المستودع الرقمي لـقسم الهندسة الميكانيكية والصناعية

احصائيات قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية والصناعية

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Controlling of the Equipment's Performance through Maintenance's Policies Optimization

عند تطبيق سياسات الصيانة تواجه المؤسسات الصناعية والخدمية على حدا سواء تحدى ألا وهو ماهى طريقة الصيانة المثلى والسياسة الأفضل الواجب إتباعها لصيانة النظام بالأخذ في الاعتبار التكاليف ؟ بكلمات أخرى ماهى السياسة المثلى للصيانة التي تحقق التوازن بين تقليل الأعطال والحفاظ على النظام في أحسن الظروف التشغيلية وبأقل تكلفة ممكنة للصيانة.لذلك تشكل تكلفة الصيانة دورا هاما قي عملية المفاضلة عند اختيار وتخطيط سياسات الصيانة. إن حساب تكاليف الصيانة لاى نظام من بداية تشغيله إلى نهاية عمره الافتراضي له أهمية كبيرة للمؤسسة الصناعية ، حيث يضمن لمتخذي القرار حسن التصرف في مصادر رؤؤس الأموال وهذا الأمر مهم جدا خصوصا للدول النامية نظرا لمحدودية توفر إمكانياتها . لذلك يقدم البحث نموذج رياضي مطور لتقدير التكاليف الإجمالية لسياسات الصيانة المتبعة أو المقترحة لنظام ما على طول العمر الافتراضي له ، تقدير عدد الأعطال التي يتعرض لها النظام، تقدير تكلفة المواد المطلوبة لعمليات الصيانة ، تقدير العدد الأمثل لمرات إجراء الصيانة الوقائية بكل فترة من فترات عمر النظام ، ومن خلال البحث نقوم بدراسة وتحليل تأثير العناصر المختلفة للصيانة على معايير الأداء . أيضا يعطى النموذج الرياضي المطور الوقت الأمثل لإجراء العمرة لمعدات النظام بدلا من السياسة التقليدية المتبعة ببعض المؤسسات الصناعية في الدول النامية والتي تعتمد فقط على إجراء عمرة لمعدات النظام بعد فترات زمنية ثابتة بغض النظر عن حالة النظام ومدى احتياجه فعليا لتجديد معداته .ويدعم البحث بدراسة تحليلية وعملية لنظام محطة نقل الطاقة الكهربائية بالشركة العامة للكهرباء كمثال للدراسة .


Through implementation of the maintenance policies, companies face challenge with respect to system maintenance cost, which is how to keep the system in good working condition at low maintenance cost? Thus the tradeoff process between cost and performance of the system plays an important role in the selection of the maintenance policies.This research is intended to achieve the optimum maintenance policies, and to achieve the leverage between system performance and life cycle maintenance cost. It focused on accomplishing the following points:Developing a mathematical model to evaluate maintenance policies through life cycle of the system.Assessing the impact of maintenance parameters on system performance measures.Using the developed model to determine the appropriate overhauling times for the industrial enterprises, actually when the equipments should be overhauled, instead the traditional way, that is performed based on fixed number of years. The model works based on criteria's are set by enterprise's decision makers, such that if the system exceeds certain number of breakdowns through its life cycle, then system must be overhauled. This thing helps the companies saving money. Using appropriate performance measures to evaluate how well the system meets its goals based on the applied maintenance policy. Practical and analytical study of power transmission station's equipments in general electrical company of Libya was presented as a case study.
عماد مختار المصراتي (2009)

