameters were successfully used to predict the equilibrium compositions by the two models. The UNIQUAC equation was the most accurate model in correlating the overall equilibrium compositions of the studied system. NRTL models satisfactorily predicted the equilibrium compositions. In each of the mentioned the ternary system, the calculated and experimental data were compared. The root mean square deviation (RMSD) between the observed and calculated mole percent for NRTL, UNIQUAC was 1.44%, 1.35% for acetonitrile + benzene + n-heptane
عماد الدين محمد الزغداني (2014)

Development Study of EL-Mergheb Cement Factory Production Specification from Ordinary Portland cement to High Sulfate Resistance Cement


This study is to develop the specifications of the present cement products so as to comply with the quality and quantities requirements of the local market. The subject of this thesis is to present the results of a series of laboratory trials on a number of raw material mixtures prepared to produce moderate and high sulfate resistance cement at EL- Mergheb cement factory which currently produces ordinary Portland cement. At first, six different raw material sample mixtures were prepared from marlstone,marl and iron ore. The clinker (cement ) produced from these samples was within the moderate sulfate resistance cement ( MSRC ) specifications which mainly requires the tri calcium aluminate (C3A) to be less than 8 % by weight. The trial runs on other three raw material samples made that from mixing marlstone , clay , and iron ore produced clinker specifications that were out of those for MSRC namely, C3A is greater than 8 % . This means that the addition of clay to the raw mix prevents the production of cement with MSRC specifications. This was due to the high percentage of Al2O3 in the clay . The specifications of the clinker products based on these results , MSRC was successfully produced at the factory from raw material mixtures ( marlstone, marl and iron ore ) without any clay addition . Finally three raw mix samples were prepared from marlstone, marl, iron ore, and sand and tested in the laboratory to explore the possibility of producing high sulfate resistance cement ( HSRC) which requires C3A to be less than 5 % . The results of these laboratory trials showed that when the sand in the raw mix is kept under 1.80 % , the produced clinker specifications are within those of HSRC. The permission to carry out these trials in the factory is underway. The expected economic benefits from producing both MSRC and HSRC is highly feasible. Both types will be sold in local market without any additional operating or capital costs .
صالح محمد صالح (2013)

Enhancement of Water Trickling Filter Using Nano- Technology


Water contamination is one of the major problems which the world is facing today. Water contamination not only effect environment and human health, but it has also impacts on economic and social costs. There are various ways used commercially and non- commercially to fight this problem which is advancing day by day due to technological progress There are many methods used for wastewater treatment, among these methods, the use of biological filters " trickling filter ", which depends on The basic idea is to get a larger surface area to get a better handle on the percentage. A composite media is used to replace the conventional stone in order to improve wastewater treatment in this thesis. The aim of this thesis to improve the performance of biological filters using nanotechnology, where to enhancing polymer media in biological and reinforced polypropylene by carbon fiber filters and talc by using electro spinning technology to produce the reinforced fiber that outlet from extruder. Design and simulate the extruder / die characteristics and studying The drag flow and pressure flow were then extracted from the screw parameters which lead into the calculation of the operation point and the operating pressure for the die. Also studying the effect of pressure and viscosity. Calculation of , and extruder characteristic is performed in order to allocate the operating point of the extruder.Two brand of carbon fiber are used in this thesis. The chapter type is at A tensile strength of 800 MN/m2. is selected. The operating pressure of the extruder is found to vary form 29.8 to 38.95 MN/m2 at an operating flow rate of 1.52*10-5 m3/sec. depending on the percentage of carbon fiber used in the blend.
محمود عيسى الفاما (2015)

Melt Flow and Impact Behaviour of Composite Materials at Elevated Pressures

استخدام المواد المركبة في التطبيقات الصناعية نمى بشكل سريع وذلك لمميزاته المناسبة التي تشمل ارتفاع نسب المقاومة والمتانة بالنسبة للوزن , وقد أصبحت المواد المركبة بديل المواد المعدنية في العديد من التطبيقات. المواد الثيرموبلاستيكية المركبة تم دراستها في هذه الرسالة حيث استعمل البولي اثيلين كقالب ودعم بإضافة ألياف الزجاج بنسب مختلفة ( 10% , 20% , 30% ) , وتم دراسة تأثير إضافة ألياف الزجاج على الخواص الميكانيكية للعينات. تم الحصول على العينات المركبة باستخدام جهاز البثق وإجراء التجارب لتقيم جريان المنصهر عند درجات الحرارة العالية حيث لاحظنا زيادة الجريان بزيادة الضغط . كما تم تطوير علاقات رياضية لتمثيل علاقات الإجهاد – الانفعال للعينات المركبة المتحصل عليها ,تم الحصول على ثوابت هذه العلاقات الرياضية. كما تم دراسة علاقات زمن الانهيارات للعينات المركبة , وتم تحسين طاقة الكسر للمواد المركبة التي تؤخر من ظاهرة الانهيار. إضافة ألياف الزجاج أدى إلى زيادة زمن الانهيار وتقليل طاقة الكسر.


