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The effect of stress and post-hatch feeding on the viability and performance of broiler chicken.
The study was conducted in poultry research station at the college of agriculture, Al-Fateh University. The study involved three experiments. In the first experiments, 960 of one-day old broiler chicks of Ross breed were used. The birds were randomly assigned to one of 16 combination treatments that consisted of four replicates with 15 cheiks for each replicate. The feed was offered for the control group immediately upon arriving into the enclosure, while the rest of the birds were provided with feed after 6,12 or 24 hours. The offered feed consisted of three diets that differed in the percentage of protein (i.e. 18.5, 19 or 20.5%) and a pre-starter diet with 23% protein. These diets were offered continuously for the first 5 days of age. Thereafter, starter, grower and supplementary diets were offered for all treatments until the termination of the experiment after 42 days. Weight, feed intake, weight gain and feed efficiency were determined for birds on weekly basis. The second and third experiments were carried out on the same birds at the age of 42 days. Randomized samples of 2 birds per replicate were taken. The birds slaughtered and weights of blood, head, skin, feathers, clutches, fat, bowel, gizzard, liver and heart were determined. Breast (pectoral) muscle was removed and its weight and thickness were measured. It was demonstrated, through the obtained results of statistical analysis, that the best significant (P ≤ 0.05) results for average live weight were found in that birds that fed the pre-starter diet at the first 5 days, in comparison with those fed diets with 18.5, 19 or 20.5% of protein, at all studied ages. The differences were significant(P ≤ 0.05) also for parameters of average feed intake, weight gain and feeding efficiency between the birds which feed the pre-starter diet in comparison with those fed the diets during the first 5 days, while differences were non significant at the other studied ages. It was indicated also that the delay in offering the feed affected the property of average weight during the first 4 weeks, where the birds that received the feed immediately were significantly (P ≤ 0.05) better than those that deprived from the feed for 18 hours. It influenced also the parameters of average feed intake, weight gain and feeding efficiency during the first 5 days, where the deprived birds for 18 hours were differences with the rest of the studied ages. The results of the second experiment revealed significant (P ≤ 0.05) differences between birds that consumed the pre-starter diet during the first 5 days in comparison with the other treatments concerning the parameters of weight and thickness of breast muscle, where the birds which received the feed immediately gave significantly (P ≤ 0.05) better results for weight and thickness of breast muscle in comparison with the other treatments. The longer the fasting hours, the lower weight and thickness of breast muscle. The results of the third experiment showed no significant differences concerning weights of blood, head, hocks, feathers, skin, fat, bowel, and liver as a result of fasting hours and protein percentage in the diet which the birds fed on during the first 5 days. In the other hand, there were significant (P ≤ 0.05) differences in heart weight between birds which fed on 18.5% protein diet and those that fed on 19% protein diet. Additionally, the weights of gizzard were significantly (P ≤ 0.05) different between the various treatments.سليمان محمد عمر (2008)
تأثير إضافة الخميرة في علائق الحملان على معدل النمو
This study was carried at Ben zidone station for Agricultural Experimental Tajora in propose of Growth was conducted to culture Yeast Containing Saccharomyces Cerevisiae on Feed Intake, digestibility and growth performance of fattening barbari lambs. Digestion Trial: Twelve local barbari male lambs used in digestion trial (average weight were) 22.4±4.25 Kg .They were distributed randomly to divided into four groups and fed a basal diet. Where treatment were (0%, 0.25%, 0.50%, 1%)The results should that feed intake was similar in all groups and it did not effect by adding yc coefficients were (811.18), (795.20), (705.60) (705.36) respectively.Dry matter digestibility coefficient was higher for treatment (0)between (0.75%) and (1%) and with no significant different for (0.50%) the crude protein there was significant different at(pسالمة ميلاد التومي (2010)
تقييم تأثير معاملة حشيشة الرودس (Cholris gayana) باليوريا على القيمة الغذائية وانهضامية العناصر الغذائية والأداء بحملان البربري
فرج عبدالله محمد كشبه (2012)
استعمال نوى التمر في تغذية المجترات
The study was carried in Abo-sheba agricultural and production project- Tripoli- Libya , to evaluate the effect of using date seeds meal in the ration of sheep on the performance ,and digestion of nutrient. Nutrition trail in which were used 48 heads local male Barbari lambs with averagc weight of 31 ± o.22 kg and mean age of 8 months , The animals were assigned randomly on four treatments (12 animals / treatment ) , which are 0,15,30,and45% Date seeds meal instead of the concentrates ,and all treatments were given 0.5 kg roughage ( residue of sorghum millets harvesting) , and the lambs were weighted weekly till the end of the trail. The trail lasted for 84 dags througout the data related to the weight increase , the rate of feed consumption ,and the nutrional efficiency ,were collected. The Chemical analyses indicated that the date seeds used in