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عزل الفطريات المرافقة لشعر فروة رأس الأطفال

شملت الدراسة مجموعة من تلاميذ إحدى المدارس الابتدائية في منطقة سوق الجمعة\ طرابلس في الفترة مابين شهري (يناير- فبراير)، وتم استهداف91 عينة تعود لـ 46 تلميذ من الذكور و45 تلميذة من الإناث تراوحت أعمارهم ما بين 7-10 سنوات، وذلك لغرض التعرف على الفطريات المصاحبة لشعر(فروة) الرأس، وتم التعرف على أربعة عشر من الفطريات التي تنتمي إلى تحت الأقسام (Sub Divisions) الآتية: Zygomycotina(1)، Ascomycotina(2)، Deuteromycotina(11)، وكانت أكثر الفطريات شيوعاً عند الأطفال (التلاميذ) هو فطر Candida albicans ( 37.36%) ثم يليه كلاً من فطر P.chrysogenum و A. alternate وCladosporium sp. ( 24.18%) لكل منهم. كان أكثر الفطريات شيوعاً عند الأطفال (التلاميذ) من الإناث فطرA. Alternate (35.56%) يليه فطر P.chrysogenum (26.67%)، بينما في الأطفال (التلاميذ) من الذكور فكان الفطر الأكثر شيوعاً فطر Candida albicans (54.35%) ويليه فطر Cladosporium sp. (30.43%). arabic 80 English 0
هدى ميلاد محمد بن زائد, أمال مصطفي ميلاد انبيه(3-2017)

Peer Observation as a Tool of Professional Development

The aim of this exploratory and empirical case study is to investigate the effectiveness of using classroom observation for developing English language teaching skills among teaching assistants in Libyan Universities- Tripoli University. Four teaching assistants and two experienced teachers were randomly chosen for this study. Data was collected through four phases. Phase one: a closed-ended questionnaire was used to find out the teaching assistants‟ current perceptions of teaching skills. Phase two: the participants were engaged in observing experienced teachers. During the third phase, the participants were involved in teaching to be observed by experienced teachers. In the last phase, teaching assistants‟ perceptions were re-examined through the same close-ended questionnaire and through the observation of experienced teachers. This project is guided by the following research questions: how competent are EFL Libyan Teaching Assistants in undergoing teaching? And how effective is the implementation of Peer Observation in developing those Teaching Assistants?. The findings of this study indicate that classroom observation is a useful technique for developing English language teaching skills. arabic 7 English 47
Hani K. Ertemi(2-2019)
موقع المنشور

Spectrophotometric determination of iron in dietary supplements in Libyan market

In most cases dietary supplements especially in Libya are consumed without prescriptions and the public has very limited any awareness of their health risk. The lack of quality control on numerous brands of dietary supplements in pharmacies of Libya today may result in a serious health problem. The aim of this study is to determine the iron content using a fast and accurate method for quality control of some imported dietary supplements, based on spectrophotometric measurement of iron after complexation with 1, 10-phenanthroline in an acidic medium. Eight types of vitamin supplementary tablets were randomly collected from the Libyan market and analyzed for the iron content. The analysis showed an average value of 61mg Fe/pill for the range of 40.07-112.63 mg Fe/pill. Results showed that 75% of the samples were lower in iron content than that recorded on the dietary products. arabic 9 English 71
ezuldeen mohammed abraheem aboushalloua(1-2020)
موقع المنشور

Code-Switching Between English and the Cyber Language through Computer-Mediated Communication: Discussion of Integrating Code-Switching in ESL Classroom

Code-Switching Between English and the Cyber Language through Computer-Mediated Communication arabic 20 English 132
Nadia Abdurrahman A. Nsir, Entisar ALi Hadi Elsherif(1-2014)
موقع المنشور

Using Blogs in English Language Teaching and Teacher Education Programs

The paper shos how blogs can be used in teacher preparation programs. arabic 9 English 62
Entisar ALi Hadi Elsherif, (1-2014)
موقع المنشور

Teaching Pre-Service Teachers Critical Reading through the Newspapers

This paper discussed the importance of critical reading by discussing how newspaper articles can be used to encourage pre-service teachers to read critically and showing them how to develop learners' critical reading. arabic 8 English 61
Entisar ALi Hadi Elsherif, fatma alhammali ali dreid(1-2014)
موقع المنشور

Literature Review on the Use of First Language During Second Language Writing

The paper discusses how L2 writers use their L1 while writing in L2. It investigates L1use in L2 by exploring the results of ten studies that examined it from different perspectives and in different contexts. By introducing the results of L1 use by L2 writers,ESL/EFL teachers will play a great role by helping students use their L1 positively andavoid the negative impacts of L1 use. This kind of research is of significance because thestudied research results showed that further research is needed in this area. This reviewwill provide a basis for ideas to investigate L1 use in L2 writing.The paper focuses on an important skill in English language teaching which is writing.The focus of the paper is L1 use which has been considered as taboo. This would targetthe interest of most of HLT audience, especially writing teachers. The main mission is tointroduce the role of L1 use in L2 writing. This paper reviews the second language (L2)writers’ use of the first language (L1) while composing in the second language (L2) inten studies. Those studies looked at three proficiency groups that included adult high- proficient, intermediate, and low-proficient writer’s use of L1. The results indicated thatL1 is used frequently while writing in L2 by translating, language-switching, and backtracking. It was also noticed that L1 use had positive effects on L2 text. arabic 11 English 66
Entisar ALi Hadi Elsherif(12-2012)
موقع المنشور

Introducing Slang to English Language Learners

Real life conversations do not include formal spoken interactions all the time; learning to use slang will help convergence, divergence, and maintenance, which constitute speech accommodation theory. Convergence is “accommodation towards the speech of one’s interlocutors” (Meyerhoff, 2006, p. 307). In other words, how individuals are familiarized to each other’s linguistic features during speech. In the case of ELLs, they needed to gain social approval in their new community, which makes convergence occur. They use slang to maintain their social approval and construct their identity. Their convergence is downward convergence since they use slang to belong to their school community arabic 5 English 41
Entisar ALi Hadi Elsherif, Nadia Abdurrahman A. Nsir(1-2021)
موقع المنشور