The use of composite materials in industry applications has grown rapidly, owing to their favorable characteristics, including high strength and stiffness to weight ratios, composite materials have been considered replacement of metals in numerous structural applications.Thermoplastic composite was studied in this thesis where high density polyethylene is used as a matrix and reinforced with different percentages of fiber glass ranging from (10%, 20%, 30%). The influence of addition of fibreglass on mechanical and thermal properties was studied. A pilot plant extruder is used to prepare the needed samples, where experimental investigation is carried out to evaluate the melt flow and the impact behaviour of the melt mixture at high temperature in the extruder. The flow rate increased by increased pressure. A mathematical correlation was developed to represent the stress – strain correlations of the composites used in this work. The combined model would be able to predict the creep, relaxation and recovery of composite materials, the constants of the model was obtained in area where the retardation effect is dominating. Time to failure correlation with stress was studied for the prepared composite material and mathematical correlation is established. The energy absorbed at fracture is improved for the composite material leading to a considerable delay in failure phenomenon. When added fibreglass led to increase time to failure and decrease energy of fracture.
ابتسام خليفة ابولجام (2008)

Experimental study of solar still performance coupled to a solar collector for potable water production

نظرا للنقص الكبير في كمية المياه الجوفية نتيجة لنقص كمية مياه الأمطار و المياه الصالحة للشرب عامة وعدم وفرة المياه في المناطق النائية وشبه القاحلة حيث تتوفر الطاقة الشمسية وتشح المياه مما يجعل للطاقة الشمسية أهمية كبيرة في تحليه المياه و التقليل من استعمال الطاقة التقليدية التي تصاحبها انبعاثات المسببة للمشاكل البيئية مثل الانحباس الحراري.الهدف من هدا البحث هو تصميم و دراسة تجريبية لأداء المحليات الشمسية نوعية الحوض(basin type solar still ) والمقطر الشمسي نوعية الفتيلة المبللة (tilted –wick solar still ) و المربوطة بالمجمعات الشمسية لغرض تسخين المياه قبل دخولها للمقطر. وقد تم استعارة نموذج رياضي مناسب لمحاكاة أداء المحليات الشمسية التي يتم دراستها ومقارنة الجانب العملي مع الجانب النظري و الذي يستفاد منه في معالجة المشاكل المتوقعة في تصميم المقطر . وقد تم مقارنة معدل إنتاجية المياه في وجود مجمع شمسي وفى عدم وجوده. حيث وجدنا أن معدل إنتاجية نوع (tilted wick) فى وجود مجمع شمسي كان 5.307lm2day عند معدل إشعاع شمسي 676.537wm2 ,وإنتاجية نوع ((basin في وجود مجمع شمسي day 3.333lm2 عند إشعاع شمسي 696.19wm2 , وإنتاجية نوع (basin) في عدم وجود مجمع شمسي day 3.025lm2 عند معدل إشعاع شمسي 721.49wm2 وقد وجدنا أن تركيز الأملاح الصلبة الدائبة كانت 3080mg/l ونقصت بعد عملية التحلية إلى 36.8mg/l و تركيز أيون الكلور كان 475mg/l و نقص إلى 2.2mg/l . حيث تعتبر الطاقة الشمسية هي من أكثر أنواع الطاقة ملائمة للاستعمال في الوقت الحالي لولا انخفاض معدل الاستفادة منها حاليا على نطاق تجارى واسع وتجرى الآن أبحاث كثيرة لتطوير وإيجاد وسائل مناسبة للحصول على الطاقة الكافية.


The problem of drinking water shortage is a worldwide issue that made millions of people suffers this shortage. Different classical energy processes were used to partly solve the problem, but they were suitable only for large population areas due to their high capital, operation and maintenance cost. For these reasons, alternative methods must be sought for rural arid areas. This method uses solar energy to drive basin-type and tilted-wick-type solar stills to produce distilled water. The performance of the stills was also studied when they were connected to external solar collector to preheat the feed water to the stills. The present work deals with studying and modeling of solar stills. The basic idea of the work is to check the production of basin still and tilted wick still using solar energy for solar desalination, using brackish water with total dissolved solids (T.D.S) equal to 3080mg/l and ion chloride concentration of 475mg/l)(35) and solar energy. The still is basically a rectangular basin lined with black or blackened porous material that acts as the solar energy collector. The still was constructed from galvanized iron steel with dimensions 52×75×6 cm. the base area of 52×75 cm. The still inclined at 13o. Distilled water volume collected was recorded continuously for each hour. The productivity of tilted type still with preheated water was 5.307 L/m2 day at an average solar radiation of 676.537 w/m2. The productivity of basin type solar still with preheated water was 3.333L/m2day at an average solar radiation 696.19 w/m2. The productivity of basin type solar still without preheated water was 3.025 L/m2day at an average solar radiation 721.49w/m2. The T.D.S is 36.8mg/l, and ion chloride concentration is 2.2mg/l(35). The developed mathematical model from energy and mass balance on the system was used to predict the performance of the still. It was found that the model predicted inlet temperature and glass temperature well with that one’s measured experimentally. The productivity predicted from the model was far from that measured experimentally. This was due to the many assumption made in the development of the model.
زينب أحمد دالي (2011)