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Enhanced Techniques 3D Integral Images Video Computer Generated

The main purpose of this paper is to introduce some techniques to overcome 3D missing information visual artefacts problem, holes and blank regions between 3D integral images (holoscopic images) frames encountered with the computer generated 3D integral image, pixel-tracing styles is proposed to achieve a higher performance of generating 3D integral images in terms of execution time, Z-buffer and correct occlusion scheme is also introduced to overcome visual artefact. The methods are based on a 3D integral images ray-tracer containing 3D integral images parser, 3D integral camera model, a 3D integral images renderer and scene transformations. Consequently, fast sequences of 3D integral image frames for animations purposes are generated, experimental results show validation of the strategies to fill in the 3D missing pixels and test on different scenes, improvement in terms of execution time depends on the complexity of the scene is achieved.
Dr. Mahmoud Geat Eljadid, Prof. Amar Aggoun, Dr. Osama Hassan Youssef(1-2014)
موقع المنشور

Medical 3D Integral Images Visualization in True Space

3D Integral Imaging (also referred to as 3D Holoscopic imaging) methodology uses the principle of “Fly’s eye” and hence allows natural viewing of objects (i.e. fatigue free viewing); 3D-holoscopic technology produces images that are true optical models. This technology is based on physical principles with duplication of light fields. In this paper, a new method of visualization medical 3D integral images is proposed. Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine data images (DICOM) taken from CT, MRI, PET and US images that produced by 3D-Doctor software to generate medical 3D integral images visualization of anatomy without glass in natural light. The method is mainly based on multiprocessor ray tracing system as renderer. The medical 3D content is captured in real time with the content viewed by multiple viewers independently of their position, without the needs of 3D eyewear. Experimental results show validation of the new algorithm and demonstrated that medical 3D integral images content can be displayed on commercially available multi-view auto-stereoscopic display. Medical 3D integral images content is parsed into multiprocessor ray tracing system, consequently, short time of medical 3D integral images movie of such pelvis scene is generated and displayed on PC screen, LCD and Holovizio display.
Dr. Mahmoud Geat Mahmoud Eljadid, Prof. Amar Aggoun(5-2016)
موقع المنشور

Enhanced Still 3D Integral Images Rendering Based on Multiprocessor Ray Tracing System

The main purpose of this paper is to introduce 3D integral imaging interpolation method, to overcome the 3D missing information problem occurred between cylindrical lenses (micro-images) due to occluded areas in the previous cylindrical lens, new cylindrical lens shows an area, to generate one single photo-realistic 3D integral imaging frame. The method is based on a Multiprocessor ray-tracer containing 3D integral imaging parser, 3D integral camera model, a 3D integral imaging renderer, spatial coherence and 3D scene transformations. Consequently, an increase in speed in the generation of still 3D integral image is achieved compared to fully ray tracing time of missing pixels. Experiments show that a significant reduction in execution time is achieved by using the 3D integral interpolation process. Savings up to (57%-66%) in the ray tracing time when compared to fully ray tracing the missing pixels depends on the complexity of the scene. 
Dr. Mahmoud Geat Eljadid, Prof. Amar Aggoun, Dr. Osama Hassan Youssef(1-2022)
موقع المنشور

