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المعامل الافتراضية وأثرها في تدريس الجوانب المعملية للمواد التطبيقية من وجهة نظر المعلمين

يطــلق على العصر الذي نعيشه الآن عصر التكنولوجيا الرقمية والتي غيرت الكثير من أساليب وطرق حياتنا الحالية بما فيها التربية والتعليم، وظهرت أنواع وطرق تعلم وتعليم جديدة قائمة على هذه التكنولوجيا. ولقد أصبح التركيز على الأمور المتعلقة بالتعليم الإلكتروني والرقمي أمراً مهماً, فالمعامل الافتراضية تعتبر من احد انتاجات التكنولوجيا الرقمية في المجالات التعليمية حيث أنها تعتبر محاكاةً للمختبر الحقيقي، ومن خلالها يمكننا رؤية كلّ ما نريده من المعمل التقليدي، من معدات وأجهزة و مواد أو حتى أدوات وغيرها.. والمحاكاة تكاد تكون حقيقية من حيث إجراء التجارب والصوت الصادر وتغير الألوان وغيرها، إذ يستطيع الطالب إجراء تجارب عملية من خلال المعمل الافتراضي وكأنها حقيقية. فالمعمل الافتراضي يعتبر برمجية تعليمية تحقق المعايير التربويّة والنفسية والتعليمية لتحقيق الأهداف المرجوة من تعلّم العلوم التطبيقية. ونظرا لأهمية استخدام مثل هذه التكنولوجيا في مجال التدريس وما لها من أثر علي العملية التعليمة كان لزاما علينا النظر في مدى الاستفادة منها في تطوير التعليم في بلادنا. ومن هنا جاءت مشكلة الدراسة والتي تمثلت في الإجابة على التساؤلات التاليه: أولا: ما اتجاهات معلمي مواد العلوم نحو استخدام المعمل الافتراضي في تدريس الجانب العملي ؟ ثانيا: ما المقترحات المناسبة الممكن تقديمها في مجال توظيف المعمل الافتراضي في العملية التعليمية؟ مصطلحات الدراسة: المعامل الافتراضية - الجوانب المعملية للمواد التطبيقية – المعلمين بالمرحلة الثانوية. arabic 167 English 0
اسامة مسعود ابوالقاسم محمد(3-2022)

A Comparison between Three Organic Solvents in Extracting Essential Oils from Fresh and Dry Leaves Of Salvia Officinalis L

Salvia officinalis L. is a Mediterranean species, naturalized in many countries. The composition of essential oil isolated from Salvia officinalis L, wild growing in Libya, was analyzed. In this study, essential oils from fresh and dry leaves of Salvia officinalis L, Libya, were extracted with ethanol, hexane or chloroform as solvents using Soxhlet apparatus and the extracts were analyzed using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry method. Each solvent showed differences in the extraction yields between fresh and dry leaves. Physical constants of the extracts were shown variation in color, viscosity, density, PH and percentage of production between fresh and dry leaves for each solvent. GC-MS results showed that ethanol could extract the most compounds compared to hexane and chloroform from both fresh and dry leaves. In total 41, 28 and 31 compounds were identified in the essential oils of fresh and dry leaves of Salvia officinalis L using ethanol, hexane or chloroform respectively. For each solvent the number of compounds extracted from dry leaves was bigger than the number extracted from fresh leaves. arabic 33 English 104
ABUBAKER A BASHIR ATRROG, abdunnaser mohamed mohamed megrahi, Fathia Mousa H Altalhi(4-2018)
موقع المنشور

Assessment of Physicochemical Properties and Mineral Compositions of Almond (Prunus amygdalus) Gum of Libyan Origin