Performance Assessment of a Solar-Powered Absorption System in Libya


During the last years there has been an increasing consciousness of the environmental problems, created by the use of fossil fuels in electrical power generation consumed by converting cooling systems. In addition, the use of common working fluids (refrigerants), with their ozonedepleting and global warming potential, has become a serious environmental problem. This underlines the need to implement advanced, new concepts in building air-conditioning. The most common global type of thermally driven technology to produce chilled water is absorption cooling. For air-conditioning applications, absorption systems commonly use the water/lithium bromide or ammonia/water as working pair of fluids. The objective of this study is to establish a fundamental basis for further research and development within the field of solar cooling. In this study, an overview of possible systems for solar powered refrigeration and airconditioning systems will be presented. The concept of the ‘Solar Cooling Path’ is introduced, including a discussion of the energy source to the collector. Brief information and comparisons of different absorption refrigeration cycles are also presented. A solar-driven absorption refrigeration system has been selected as a case study for a further detailed investigation. A low temperature heat source can be used to drive the absorption refrigeration cycle, making the system suitable for integration with solar thermal collector. The Transient System Simulation program (TRNSYS) and Engineering Equation Solver (EES) simulation tools are used to model and analyze the performance of a solar-driven absorption refrigeration system. Analysis of the absorption cycle system is initiated by steady-state analysis. A modeling of single effect water/lithium bromide absorption cycle was constructed to study the effect of the operating variable on the system performance and to determine the optimum operating conditions for the absorption cycle. This model was developed by Engineering Equations Solver program (EES). In practice, the ambient conditions and solar radiation are not constant. Therefore, a dynamic analysis is useful for determining the characteristics of the system during the entire year, and dimensioning the important components of the solar collector subsystem, such as storage tanks and collector area. The overall solar absorption cooling system has been simulated by the TRNSYS program with a typical meteorological year file containing the weather parameters for the capital of Libya, Tripoli. Finally, a parametric study was carried out to investigate the influence of key parameters on the overall system performance of solar absorption cooling system and hence to improve and optimize the system design. Results from the parametric optimization indicated that with an area of 130m2 of flat plate collectors with an inclination of 32° and 3.5m3 of storage tank is achieved to cover the demand of air conditioning of a 35kW absorption chiller.
إبراهيم محمد علي الطويري (2011)

Theoretical and Experimental Investigations on the Erosion Phenomenon in Steel Pipes


Erosion wear is recognized as an engineering problem for slurry handling equipments. It plays an important role in design and operation of slurry transportation systems. The present work reports experimental and theoretical investigations of erosion wear of carbon steel and stainless steel in sandwater mixture. However, carbon steel (AISI-CS1060) and stainless steel (AISI-SS316L). They have been chosen as target materials, and then studied the effect of various parameters that may leads to good understanding to the erosion behavior of ductile materials such as impact angle, particle velocity as well as erosion time on erosion wear. The impingement jet erosion test rig built at our laboratory in order to carry out the experimental results. Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) is used as erodent particles after it mixed with water for slurry preparation at various impact angles of 15°, 30°, 60° and 90°, the solid concentration range of (10-30) wt%, for sized ranging between of 800µm to1700µm in the velocity range of 5 m/s to 24 m/s, with periodic time of 10 minutes at room temperature. The data points that collected in this work showed that the experimental values are agreement with the ductile erosion behavior for both materials, also showed that the erosion rate increasing linearly with increases in impact velocity and erosion time, also showed scars were characterized by an elliptical shape at 15° and 30° whereas a nearly circular shape was observed at 60° and 90° due to the horizontal component of velocity at shallow angles has value more than the normal component of velocity whereas in contrast at high angles.
فاضل رزق شحات (2014)

Effects of Finny-shaped Absorber Surface on Basin-solar Still Behavior


For this study, two identical single-effect of single basin solar stills are designed, fabricated, tested, and evaluated, where one of them is employed alone which is referred to as “passive still”, while the other is coupled to a flat plate solar collector introducing what so called the active still. Both are installed at the same site in Tripoli-Libya and they are oriented due to south. Measurement of various temperatures, solar intensities, humidity, wind speed and distillated water production are taken each hour for several days of August under various operating conditions. Two operational modes are considered; each of the passive and active stills is operating for the whole day. These tests were performed using seawater and water basin different depths. The water production of the active still is reported to be 6.6 L/m2.day which is higher than that of the passive still by 56 per cent approximately. The maximum daily efficiency is calculated to be 24 per cent approximately for the active still system while it is 14 per cent approximately for the passive still. Yet, the still thermal performance seems to have a complex function of geometrical, constructional, and operational conditions, site characteristics and layout details.
صالح أحمد سرابيط (2010)

An Investigation of Behavior of Metal Flow between Flat and Overlapping Dies When Forging Commercial Copper


Forging in a flat and overlapping dies have many industrial applications, and many parts can be produced, parts with ends of different shapes, and study of such process is important to understand the mechanic, and effect of different variables, Specimen shape, die geometry. In this work, a study forging of copper specimens between flat dies and overlapping dies having cylindrical, rectangular and square cavities, were fixing cross-section area in all specimens and changing the shape of cross-section area. Load displacement relationships were presented and study the effect of friction and constrained volume shapes on flow behavior and effect of (D0/H0) ratio are also investigated. Double extruded part with a hub are produced by the combined forward and backward extrusion forging process, and comparison between the results of constrained volume with double extrusion part was made.
مصطفي حسين المغربي (2010)

Using Maximum Entropy Principle (MEP) to Assess Wind Energy Potential in Libya. Case Study Dernah


