المستودع الرقمي لـقسم الأدوية والسموم والطب الشرعي

احصائيات قسم الأدوية والسموم والطب الشرعي

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Green tea modulates nicotine toxicity on kidney in Wistar albino rats

The present study investigated the effects of an aqueous extract of green tea (Camellia sinensis) on kidney functions through Urea, uric acid and creatinine measurement within male Wistar albino rats intoxicated with nicotine. Forty male Wistar albino rats were randomized into four groups of ten. Over a 28 day period the control group received daily subcutaneous dose of saline (10 ml) and drank only water, the green tea group received subcutaneous dose of saline (10 ml) and drank only green tea, the nicotine group received subcutaneous dose of nicotine (10 ml saline with 3mg/kg weight of nicotine) and drank only water, and the green tea with nicotine received subcutaneous dose of nicotine (10ml saline with 3mg/kg weight of nicotine) and drank only green tea. Urea, uric acid and creatinine were measured by ultraviolet spectrophotometer utilizing standard methods. No differences were observed between the control and green tea only groups, and no differences were found for creatinine levels between any of the groups. The Nicotine group had urea and uric acid concentrations significantly (P < 0.05) greater than those of the control, green tea only groups, and the green tea with nicotine groups. The results of the present study indicate that an aqueous extract of green tea reduced the effects of nicotine on urea and uric acid concentrations. arabic 10 English 59
Marwan Mustafa Ali Draid(6-2016)
موقع المنشور

Relationship between Body Weight Performance and Plasma Thyroid Hormones in Broiler Hens

o investigate the effect of thyroid hormones Thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothronine (T3) on bodyweight performance in broiler hens. Methodology: The hens were kept in a controlled environment of 50-60% humidity at 31oC in first two weeks than temperature been decreased to 24oC with 24 hr light cycle per day, and were treated gently. Water and feed were provided ad libitum for the all hens. The body weight of the birds detected at the day 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th week of the experimental period and blood sample detected at the day 14th,28th,42th and 56th day of the experimental period. The data were analyzed by the analysis of variance technique in completely randomized design, while the differences between means were tested by Duncan New Multiple Range Test as per SAS. Results: It was noted that there is a highly significant effect of age, at the level (P ≤ 0.01) on the characteristics of each of the concentration of the hormone T3 and T4 hormone levels and body weight. This study showed that there is a difference in the average concentration of "T4 & T3" for meat birds of different ages. The correlation coefficient manner, "Pearson" between the different qualities of the birds of the meat where it was noted there is a strong inverse relationship between "T4 & T3". arabic 11 English 77
Marwan M. Draid(1-2016)
موقع المنشور

Effect of Lead Intoxication and fresh camel milk treatment on kidney functions Indices in albino rats

he unique characters of camel’s milk make it used extensively in the field of medicine as antidiabetic, anti-microbial, and hepatoprotective agent. The few of studies demonstrating the protective effect of camel’s milk against nephrotoxicity compound was the main reason beyond the conduction of the current experiment which aimed to investigate the protective effects of camel’s milk against lead induced nephrotoxicity arabic 15 English 86
Marwan M. Draid(1-2017)
موقع المنشور

Comparative Assessment of SepsiTest™ Platform to BactScreen™ and " in-house " MGB-based All Bacteria Assay for Detection of Bacteraemia in Whole Blood Samples

Several molecular techniques that are commercially described in the literature for early detection of blood stream infection in attempting to overcome the limitations of the gold standard blood culture. SepsiTest™ is aCE marked commercial platform that has been described in the literature. However, there were no studies addressing the accuracy of the test as a diagnostic platform for detection bacteraemia in whole blood samples. The study, conducted to investigate and discuss the strategy of SepsiTest™ in comparisonto our previously validated real-time PCR based assays (BactScreen™) and the previously published “in-house” minor groove binder (MGB)-based all bacteria assay. The three assays showed different sensitivity patterns for detecting bacteria in blood stream pathogens in favouring of using BactScreenTMtest. SepsiTest™ could be valuable but their lowest sensitivity in addition to their use of the unspecific SYBR Green fluoresce dye that question its diagnostic accuracy could be used as a last choice molecular diagnostic technique for detection of bacteraemia in whole blood samples. However, SepsiTest™ strategy rather, may provide useful diagnostic tool for detecting live pathogens in food technology arabic 32 English 130
Marwan Draid(12-2016)
موقع المنشور

Electorophysiological Study on the Interplay between Purinergic Nerves and Endothelial Cells in the Chicken Anterior Mesenteric Artery

Nerves and Endothelial Cells in the Chicken Anterior Mesenteric Artery arabic 16 English 118
Marwan Draid(1-2006)
موقع المنشور

Relationship between ATP-induced membrane potential and contraction in smooth muscle of chicken anterior mesenteric artery

ATP-induced membrane potential and contraction in smooth muscle of chicken anterior mesenteric artery arabic 15 English 107
Marwan Draid(8-2011)
موقع المنشور

Suppressive effect of sulphadimidine on expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) in broiler chicken

major histocompatibility complex (MHC) arabic 15 English 96
Marwan Draid(7-2013)
موقع المنشور

NANC inhibitory neuromuscular transmission in the hamster distal colon

The neurotransmitter(s) that generate the inhibitory junctional potential (IJP) in the circular muscle of hamster distal colon and their mechanisms have not been elucidated. The aim of the present study, therefore, was to determine the contributing roles of the non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic (NANC) inhibitory transmitter(s) including nitric oxide (NO), adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) in the generation of IJP in the hamster distal colon. For this purpose, the effects of the corresponding blockers of these putative NANC inhibitory mediators have been investigated using microelectrode technique. arabic 8 English 62
M. Draid(12-2006)
موقع المنشور