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Lithology Investigation of Shaly Sand Reservoir by using Wire Line Data," Nubian Sandstone" SE Sirt Basin

dentify the rock lithology has important meaning for estimating the reserve of petroleum as reservoir capacity and storage ability. The lithology identification from well log based on not conventional cross plot proposed and studied, which is more easier instead of rock core data observation results. However, this work carried out comparison between chart and analytical solution of matrix parameter (ρma and ΔTma) estimation values of producer shaly sand reservoir, and present the main depositional environment affects. In addition to influences of pyrite, ferruginous encrustations, organic material throughout this studied reservoir. Consequently, variety of matrix parameters values is contributed by clay minerals present in this reservoir type. This study based on wire line data measured over than 750 feet produced Upper Nubian Sandstone belong to two oil fields, SE Sirt Basin. This shaly reservoir divided into three main units (R, E and F), and each unit has been subdivided into three subunits (F3, F2, F1, E3, E2, E1, R3, R2 and R1) from bottom to top according to depositional and petrophysical properties.
Bahia Muftah Ben Ghawar(12-2016)
موقع المنشور

Origin and Depositional Environments of Abu Shaybah Formation, Ghanimah Area, NW of Libya


Abu-Shaybah Formation is located on the coastal of the Meditrranean sea South of Ghanimah North West of Libya, between Tripoli and Al Khumes, about 100 km East of Tripoli. It lies on the eastern end of Jabel Nafusa flank. Abu Shaybah Formation Ghanimah area of Late Triasic age, consists of sandstone. The sedimentary structure in the lower most part from studied outcrops reflect NW paleocurrent direction indicating that Jabel Nafusa uplift poorly effect the study area. The upper part of studied succession changing in pallaeocurrent dirction to NE due to Jabel Nafusa uplifting. The extreme changing of paleocurrent direction and paleoslope direction to East due to continuous increase in Jabel Nafusa uplift, direction of vertical joints in Wadi Qirrim presented from NW to SE dirction. The rocks of Abu Shaybah Formation analyzed using differnt kinds of technique, Polrized Microscpe, XRF, SEM techniques. The study of sedimentary texture (grain size, roundness, sorting, and sphiricity) and sedimentary structures showed that Abu Shaybah Formation outcrops deposited in response to two fining upword cycles, formed mainly in Braided Stream Rivers with some effects of meandering. The sequences of Abu Shaybah Formation outcrops that exposed in Wadi Qirrim have been identified on many types of sedimentary facies associated with given sedimentary stucture as, Planar cross bedding, Convolute bedding, Trouph cross bedding, Ripple bedding, Shrinkage cracks, Plant rootlets, Concretions, Unconformity, Channels, Massive bedding, Laminated bedding, and the results which located on the grain size of quartz also loacted on the grain size of heavy minerals like tormaline, zircon and reutile.
سليم معمر قجوم (2009)

Approximations of Geomechanical Parameters and In-Situ Testing From Standard Penetration Test Results Correlation Study


Measurements of in-situ data for geomechanical parameters are very essential part of geotechnical engineering design, but the time and the budgets are major issues, The design engineer must make critical decisions at several steps throughout the design stages to obtain the most reliable and realistic soil and rock property information. Because of that, the empirical equations are increased in use during the early stages of engineering design work. In any geotechnical investigations, most probably, will be involved in using Standard Penetration Test (SPT). It is a very popular test among geotechnical engineers. Therefore, it will be economically very useful if the results of SPT as N-values could be used to calculate the other geomechanical parameters. The sites of investigation are the Zawia Combined Cycle Power Plant, West Mountain Power Plant at Rowies, Tripoli and Tunisa. The data were collected from 13 boreholes, and more than 160 points. Which gave wide reliable results. Field investigations include Cross-Hole, Down-Hole seismic techniques, Standard Penetration Test SPT, Cone Penetration Test CPT and pressuremeter test PMT. The variation of seismic waves velocity (Vs & Vp) and dynamic modulus (shear modulus, young modulus, and bulk modulus) of sand and weak rock were studied and some correlations were developed. Also the effects of depth on the correlations were investigated. The correlations compared with previous relationships. The results showed that the power function provides the best fit for correlation between seismic wave’s velocity and dynamic modulus data with SPT N-value. The correlation coefficient (r) range 0.77-0.54 for sand and for weak rock. Range is 0.82-0.58. The multiple power regression analysis enhanced the correlation coefficient of sand and weak rock to ranges 0.82-0.58 and 0.97-0.92 respectively. These results are higher than the previous results. A single value of geotechnical parameters is very difficult to determine because the properties of material vary from point to point in the way that, it depends on a set of conditions so geotechnical parameters (seismic waves velocity and dynamic modulus) were determined between an upper and lower limits. The results of statistical analysis of relationship between SPT N-value and Cone Penetration Test (tip resistance qc) for all available data show that a linear regression with zero intercept as best fit correlation. of r=0.77. This result is equivalent to previous work. The logarithmic regression gave the best fit for the correlation analysis between the pressuremeter modulus EPMT and N value by r=0.81. The relationship between the limit pressure PL and N value was shown that, the linear regression was the best fit. The best-fit regression indicated a logarithmic relationship between the pressuremeter modulus (EPMT) and limit pressure (PL), with r=0.81 and 0.66 respectively.
ملاك عبد اللطيف ابوعرقوب (2010)

