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Using sequence DNA chips data to Mining and Diagnosing Cancer Patients

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) micro-arrays present a powerful means of observing thousands of gene terms levels at the same time. They consist of high dimensional datasets, which challenge conventional clustering methods. The data’s high dimensionality calls for Self Organizing Maps (SOMs) to cluster DNA micro-array data. The DNA micro-array dataset are stored in huge biological databases for several purposes . The proposed methods are based on the idea of selecting a gene subset to distinguish all classes, it will be more effective to solve a multi-class problem, and we will propose a genetic programming (GP) based approach to analyze multi-class micro-array datasets. This biological dataset will be derived from multiple biological databases. The procedure responsible for extracting datasets called DNA-Aggregator. We will design a biological aggregator, which aggregates various datasets via DNA micro-array community-developed ontology based upon the concept of semantic Web for integrating and exchanging biological data. Our aggregator is composed of modules that retrieve the data from various biological databases. It will also enable queries by other applications to recognize the genes. The genes will be categorized in groups based on a classification method, which collects similar expression patterns. Using a clustering method such as k-mean is required either to discover the groups of similar objects from the biological database to characterize the underlying data distribution. arabic 10 English 60
Mariam Abojela Msaad, Zakaria Suliman Zubi(1-2010)

Applying Arabic Stemming Using Query Expansion

The process of conflating different Arabic word formats to their stem or root is called stemming. Indexing text collection using stems or roots has been reported to be superior to using original word formats. However, the Arabic text stemming has negative effects on words. It conflates words with different meaning under one index term. This occurs frequently in Arabic when using stems and it becomes more frequent when choosing roots to index the collection. Furthermore, search engine whose index is constructed using a particular stemmer makes it a stemmer-dependent engine. In this paper, we show how we can still use stemming to reach the same results without indexing the stemmed text. Original words have been indexed, and a stemmer used to extract word variants and add them to the user query. Apart from making our search operation stemmer-independent, we proof that our approach is as good as light stemming and is significantly better than root stemming. arabic 5 English 41
Aabdusalam F Ahmad Nwesri, Hasan A. H. Alyagoubi(9-2015)
موقع المنشور

مجموعات الإختبار العربية ودورها في تطوير أداء محركات البحث العربية

يعتمد تطور البحث العلمي عادة على القياس. فبدون قياس لا يمكن معرفة مدى كفاءة أي نظام أو أداة مستحدثة. في هذه الورقة نعرض أدوات القياس التي يتم إستخدامها في تحديد كفاءة أنظمة إسترجاع المعلومات عموما و نركز على ما هو متوفر منها لقياس أنظمة إسترجاع النصوص العربية، ونبين مدى التطور التي أحدثه على مستوى إسترجاع النصوص العربية. تركز الورقة على عرض مجموعات الإختبار العربية المتوفرة حاليا, وتبرز القصور التي تعاني منه، وتظهر الحاجة الى وجود نجموعات اختبار عربية تتوافق مع واقع النصوص العربية الموجودة حاليا على شبكة المعلومات الدولية. كما نقوم بعرض مجموعة الإختبار التي قمنا بإعدادها لإختبار ظاهرة زيادة حجم النصوص العربية. ونبين أن زيادة الحجم في النصوص العربية يؤثر سلبا في مستوى آداء أنظمة الإسترجاع العربية. arabic 125 English 0
عبد السلام الفيتوري أحمد النويصري(10-2015)
موقع المنشور

Analysis of Survey Data on Open Educational Resources

This paper reports on a preliminary analysis of survey data on using open educational resources at the Faculty of Information Technology, University of Tripoli. The survey data was collected electronically from students. The objective of the survey is to assess the awareness and usage of open educational resources within the faculty. Results of our survey reveal that 90% of students are using open educational resources. arabic 7 English 46
Abdusalam F. Nwesri , H. Harmain(4-2019)
موقع المنشور

Survey on Academic Staff Awareness of Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources become an important asset for many educational institutions. In this paper we report the analysis of our survey data on using open educational resources at the University of Tripoli (UoT) among the academic staff members. The survey data was collected electronically to assess the awareness and usage of open educational resources within the University of Tripoli. Results of our survey reveal that 90% of academic staff members surveyed are using open educational resources, but they are not contributing much to OER due to lack of support from university. arabic 8 English 56
Abdusalam F. Ahmad Nwesri(5-2019)
موقع المنشور

Study and test performance of the Zigbee Wireless technology in some network models by using Opnet software

ZigBee Wireless Technology is the leading global standard for implementing low-cost, Low-data-rate, short-range wireless networks with extended battery life. The ZigBee standard provides network, security, and application support services operating on top of the IEEE 802.15.4 Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) wireless standard. It employs a suite of technologies to enable scalable, self-organizing, and self-healing networks that can manage various data traffic patterns, The low cost allows the technology to be widely deployed in wireless control and monitoring applications, the low power-usage allows longer life with smaller batteries, and the mesh networking provides high reliability and larger range. ZigBee has been developed to meet the growing demand for capable wireless networking between numerous low power devices. In this paper , we will try to give a complete picture about ZigBee technology including the structure of this technology, the layers where this technology works referred to the OSI model, how this technology works, the main components that use to create a ZigBee network, The objective of this simulation is to establish tree topology networkby; using an OPNET Modeller 14.5 program, and to investigate the performance of the network model, and see the effect on data when we change the time of transmission and finally we will investigate the performance of some network models that employ IEEE 802.15.4 protocol using different scenarios. arabic 19 English 91
Mariam Abojela Msaad, Almoatasem Aboaisha , Ahmed Eshoul(12-2019)

Implementation Network Management Solution Using PRTG and Solar Winds Tools

Successful companies know that network management is crucial for the proper support and maintenance of network infrastructure. When it comes to managing a large-scale or highly complex network, you’ll need a powerful network management system that will meet your challenging business needs. There are several programs suggested different types of solutions. PRTG and SolarWinds are an excellent solution, since they have many features that help the network engineer, administrator or technician to easily control, manage and monitor the devices comprehensively. Moreover, PRTG and SolarWinds can integrate with monitoring and management protocols such as SNMP and NetFlow to provide an excellent integrated unified management solution. That being said, PRTG and SolarWinds will facilitate the management of network devices throughout performing configuration, Security, Fault, Performance and Accounting management which will increase productivity, Quality, Revenue and lower the cost. arabic 9 English 66
Mariam Abojela Msaad, Mohamed Fathi Almograbi , Anas Moftah Alshoukri (12-2019)

Different Approaches to Classify Network Routing Protocols

In this paper a brief introduction to the concept of quality of service has been given. However, it mainly focuses on the classification of routing algorithms based on a number of different criteria like: protocols, structure, technologies in use, etc. And it concludes with a presentation of a common problem facing routing protocols, namely routing loops, and explained the known solutions to that problem. arabic 6 English 52
Ibrahim Almerhag, Ali Ganoun(6-2018)