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Statistics for Department of English Language

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Prospects of Creating the Reflective Teacher for Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Abstract Teacher self-evaluation is an important dimension in the overall evaluation activities in educational programs. However, this dimension is often overlooked and not given its right share of importance. Teacher self-evaluation is neither included in teacher training programs nor is considered a basic requirement from teachers as they develop in their careers. The significance and value of teacher self-evaluation as a core element in continuing professional development requires that self-evaluation proceed all other forms of evaluation. To support the claim that teacher self-evaluation is a missing element in the area of investigation, the researchers conducted a study which adopted a survey that involved eleven schools and 86 Libyan teachers. The results of the study showed that while many teachers perform some sort of self-reflection about their teaching, they do not recognize self-evaluation as a basic requirement in developing their career. When the effectiveness of teacher self-evaluation was probed in contrast to external evaluation, most teachers agreed that teacher self-evaluation could play a far more vital role in continuing professional development. Keywords Continuing Professional development, External evaluation, Self- evaluation.
Fawzia Mohamed Elwafi, Yousra Ali Aghanimi, Fahima Mohamed Bannur(4-2021)
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Libyan TV-Based Distance Education During COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Suggestions for Improvement

As soon as COVID-19 was confirmed a pandemic, schools and universities around the world were forced to shift to distance learning to maintain social distancing. Likewise, the Libyan Ministry of Education aimed at mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on learners’ educational progress and found alternatives to in-person lessons through recording and broadcasting lessons on television on Libyan TV channels. Current literature review indicates the scarcity of literature on television-based distance education during a pandemic in the Libyan context. Thus, the present study addressed this shortcoming by investigating the opinions of the Libyan educational television team’s perspectives. The design of the study was exploratory mixed methods as we gathered both qualitative and quantitative data to get accurate and detailed picture of the managers’ and teachers’ views. The context of the study is the Libyan General Center for Training and Education Development. The participants were 6 managers and 27 teachers. Data were collected through observations, focus group discussion, and questionnaires. The results showed that the participants encountered administrative, personal, educational, and technical and logistical challenges. The participants suggestions as ways of conquering those challenges included providing the technical support and the required equipments, organizing the schedule of live broadcasts in terms of lesson content, time, and grade level, providing training courses for teachers on all the programs that are used in distance education, along with other suggestions. We expect that our findings would provide the educational TV managers and teachers with ideas for improvement and encourage researchers to conduct further and more rigorous testing on educational TV.
Entisar ALi Hadi Elsherif, Hana Abdulsalam Ahmed Meiteeq, (8-2021)

واقع البحث العلمي في كليات التربية بالجامعات الليبية من وجهة نظر اعضاء هيئة التدريس

الملخص: تهدف الدراسة إلى تقصي واقع البحث العلمي في كليات التربية بالجامعات الليبية في ضوء مؤشرات معيار البحث العلمي من ضمن معايير الاعتماد المؤسسي والبرامجي الصادرة من المركز الوطني لضمان الجودة، و التعرف إلى أهم التحديات والمعوقات التي تواجهه وسبل تطويره من وجهة نظر الهيئة التدريسية، ( كليات التربية -بجامعة طرابلس- أنموذجاً). من خلال المنهج الوصفي التحليلي واستخدام (استبانة) مكونة من (53) فقرة تشتمل على 3 محاور: اولاً: واقع البحث العلمي (35) فقرة وهي مؤشرات معيار البحث العلمي من معايير الاعتماد المؤسسي و البرامجي، ثانياً: محور معوقات البحث العلمي (18) فقرة، ثالثا: محور سؤال مفتوح لاقتراح بعض السبل لتطوير البحث العلمي من وجهة نظر الهيئة التدريسية . وكانت عينة الدراسة تتكون من (65) عضوا من الهيئة التدريسية. واظهرت نتائج الدراسة إلى أن واقع البحث العلمي في كليات التربية – بالجامعات الليبية، حقق ما نسبته (62.39%) من متطلبات مؤشرات معيار البحث العلمي من معايير الاعتماد المؤسسي وما نسبته ( 63.46%) من متطلبات مؤشرات معيار البحث العلمي من معايير الاعتماد البرامجي من وجهة نظر الهيئة التدريسية، كما تشير الدراسة إلى أن أهم معوقات البحث العلمي هي: قلة الميزانيات المخصصة للإنفاق على البحث العلمي، وكثرة الأعباء التدريسية لأعضاء هيئة التدريس، وغياب الدافعية لدى الباحثين، وقلة المراجع و الدوريات والمجلات العلمية، وضعف مستوى أساتذة الجامعة حديثي التعيين في مهارات البحث العلمي. ومن أهم اقتراحات أعضاء هيئة التدريس لتطوير البحث العلمي زيادة الانفاق على البحث العلمي، توفير المراجع وامكانية الوصول لقواعد البيانات الدولية، وتكوين المجموعات والمراكز البحثية والاهتمام بإجراءات وضوابط البحث العلمي، وتكثيف الدورات التدريبية واجراءات التحفيز والمشاركة في المؤتمرات، واعادة النظر في السياسات البحثية وتحديثها. الكلمات المفتاحية: . ] كليات التربية، جامعة طرابلس، البحث العلمي، معايير الجودة[
فوزية احمد مفتاح الحصان, انتصار علي الهادي الشريف , أ. فاطمة الهمالي علي دريد10(10-2021)
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Facebook Games for English Language Learning: What Student-Teachers Say?