Classification, Enhancement And Stability Of Backfill And Embankment Case Study: Tajoura – Misurata


Normally the study and investigated of earth material from the view of their uses as embankment and backfill material has a great importance in earth woks. This research concerns the assessment of earth masses and their properties which related embankment and backfill suitability as well as providing a mixing methods to upgrade the unsuitable within the accepted standards. The objectives of this research could be briefed by the investigation of earth masses along the study area which is governed by the distribution of superficial deposits comprehensive laboratory testing of soil samples molding Andes properties classification testing proctor and California bearing ratio recognition of suit able and non suit able backfill soil enhancement of unsuitable soil by mixing with other suitable soil such as quarry dust provided by nearby quarry correlation analysis and economic feasibility the study area is located in east of Tripoli from Tajoura to Misurata . This study manly concluded that as long as the poorly graded soil (A3) is difficult to be compacted according to the engineering properties of such soil are enhanced certainly by mixing with good sailable materials such as quarry dust. This research also conduced that the compaction properties will be enhanced by mixing where the optimum moister content is needed at the increase of maximum dry density. This research provides procedure of mixing design and recommendations for the mixing to achieve better results.
عبد السلام محمد بحرون (2011)

Petrophysical Study of the Nubian Sandstones in Concession 59D, E. Sirt Basin, Libya


The Nubian Sandstone Formation is a significant hydrocarbon reservoir in the Concession 59D, Eastern Sirt Basin, Libya. This formation is underlain uncomfortably by granitic basement and/or by the Hercynian unconformity and overlain uncomfortably by Pre-Upper Cretaceous followed by an Early Upper Cretaceous Transition beds. The Nubian formation is a thick sequence comprises mainly of sandstone, siltstone and shale.The Nubian Formation in this area has been subdivided into three stratigraphic members; namely Lower Sandstone, Middle Shale and Upper Sandstone (main reservoir well be focus of this study).The Upper Sandstone is the upper most subdivision of the Nubian Sandstone sequence consists mainly of white, grey to brown sandstones, ranging from fine to medium, locally coarse grained, moderately cemented with straight to concavo convex or slightly sutured grain contacts. This reservoir is a complex of fluvial sands deposited in Braided and Meandering streams.The reservoir fluids are very rich retrograde condensate gas and waxy oil with pressure at slightly above the saturation pressure. Most of this hydrocarbon in this reservoir has been sourced from the Nubian Middle Shale Member, but the Upper Cretaceous shale and Evaporates belonging to the Transition beds sequence have a significant potential source. The trapping mechanism in the field is a combined structural and stratigraphic trap for the Nubian Sandstone with the southern closure against the tight Nubian facies and basement of the Gialo High. Reservoir properties across the North Gialo Study Area vary in terms of porosity, permeability fluid saturation. These variations are indicated through the porosity, permeability and saturation maps and charts based on well log analysis and lab core sample measurements. These properties are discussed in the reservoir characterization part of this thesis.
عواطف عبد الله بودربالة (2012)