this study contain 5.9% crude protein, 1.2% crude fat, 14.4% crude fiber,and 1.65% ash,but the moisture was 4.9% and the soluble carbohydrates reached to 72.0 % The tral results indicated no significant differences ( p ≥ 0.05 ) in daily - weight gain among the different treatments , which were 0.208, 0.224, 0,220, and o,220 gm respectively ( 0 , 15 , 30 , 45 % ). It was evident that the rate of total weight gain takes the same trend , 17.525, 18.866, 18.516,and 18.518 kg. Also there are no significant defferences in daily feed consumption rate 1.405 , 1.524 , 1.518 , and 1.507 kg / day , and perhaps the previous results were reflccted completely in the nutrional efficiency rep resented in the rate of food conversion , which were 7.127 , 7.030 , 7.004 , and 7.210 kg feed/kg growth omong the treatments, Digestion trail : it was used in it 12 head 0f Libyan Barbari breed with age ll months , and average weight 49±0.22 kg assigned randomly according to a complete random disgn (RCD) on 4 treatmentes ( 0, 15, 30, 45% ) (3 animals /treatment ) in a digestive trail to evaluate the coefficient of the digeston of nutrients ,dry matter, and TDN . The digestive trail indicated no significant differences ( p ≥ o.o5 ) omong the treatments of dry matter digestion ,or other rnutrients , as it were ( 33.95 , 39.49 , 37.86 , 39.35 % ) for the dry matter, ( 34.48 , 39.30 , 34.23 , 33.15 % ) crude protein , but the extracted ether ( 46.68 , 37.03 , 39.79 , 44.62 % ) , the crude fibers were ( 25.66 , 24.12 , 22.18 , 30.13 % ) , and the extract free of nitrogen ( 41.13 , 46.97 , 46.43 , 48.01 % ) , it is evident also that the total digestive nutrients ( TDN ) of the studied treatment do not differ significantly too as it were ( 30.83 , 36.97 , 36.04 , 38.27 % ) for the treatment respectively , It concludes from this study the possiblity of use the date seeds meal in the rations of sheep in ratio reaches to 30% of concentrates , which lead to improvement in general performance of animals in one hand , and cleaning the enviroment from these wastes in the other hand ,and reduce the nutrition costs thr ought theميلاد فرج مسعود أحمد الفليت (2013)
تأثير نوى التمر مع اليوريا على الأداء والإنهضامية في الأغنام المحلية
This study was conducted at Bear Al-Ganim agricultural Research station to evaluate the effects of different levels of urea treated (4%) and untreated date seeds in Barbari lambs ration on performance, and in vivo nutrients digestibility. Feeding Trail: 35 male Barbari lambs with average weight of 29±2.3 kg and 7-9 months age were randomly assigned to five treatments (7 animals/ for each treatment). The treatments were 0%(T1); 20%(T2);30%(T3), crushed dates seed and 20% (T4); 30%(T5) urea treated (4%) crushed dates seed to replace part of The Concentrate. All treatment animals fed alfalfa hay as basal ration (ad libitum). Lambs were weighed every two weeks through the end of the trail which lasted 84 days. The chemical analysis of dates results showed that date seeds contain 6.8% crude protein,2.78% crude fat,15% crude fiber ,71.56% NFE and 3.86% Ash The treated date seeds with urea contain 28.3% crude protein ,5.53% crude fat ,12% crude fiber, 40.9% NFE and 13.27% Ash, . Average daily intake indicated no significant different between the treatment .The results also shows significant different in the feed conversion of treated date seeds with urea compared with untreated seed dates. The trail results indicated significantly in daily weight gain and total weight gain to treatments (T4; T5) compared to (T1;T2;T3 ) . Digestion trail 15 male of Barbari sheep were used in this digestion trail they assigned randomly on 5 feed treatment(0%(T1), 20%(T2), 30%(T3) date seeds and 20%(T4),and 30%(T5) urea treated date seeds) (3 animals/for each treatment) this trail is to evaluate the coefficient of the digestion of nutrient and calculate the total digestion nutrient TDN of each treatment, the crude protein in digestive trail indicated significantly were ( 66.77, 57.47, 55.68, 65.99, 66.50) respectively for (T1;T2; T3;T4;T5).while the dry matter , ether extracted, crude fibers, NFE and TDN of digestion trail shows no significant different between the different treatments. We can conclude from the result of This study The treating crushed date seeds with urea 4% in the rations of sheep in place of 20- 30% of concentrates lead to improvement in general performance of animals in one hand and cleaning the environment from these wastes in The other hand and reduce the nutrition costs due to reduce of concentrates quantity.خالد علي عيسى الزلعوطي (2014)
تأثير تقديم قوالب اليوريا - أملاح و قوالب اليوريا - مولاس على الإنهضامية و الأداء في حملان البربري المحلية
P) للمعاملات UMB (147.14 ± 11.038) وULB (124.28± 3.181) مقارنة بالشاهد (83.43 ± 7.080)، متوسط معدل التحويل الغذائي (كجم علف/كجم زيادة وزنيه)كان الأقل معنوياً (0.05>P)للشاهد (11.40 ± 0.977 ) مقارنة بمعاملات UMB (6.21± 0.451) و ULB (7.39 ± 0.198) التي لم تختلفا معنوياً (0.05
)بين المعاملات، في تجربة الهضم تسعة من حملان البربري وزعت عشوائيا على ثلاثة معاملات (3حملان/معاملة) وهى بدون قوالب (الشاهد) و قالب يوريا - أملاح (ULB) و قالب يوريا - مولاس (UMB) ، حيث أشارت نتائج هذه التجربة إلى أن متوسطات معامل هضم المادة الجافة (DDM) كانت 71.2 ± 2.120 و78.567 ± 4.486 و77.3 ±1931.% لكل من الشاهد وULB وUMB على التوالي بدون وجود فروق معنوية بين المعاملات (0.05
أحمد حسين إمحمد حسين (2013)
تأثير فصول السنة ومواسم الإدرار على الكفاءة الإنتاجية والتناسلية لأبقار اللبن تحت الظروف الليبية
عبدالناصر عبدالعزيز الزقوزي (2008)
تقدير معايير الوراثية لاوزان ميلاد ابقار الفريزيان تحت الظروف المحلية
المختار محمد ابراهيم الجدي (2015)