Twenty-five authentic samples of Prunus amygdalus gum samples were collected from five different locations in northwest of Libya. Different physicochemical methods were used to characterize this type of gum samples. The mean values of the moisture ranged from 12.55 to 14.93%, ash mean values 4.03 to 4.62%, pH 3.89 to 4.40, W.H.C 52.85 to 60.0%, and O.H.C 136.2 to 156.3%. Solubility of Prunus amygdalus gum showed that it had low solubility in distilled water with the mean values ranged from 20.01 to 35.40%, but it dissolved perfectly in alkali media where solubility increased to 96.3% in 0.05 M Na2CO3. The study exhibited that the mean values of cationic concentration in %(w/w) such as calcium was ranged from 0.552 to 0.585, potassium 0.402 to 0.505, iron 0.0975 to 0.1125, and sodium 0.064 to 0.079, which indicates that Ca has the highest concentration of metallic ions present. Atomic absorption method indicate that all samples contain traces of elements, Li, Cr, Mn, Ni, Zn, Pb, Hg, and Cd. The main functional groups recorded from FTIR spectrum included bands at 3293 cm-1 (O-H in carboxylic group), 1601.77 cm-1 (C=O, amide N-H bend, and C=C), 1357.53 cm-1 (CH3-, and C-O-H in- plane bending vibration), and 1025.74 cm-1 (C-O stretching). arabic 16 English 99
Aborawi M. Elgornazi, M.H. Awad, Nouri M.A. Soleiman(2-2021)
موقع المنشور

Study of Some Physical and Chemical Characteristic Properties of Ground Water in Sug al Jumaa area in Tripoli, Libya

ABSTRACT The physical and chemical properties of ground water from thirty wells in Sug al Juma’a area in Tripoli, Libya were analyzed using standard methods. Ground water samples were collected from three locations (Al-Shat Road (A), Sug al Juma’a Road (B) and Arada Road (C)). The physical and chemical parameters such as pH, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Total Hardness (TH), Electrical Conductivity (EC), Calcium (Ca2+), Magnesium (Mg2+), Sodium (Na+), Potassium (K+), Chloride (Cl-), Sulfate (SO4 2-), Bicarbonate (HCO3 -), Nitrate (NO3 -) were analyzed to study the present status of the ground water quality. The results were compared to the Libyan Standard No. 82 for Drinking Water and the World Health Organization (WHO). The understudy samples showed significantly higher values of TDS and EC than Libyan Standard and WHO. Permissible limits which may greatly influence the health conditions of the residents of this area. It is concluded from this study that the ground water of the area needs a substantial degree of purification treatment before using for drinking and domestic purposes. arabic 8 English 56
Aburawi Elgornazi, Ali Bukhzam, Nessma Alshelmani, Nabil Bader(1-2021)
موقع المنشور

Rheological Characterization of Combretum Glutinosum (Habeil) Gum

Abstract: Rheological properties of Gum Habeil collected during three seasons had been studied. Intrinsic viscosity of aqueous solution of Gum Habeil was calculated by Fedor's equation. At a low concentration of aqueous deacetylated gum solution, the G' (viscoelastic) was appeared higher than G'' (viscosity) at frequency ranged from 1 to 10 Hz, but with increases concentration of deacetylated gum solutions G'' line was trend to appear higher than G' line at low frequency region. However, a crossover of G' and G'' lines was observed as the frequencies increased to 1.26, 3.97, and 9.99 Hz for 1.5, 3, and 5% w/w of gum solutions respectively. The concentrated crude gum dispersions 12.5 and 15% w/w were exhibited viscoelastic behavior, in contrast the 10% w/w of crud gum solution in distilled water appeared G'' higher than G' with the crosslink points at the middle of frequency range. The critical concentration C* of deacetylated gum solutions in deionized water, in sodium hydroxide alone, and in alkali with addition salt were determined to be 2.34, 2.37, and 2.41 g/dl respectively. The effect of temperature on rheological behavior was also studied. arabic 8 English 57
Aborawi M. Elgornazi, M. H. Awad, Nouri M. A. Soleiman(2-2020)
موقع المنشور

Determination of Some Trace Elements in Different Vinegar Samples from Libyan Market using Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer ICP-AES