This exploratory case study aimed at investigating the student-teachers’ views on using Facebook games for language learning. The participants were 48 student-teachers at the EFL Department of the Faculty of Education at a Libyan public university. They were required to play Facebook games for two weeks and then present their experiences through oral presentations and reflective journals. Data were collected through student-teachers’ presentations and reflective journals. Data were analyzed qualitatively using a thematic inductive approach. Although few student-teachers had negative views, most of the student-teachers had positive views on using Facebook games for learning. They believed that Facebook games teach players following instructions and provide opportunities for language improvement, especially for vocabulary learning. We expect that our findings would provide teachers and practitioners with ideas for classroom research and encourage researchers to conduct further and more rigorous testing on integrating Facebook games into the EFL classroom. arabic 12 English 61
Entisar ALi Hadi Elsherif, fatma alhammali ali dreid(2-2021)
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Fostering Quality in the Graduation Research Project at the Libyan Faculties of Education: Libyan Teacher-Educators’ Perspectives

One of the Libyan Faculty of Education exit requirements is the graduation research project. Review of the current literature shows that there exists a dearth of literature on the quality of the graduation project in the Libyan context. To address this shortcoming, the present study investigated the opinions of the faculty members of the Faculties of Education at various Libyan public universities on achieving quality standards in the graduation research projects. The design of the study was exploratory sequential mixed methods as we gathered both quantitative and qualitative data to get accurate and detailed picture of the Libyan teacher-educators’ views on fostering quality in the graduation research project. The context of the study is the Faculties of Education at eight Libyan universities. The participants were 62 Libyan teacher-educators who were faculty members at the Libyan Faculties of Education. Data were collected through documents, questionnaires, and follow up interviews. The results showed that the participants’ views were opposite to the document analysis and revealed that the participants were not sure whether the regulations covered all the points related to the graduation research projects, so they preferred to be neutral. They also perceived several factors as the issues that hindered the quality of the graduation research projects. The participants suggestions as ways of fostering quality in the graduation research projects included achieving quality by following the quality standards described by the quality assurance department among other suggestions. arabic 21 English 111
Entisar ALi Hadi Elsherif, FUZIA AHMED MOFTAH ELHSAN(3-2021)
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Fostering Quality in the Graduation Research Project at the Libyan Faculties of Education: Libyan Teacher-Educators’ Perspectives

One of the Libyan Faculty of Education exit requirements is the graduation research project. Current literature review indicates the scarcity of literature on the quality of the graduation project in the Libyan context. Thus, the present study addressed this shortcoming by investigating the opinions of the faculty members at the Faculties of Education at various Libyan public universities on achieving quality standards in the graduation research projects. The design of the study was exploratory sequential mixed methods as we gathered both quantitative and qualitative data to get accurate and detailed picture of the Libyan teacher-educators’ views on fostering quality in the graduation research project. The context of the study is the Faculties of Education at eight Libyan universities. The participants were 62 Libyan teacher-educators who were faculty members at the Libyan Faculties of Education. Data were collected through documents, questionnaires, and follow up interviews. The results showed that the participants’ views were opposite to the document analysis and revealed that the participants were not sure whether the regulations covered all the points related to the graduation research projects, so they preferred to be neutral. They also perceived several factors as the issues that hindered the quality of the graduation research projects. The participants suggestions as ways of fostering quality in the graduation research projects included achieving quality by following the quality standards described by the quality assurance department among other suggestions. arabic 21 English 111
Entisar ALi Hadi Elsherif, FUZIA AHMED MOFTAH ELHSAN(3-2021)
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Investigating Language Tests’ Content Validity in Public Schools in Tripoli

Investigating Language Tests’ Content Validity in Public Schools in Tripoli arabic 12 English 65
Yousra Ali Moftah Alghanemi, Fuzia Moh A Elwafi, (1-2020)

Facebook Games for English Language Learning: What Student-Teachers Say?

This exploratory case study aimed at investigating the studentteachers’ views on using Facebook games for language learning. The participants were 48 student-teachers at the EFL Department of the Faculty of Education at a Libyan public university. They were required to play Facebook games for two weeks and then present their experiences through oral presentations and reflective journals. Data were collected through student-teachers’ presentations and reflective journals. Data were analyzed qualitatively using a thematic inductive approach. Although few student-teachers had negative views, most of the student-teachers had positive views on using Facebook games for learning. They believed that Facebook games teach players following instructions and provide opportunities for language improvement, especially for vocabulary learning. We expect that our findings would provide teachers and practitioners with ideas for classroom research and encourage researchers to conduct further and more rigorous testing on integrating Facebook games into the EFL classroom. arabic 11 English 61
Entisar Elsherif, fatma alhammali ali dreid(2-2021)
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