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المنشورات العلمية


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يوجد بـقسم الباطنة أكثر من 28 عضو هيئة تدريس

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أ. مصطفى نجم الدين الهادي المختار

متحصل على بكالوريوس طب وجراحة جامعة طرابلس يناير 2006 وعلى ماجستير أمراض جلدية وتناسلية فبراير 2014 متعاون بكلية الطب البشري جامعة الزاوية منذ يناير 2014

منشورات مختارة

بعض المنشورات التي تم نشرها في قسم الباطنة

Clinicopathological features of differentiated thyroid carcinoma referred to radioiodine therapy at Tripoli Medical Center

Objectives: The objective of this study is to study the demographic, clinicopathological features, and geographical distribution of differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) among Libyan patients referred from all parts of the country to the nuclear medicine department, for radioactive iodine (RAI) therapy.Materials and Methods: Retrospective review of medical records of 265 patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) referred to RAI therapy in the Nuclear Medicine Branch‑Tripoli Medical Center, in the period from May 2005 to October 2010. The data analyzed included sex, age at the time of diagnosis, the city of residence, pathological diagnosis, the extent of disease, and types of treatment.Results: There were 225 (84.9%) females and 40 (15.1%) males giving a sex ratio of 5.6:1. The mean age of males at diagnosis was 51.2 ± 14.8 (range 24–78) years and  the  mean age  of  the  females was  44.6 ± 15.6 (range 10–95) years. Two  hundred and  twenty‑three (84.2%) had  papillary thyroid cancer (PTC), 31 (11.7%) had  follicular thyroid cancer, 3 (1.1%) had  Hurthle cell  thyroid cancer, and  2 (0.8%) had follicular‑insular thyroid cancer. About 43 (16.2%) had  a  history of  multinodular goiter, and  3 (1.1%) Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. From data  collected, cervical lymph node metastases were found in 45 (17.0%), and distal metastases in 27 (10.2%).Conclusions: PTC was the most common type of DTC. DTC was more common among females. The current study showed that the disease tends to occur at an older age, and with less cervical lymph node metastases than previously reported.
Hawa Juma El-Shareif(3-2018)
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Seroprevalence of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 Antibodies among People Living with HIV: A Cross-sectional Study from Tripoli University Hospital

Background/Aims: Patients with preexisting morbidities(e.g., malignancy, posttransplant, and heart failure) are recognized to be at increased risk of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus‑2 (SARS‑CoV‑2) infection, as well as increased risk of mortality after infection. However, there are conflicting data on the susceptibility and prevalence of infection among people living with HIV (PLWH), with higher, lower, and equal prevalence to the general population were reported. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of SARS‑CoV‑2 antibodies among PLWH who are attending clinical care at the Department of Infectious Diseases of Tripoli University Hospital. Materials and Methods: A cross‑sectional study conducted during the period from October 01, 2021 to December 01, 2021 at the (Department of Infectious Diseases) outpatient clinic of Tripoli University Hospital. The OnSite Coronavirus Disease 2019 IgG/IgM Rapid Test (CTK Biotech, San Diego County, California, USA) was used to determine the presence of antibodies against the spike protein of SARS‑CoV‑2 in the collected serum samples. The test results were reported as “Negative” or “Positive” as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Results: A total of 108 PLWH were included in the study. Sixty‑nine (64%) were male, and the mean age for participants was 44 years. Specific IgG/IgM antibodies for SARS‑CoV‑2 were detected in 31 individuals, representing a seroprevalence of 28.7%. Conclusions: High seroprevalence of SARS‑CoV‑2 antibodies among nonvaccinated PLWH attending clinical care at Tripoli University Hospital. They require pritorization on vaccination and boosting
Nader Shalaka(12-2021)
Publisher's website

Prognostic indices for hospital mortality among Libyan diabetic patients

The pattern of diabetic deaths in the medical wards of Tripoli Medical Centre was retrospectively studied. During a three‐year period, 575 diabetic deaths occurred, accounting for 26.2% of all medical deaths. The mean age at death was 65.33±12.7 years. Cardiovascular disease (183 [31.8%]), cerebrovascular accidents (102 [17.7%]) and infection (83 [14.4%]) were the most common complications associated with diabetic deaths. Other causes were malignancy (10%), liver cirrhosis (5.6%), and acute diabetic complications (5%). Forty‐five (7.8%) deaths unaccountable for may be due to other unknown causes. Factors predictive of mortality, such as admission diagnosis of hyperosmolar non‐ketotic state, cerebrovascular disease, acute coronary syndromes or infection were associated with poor prognosis. Admission hyperglycaemia, old age, renal dysfunction and prior stroke were also associated with poor admission outcome. The excess mortality, mainly due to atherosclerotic complications, is potentially preventable through implementation of serious approaches to the management of cardiovascular risk factors. arabic 8 English 64
Hawa Juma El-Shareif(7-2010)
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