Ten vinegar samples were collected from the Libyan local market in the city of Tripoli. The elements have been investigated were:As, Pb, Cu, Fe and Zn. The samples were treated and prepared according to Indian standard IS 14703-1999, and the measurements have been done by using inductively coupled plasm – atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) available in the Libyan Petroleum Institute. The analysis indicated that the concentration of Arsenic of all the samples was less than 0.02mg/kg whereas, the concentration of lead is less than 0.03mg/kg. The concentration ranges of Cu, Fe and Zn were 0.11-0.59mg/kg, 0.72-2.67mg/kg and 0.08-0.28mg/kg respectively. The concentrations of the elements AS, Pb, Cu, Fe and Zn are within the limits of a variety of standards such as Libyan, Indian and Pakistani ones. arabic 21 English 134
ABUBAKER A BASHIR ATRROG, RAGIAB ALI MOKHTAR ISSA, ِAburawi Mohammed Aburawi Algornazi(11-2020)
موقع المنشور

انتشار داء المقوسات القندية عند النساء الحوامل في مدين مسلاته بليبيا وعلاقته بالأجهاض

تهدف هذه الدراسة الي تقييم نسبة الأصابة بداء المقوسات القندية مابين النساء الحوامل بمدينة مسلاته وهي تقع في شمال غرب ليبيا نسبة السكان فيها 24,000 وتوجد عوامل خطورة في أصابة السكان بداء المقوسات القندية . لاتوجد اي معلومات حاليا عن نسبة انتشار هذا المرض في المدينة . تم جمع عينات دم من النساء الحوامل اللاتي يترددن بانتظام علي المستشفي المركزي بمسلاته لمتابعة فترة الحمل حيث تمت عملية المسح لتحديد مدي انتشار المرض ؛ وذلك بتجميع 170 عينة عشوائيا في المرحلة العمرية مابين 17_ 49 عاما ، وقد تم أخضاع كل العينات لإختبار التراص السريع Latex agglutination test والعينات الموجبة تم تاكيد الاصابة وذلك باستخدام اختبار الاليزا (اختبار الامتصاص المناعي لمادة مرتبطة مع انزيم ) ELISA (Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) وقد اظهرت النتائج ان النسبة المئوية لي انتشار المرض باستخدام اختبار التراص المناعي (40.59 %) بحيث كانت النسبة المئوية لوجود الأجسام المضادة IgG (25.88% ) بينما كانت نسبة تواجد الأجسام المضادة IgM والتي تعبر عن الحالة الحادة للمرض هي (34.71%) تدل نتائج هذه الدراسة على أن هناك نسبة لا بأس بها من الإصابة بداء المقوسات القندية بين النساء الحوامل بمسلاتة و هو ما يدعم الاعتقاد بأن النساء بالمنطقة أصبحن معرضات للإصابة بهذا الطفيل،مما يحث على البدء في برامج للتثقيف الصحي للنساء الحوامل لمنع الإصابة الأولية بطفيل التوكسوبلازما أثناء فترة الحمل والتي قد تؤدى إلى مضاعفات وخيمة على الجنين . arabic 159 English 0
سارة عبد العزيز بن زقلام (1-2017)

Facebook Games for English Language Learning: What Student-Teachers Say?

This exploratory case study aimed at investigating the studentteachers’ views on using Facebook games for language learning. The participants were 48 student-teachers at the EFL Department of the Faculty of Education at a Libyan public university. They were required to play Facebook games for two weeks and then present their experiences through oral presentations and reflective journals. Data were collected through student-teachers’ presentations and reflective journals. Data were analyzed qualitatively using a thematic inductive approach. Although few student-teachers had negative views, most of the student-teachers had positive views on using Facebook games for learning. They believed that Facebook games teach players following instructions and provide opportunities for language improvement, especially for vocabulary learning. We expect that our findings would provide teachers and practitioners with ideas for classroom research and encourage researchers to conduct further and more rigorous testing on integrating Facebook games into the EFL classroom. arabic 11 English 61
Entisar Elsherif, fatma alhammali ali dreid(2-2021)
موقع المنشور