Sedimentological and Petrophysical Characterization of Nubian Sandstone; of the Sarir Field, Sirte Basin


The Nubian Sandstone of Lawer Cretaceous Formation is located in Sarir Oil Field, in the Southeastern Sirte Basin in Libya. After conductiog 300 point counts on 24 thin sections from C4 -65&C3 -65. The deposition environment and diagenesis that affected the variability of porosity and permeability within a given lithologic unit. I found the Nubian Sandstone bodies of Sarir-C-North can also be divided on the basis of grian size and sedimentary structure into type: - 1) medium to coarse- grained sandstone 2) very fine grains sandstone. Association in the former lithologic, the siltstone and silty sandstone are grey and usually laminated; while in the latter they form white-grey or reddish siltstone and shaly siltstone beds, commonly intensively burrowed, and locally contain fragments of coal. A different depositional environment deposited each lithology. The Nubian Sandstone is interpreted to include several lithofacies deposited in fluvial environment. It informal these facies controlled both the primary porosity and diagenetic events. Peterophysical properties of formation under study were determined using different well logs. Porosities are calculated using sonic, neutron, and density logs. It is clear that the primary porosity in (well C3 -65) of formation represents dominant one and the secondary is (well C4- 65) of rare.
ليلي المبروك (2008)

Analysis and Interpretation of the petrophysical properties of Mamuniyat reservoir in El-Feel Oil Field, western part of Murzuk Basin, NC-174, Libya


The sandstone of Upper Ordovician Mamuminyat Formation represents part of stratigraphic column in Murzuq Basin, south west Libya. It is the primary reservoir target in the basin, soursed and caped by Lower Silurian Tanezzuft Shale (Sola, 2000). The Mammuniyat reservoir in Murzuq Basin is characterized by lateral and vertical variation of petrophysical properties duo to lateral change of depositional environment and the digenetic effect on the formation load various facies deposition quality. The Concession NC174 is discovered in 1997 by Lasmo Grand Maghreb Limited then On the 26th October 2003 the development drilling campaign started by MOG till thepresent time. The El feel field is the major discovery in NC174. Porosity range is 16-18% and permeability some hundreds millidarcys. The Net thickness/Gross thickness ratio varies from 20% to 95% with an average value of 70%. The sedimentary fill in the Murzuq basin is mainly Paleozoic to Mesozoic in age and reaches a thickness of about 4000 meters in the depocenter. The sedimentary sequence is punctuated by several regional unconformities corresponding to successive tectonic activity phases. In the area of NC174, the tectonic phases developed anticlines and fault bounded anticlines generally super-imposed and re-actived through time. The resulting structural style is characterized mainly by poli-history sub-vertical reverse faults with different directions (N-S, NNW-SSE and NNE-SSW), these faults bound most of the prospects apparently superimposed on subtle anticlines oriented SSWNNE along which the culminations are aligne.
خالد مسعود الزوام (2014)

Determining Reservoir Quality by Combined Stratigraphic, Petrographic and Petrophysical Methods; Sahel and Essomoud Fields, Sirt Basin


This study covers the Fields producting from the Gialo Formation a reservoir which is composed of Limestone and Dolomitic-Limestone and consists mainly of highly altered Nummulitic Packstone. This study was achieved through three parts of study including a petrographic study, petrophysical study of reservoir properties from core analysis and borehole logs. The general geological framework was obtained from petrographical study of thirty six thin sections, 129 representative core plug data and logs from 5 different wells are utilized to better understanding the petrophysical framework of the formation. The plots correlating petrophsical parameters and the frequency histograms suggested the presence of distinctive reservoir trends. These discriminations were also represented in Winland porosity- permeability cross plots resulted in clusters for different port-size that are responsible for different flow characteristics. Linear and multiple regression were used for the study of each unit. The permeability models were constructed and their reliabilies were compared by the regression coefficients for predictions in un-cored well. The combination of all data revealed the worst ranked reservoir quality corresponded to moldic and intergranular pore types, which occurred mainly in the Bioclastic Wackstone facies. The highest ranked reservoir quality corresponded to intragranular and intergranular which occurred mainly in the Nummulitic Packstone Facies.
وردة الشوشان (2010)