Glass fiber reinforced plastic (GRP) pipes, are widely used in many of industrial applications, such as oil industries and petrochemicals plants to transport a wide range of different liquids like fresh water, sea water, lubricant oils, acids and caustic etc. This related to their lightness, corrosion resistance, strength durability, high tensile strength, low density, and ease of installation, so that selected as better than traditional metal pipes in such applications. But the internal surfaces of these pipes can be exposed to slurry erosion due to the impact of sand particles mixed with fluids at high velocity leads to create, catastrophic failure, which limits the useful life of pipes and their efficiency. Therefore the erosion is a critical parameter for design, selection and operation of hydraulic transportation system. This thesis has studied experimentally the Slurry erosion wear behavior of GRP pips at various parameters such as impact angles, and velocity of particles. Jet type erosion tester was used as rig and sand used as solid particle mixture with water. The results clearly indicated that the factors contribute to wear of Pipes. The erosion rate or weight loss increased as time, and velocity of solid particles increased, the effect of impact angles shifts from ductile behavior to brittle behavior depending on the value of erosion efficiency. The comparison between predicted and experimental results shows agreement within ±7% for Epoxy and ±8% for Polyester.
خالد عيسي المحجوبي (2013)

Sizing Of Solar Thermal System Components under Different Meteological and Load Condations


In spite of their widely-spread use across the globe, the domestic solar water heaters are still subject to essential, technical difficulties that need to be deeply studied. Such technical impediments are latent in how appropriate to each other the different, mutually-dependent components of the system are; and how appropriate they are to the prevailing meteorological conditions of the application site which is still under research and development. This thesis presents a clear-cut, straightforward mathematical model that determines the basic factors influencing such systems, and, in specific, discusses the optimum design month as well as the optimum tilt angle of the solar collector, bearing in mind the contribution of the energy obtained to meet the targeted load. Furthermore, the study considers the required thermal capacity that should be provided by the solar collector. To avoid assumptions that could be unjustified in practice, and to get as precise results as possible, the study was thoroughly based on normalized mathematical parameters. In the case where the total demand for energy used in water heating is to be fully satisfied by the solar energy system, provided that the required temperature of the heated water is 45oC and consumption is 100 (litre/day) per person for a given house, the results of the study concluded that according to the climate information of Tripoli city, 32.68°N latitude, the optimum design month is December, the optimum tilt angle is 75°, and the solar collector area fulfilling the following specifications: Glazed type, Fr () = 0.58, and Fr UL= 4.00 (W/m2oC) is 2.83 square meters. On the other hand, the results suggest an optimum tilt angle of 50°, which is the same angle obtained by the traditional technique, and solar collector area of 1.6 square meters if up to 80% of demand is to be covered by solar energy.
علاء بلقاسم العلوني (2010)

Analysis of Saharan Sand Abrasion of CSP Collector Surfaces


Many of the concentrating solar power (CSP) systems are expected be installed in desert locations where lack of water and sand storms might be an issue. The solar reflectors are considered to be among the main effective components. The negative effects of the harsh weather conditions, including sand storms of the desert might have strong influence on the reflector properties, leading to a decrease in the thermal performance of such solar system. This thesis studies the sand storm influence on solar reflector surfaces, where two different types of Libyan sands were considered and taken from sites suitable for the installation of CSP. These sands have different shapes, sizes and chemical compositions. Sand "A" has particle sizes that vary from 0.025 to 0.355mm, while Sand "B" has particle sizes in the range of 0.124-0.479 mm. An erosion rig was designed and built at Cranfield University, UK. the tests were conducted under different simulated sand storm conditions for both sand samples. The results have shown that Sand "A" has more severe influence than Sand "B" because the smaller particles of Sand "A" help the spread out over a larger surface area of the reflector. The higher sand storm speed has more strong impact influence, while increasing the mass quantity results in less consequences. The reflectivity of the un-cleaned surface drops by 5% in case of using Sand "A" and by 7% in case of Sand "B", both at storm speed of 21m/s with specific sand mass of 18g/m3.Sand storms with the speed exceeding 6 m/s, generate sand impact on the reflector surface causing degradation to the surface, while storms with speeds less than 6 m/s, result in wakes of suspended small particles as a consequence of the transport mechanism in the atmosphere. Sealing simulation and cleaning process, using Ultrasonic Cleaner Model, show that sand "B" makes a loss of about 3% of the surface reflectivity, due to the salt-chemical composition leading to create spots and marks on the reflector surface. However, Sand "A" has recorded no chemical reaction. Sand storm history should be taken seriously, reflector surface materials should be suitable for the sites, and cleaning operations should be considered.
عصام ميلاد اندايا (2015)