خوارزمية ذكية للتعـرف على معالم أندلسية باستخدام نموذج التعـلم العـميق

تـقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي تُـسخر الآن لخدمة كافة مجالات الحياة، اقتصادية كانت أو طبية، أو تعليمية، أو عسكرية أو سياحية، وهي تقنيات تتميز باستمرارية تطورها وتستوحي بناء نماذج خوارزميات ذكائها من خلال الطبيعة التي نحيا فيها، في أسلوب التعامل مع المعضلات وحلها، وهي متعددة المنهجيات في الذكاء الاصطناعي، وأشهرها في هذه الحقبة، منهجية تعلم الآلة (Machine Learning) التي يتفرع منها أسلوب حديث يعرف بالتعليم العميق (Deep Learning)، وهو الذي بناؤه مستوحى من مفهوم شبكة الخلايا العصبية الدماغية (Artificial Neural Networks). إن هذا المجال المتطور يبشر بحل مشاكل كانت ضربا من الخيال يوماً ما، وانتشرت تطبيقاته المبتكرة الجديدة بشكل كبير جداً مؤخراً، وفي هذه الورقة سيتم بناء نموذج تعلم عميق يعمل على التعرف على بعض المَعالم الأندلسية الشهيرة، والنموذج سيكون بمثابة العقل المفكر في تطبيق الهاتف المحمول الذي يلتقط صورة المَعلم الأندلسي، فيحلل جزئيات الصورة محاولاً التعرف عليها وذكر اسم ذلك المَعلم، والنظام المتطور لهذا التطبيق الذكي سيستخدم تقنية خدمات الويب(Web Services) للتواصل مع قاعدة بيانات النظام، والرد بالمعلومات التي يحتاجها المستخدم، كما يعتبر هذا المجال من بصريات الحاسوب(Computer Vision) التي تعنى بقدرة الحواسيب على تمييز الصور والأشكال.
رضوان علي بلقاسم حسين, عبدالحميد الفلاح ميلود الواعر, عائشة محمود فياض(12-2021)

Assessing Growth and Instability of Open Source Software Systems

Abstract: software systems progressively evolve over time where source code needs to be modified, newly are added and others need to be deleted. Therefore, it is worth to monitor progress and software development, to measure growth and assess system stability. This paper assesses OSS software growth and instability to clarify impacts of its instability on its system growth. Three open source software applications, with different characteristics, have been selected. Size and instability metrics are extracted and statistically analyzed in order to assess the reflections of software growth under instability behaviors.
Ali Mresa, Abdussalam Baryun(6-2021)
موقع المنشور

Designing a Mobile App to trace Covid-19 using Social Networks, IEEE Conference

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce our new design of mobile social app. This app can be used to trace the spread of Covid-19 among the app users while in social gathering. In the state of the art, we studied several existing social apps from around the world to trace/track Covid-19 and compare them with our new social app. In this comparisons, a number of parameters are defined to cover wide range of aspects related to current pandemic. These aspects covers existing of technologies (Cloud, Bluetooth, Mobile Device), governments (Support, Use, Enforcement), and app users ( Health, Social, Privacy). From the users prospective, the new design takes into account the effects of wearing masks have on lowering the rate and informing the user of the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in their surrounding communities. From the development prospective, the new design was described without hassling with the platform details of app implementation. Our evaluation of the design support the development of a social app that adhere to existing technologies, government policies, and user trust.
Khaled BenHamed, Abdussalam Nuri Baryun(6-2021)
موقع المنشور

Evaluating Data Speed for 5G Mobile Technologies using Queuing Models, IEEE Conference

Abstract: High speed communication and data movement is the key for mobile technologies and systems evolutions, which requires broadband communications and intelligent networking. The 5G mobile infrastructure enables development of many mobile technologies to fully use new technologies such as AI, mobile edge computing, M2M and data analytics. 5G/IMT-2020 will provide new applications and services for both developed and developed countries. Applications such as smart transport systems, e-health, education, smart grid, agriculture and disaster relief. In this paper we simulate and evaluate the mobile system related to its mobile application by using suitable queuing models to provide best performance based on its QoS.
Abdussalam Nuri Baryun, Khaled BenHamed(11-2021)
موقع المنشور

Developing a mobile game app themed about Libyan culture using Unity engine

This paper presents the design and implementation of an educational game App using Unity engine. The game aims to provide informative experience of Libyan traditions while keeping players entertained. Also, the game attempts to document Libyan fading traditions while being amusing and enjoyable. This game will be very first Libyan games to be launched into Google Play Store.
Khaled Mohamed khalifa Ben Hamed, Nahed Fathi M Farah, Mohamed Bashagha, Mohanned Binmiskeen(12-2020)
موقع المنشور