معالجة الصحف العربية الدولية للعلاقات الليبية- الايطالية دراسة تحليلية لصحيفة العرب الدولية
The issue of bilateral relations between countries is of great importance, speciallythe relations betweenLibya and Italy, which both have a long history. Based on thisand due to the importance of the media in general and press in particular, in highlighting those relationships for local and international blic opinion, this study aims at the following goals:To know the type and more related areas of the Libyan-Italian relations treated by the International Al-Arab Newspaper during the period under study. To know how much care the International Al-Arab Newspaper pays towards the Libyan-Italian relations through highlighting the elements used. Surveyingthe journalistic arts the International Al-Arab Newspaper has manipulated to present the Libyan-Italian relations, and more important to identify the most prominent of these arts during the time period under study. To identify the most important methods of persuasion employed by the International Al-ArabNewspaperin reating the published materialsthatfocus on the relations between the two countries. To identify the sources on which the newspaper depended when covering the events relating to the subject of the study. The researcher has relied on approaches, namely (the historical approach) in covering the theoretical aspect of the study, and the survey approach in which the sample was used, survey analytical and the content-analysis approach in analyzing the sample of the issuesof the Al-Arab International, which were selected from the study population.The tools used by the researcher were the sources and references or the so-called (the Office Approach)as well as personal interviews with a number of eminent scientists and professionalsin order to cover the aspects that have to be clarified in the theoretical framework of the study.He also usedthe form of content analysis which was designed to collect and compile data on the subject of studyduring the period from 01.07.1998to31.07.2009.The researcherused the industrial cycle (bimonthly) forselecting the sample, whereonly two issues a month were selected; i.e. 264 in number.Finally, the study found a number of results, the most important of:The political relationship between the two countries was the topic of the study (Libya and Italy) was in first place at a percentage of 42.1%. Al-Arab International did not give the topic of the Libyan-Italia relations the amount of attention deserved as an international relationship in terms of highlighting componentssuch as area, photos, graphics, frames, or headings - and locationsdevoted for material of the newspaper that analyzes the topic.All these components were very weak.The journal newswas an art that got the first rank among the journalistic arts used by the paper in the coverage of the Libyan-Italian relations.Thelogical objective logical style supported by the arguments and evidence came in the first place of the methods of persuasion used by the international Al-Arab Newspaper in dealing with the topic of the study by at 51.2%.The reporter wasthe sources relied upon by the international Arab newspaper for gettingthe pieces of news and topics related the Libyan-Italianrelations.
علي سالم صالح عاشور (2010)
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