قسم اللغة الانجليزية

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حول قسم اللغة الانجليزية

تأسس قسم اللغة الانجليزية بمدينة طرابلس سنة  1965 و كان يتبع كلية المعلمين العليا  واستمر مع تغيير الاسم إلى كلية التربية سنة 1971م، ثم إلى مركز العلوم الإنسانية سنة 1986م.  في العام الدراسي 1986 -1987 تأسست كلية اللغات  تحت  اسم مركز اللغات , فى سنة 1988 صدر قرار اللجنة الشعبية العامة (سابقا) رقم 245 لسنة 1988 بتسمية المركز باسم كلية اللغات، في العام 2002   أدمجت كلية اللغات وكلية العلوم الاجتماعية والتطبيقية وكلية التربية تحت مسمى "كلية الآداب".

  في بداية فصل الخريف من العام الجامعي 2008-2009  أعيد نشاط كلية اللغات الأكاديمي في جميع مراحله عملا بقرار اللجنة الشعبية العامة (سابقا) رقم 535 لعام 2007   بشأن إعادة تنظيم الجامعات والمعاهد العليا ، ومن ثم تم فصل أقسام اللغات و من ضمنها قسم اللغة الانجليزية جميعها "طلابا وأساتذة" والتي كانت مند دمجة في كلية الآداب.

حقائق حول قسم اللغة الانجليزية

نفتخر بما نقدمه للمجتمع والعالم


المنشورات العلمية


هيئة التدريس





من يعمل بـقسم اللغة الانجليزية

يوجد بـقسم اللغة الانجليزية أكثر من 48 عضو هيئة تدريس

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أ. نادية سعيد السيفاو بن حامد

نادية سعيد بن حامد هي احد اعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم اللغة الانجليزية بكلية اللغات, جامعة طرابلس. ماجستير لغة إنجليزية _ تخصص علم اللغة التطبيقي. 2010. الدرجة العلمية أستاذ مساعد منذ 2020. تعمل الاستاذة نادية بجامعة طرابلس منذ 2011 إلى تاريخ هذا اليوم ،،ولها أوراق بحثية مختلفة في مجال تخصصها العلمي.

منشورات مختارة

بعض المنشورات التي تم نشرها في قسم اللغة الانجليزية

The City of the White Wall: A Creative Writing about the Old City of Tripoli

Abstract: The Old City of Tripoli (the Medina) is one of the oldest surviving historical cities in the world, established as an (Emporium) in the second millennium B.C. Not only is it the most important urban settlement on the Libyan coast, but also one of the oldest capitals in the world. It is the city of the White Wall, and the researcher is the storyteller of its narrative in the lights of an experience of twenty years within the society of the Medina. In addition to the importance of its strategic location, some other significant dimensions of its story, architecture, culture, traditions and tourism are basically included.
مريم أحمد سلامة (2015)
Publisher's website

Problems Encountered in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Large Classes in Libyan Primary Schools

Abtracts: Large English classes can cause many problems for the teacher and the young learners. It may seem impossible in such classes to organize dynamic and creative teaching and learning sessions. For example, it is impossible for the teacher in such classes to ensure individual participation of the young learners in the process of language practice and language use. Large classes can never be suitable for dealing with the new demands of language teaching. In other words, large classes cannot facilitate accomplishing teaching and learning based on the principles underlying communicative approach adopted in the primary 5 and 6 textbook, which is intended to build up the learner's confidence in going from organizing information to using the different language skills. The study examines the negative effects of the large number of young learners in the classroom. It intends to shed light on problems encountered in teaching English as a foreign language for communication to such classes. Research procedure and techniques to be used to collect data required for this study will be fulfilled by the use of teacher's questionnaire, as well as data drawn from informal interviews with English teachers in some primary schools in Tripoli. The actual teaching environment in primary schools is unsuitable for teaching English as a foreign language to young learners and at the same time, it prevents pupils from learning English properly. This is because most of the classes which have been visited and observed were crowded with large number of pupils. It has been noticed that this situation was problematic and uncomfortable for both the teachers and the pupils. Teaching English as a foreign language for communication to young learners requires small number of pupils in each class for the process to be successful. Young learners need special teachers' care and attention. They need enough time for each learner to practise the language and perform the various activities. Therefore, it has been recommended that large classes must be reduced to normal-size classes.
أسماء محمد أبوصاع (2010)
Publisher's website

Causes of Problems Encountered by 3rd Year Preparatory Libyan Pupils in Learning how to Write English

Abstract: With limited classroom, time, in appropriate approaches used in dealing with writing, can cause many problems for teachers and learners. In addition, in the perception of many teachers and some learners writing in English, is not within the scope of their objectives in the first place. A language program and teachers using it may not view time used in writing in classes as well time spent, preferring the time to be spent on more active aspects of language learning, such as learning the language grammar and vocabulary. Unlike speaking and reading, writing is generally a silent reflective activity, “especially productive writing”. Also, many teachers regard emphasizing the development of the learners writing ability as something that takes care of itself, or as a side matter that can be taken care of in the form of an occasional homework. In fewer words writing is less fortunate as well as the other productive skill “speaking in relation to the perceptive skill" listening and speaking "in teaching language. This research attempts to find an answer to the following question: “why do English learners in preparatory schools in Libya fail to learn to write? Therefore, it aims at finding, and pointing out the causes of the problems that face 3rd year preparatory learners in acquiring the ability to write English properly, that is, from the linguistic and educational perspective.
نجاة علي بن غزالة (2012)
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