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Design of two-spar wing of an aircraft for minimum weight

not exist
Saleh R. Abdussalam Gashoot, T.S. Patel(9-1983)
publisher's website

Investigating the elastomechanical properties of stiffened panels used in airframes, ships and ballistics

not exist
Saleh R. Abdussalam Gashoot, Sabra F. Girgis(12-1991)
publisher's website

Optimization of Drilling Cost for Oil and Gas Wells by analyzing drilling rate Parameters


The objective of this study is to formulate a drilling cost model which incorporates the drilling parameters, encountered during drilling operation of the petroleum well. This model is coupled with the selected drilling rate model proposed by Bourgoyne & Young, in order to predict the bit rotating time utilized in this model. The new drilling cost model was formulated using actual drilling data collected from thirteen wells selected in three oil fields in Sirte Basin (Ghani, Zenad, and Ed Dib).The drilling engineer can use drilling correlations in the planning stages of a well to help evaluate various drilling parameters encountered during drilling operations in order to update the proposal drilling plan and to evaluate any deviations from original projections. The gathered information will help selecting the best completion strategies as well as gaining experiences in the drilled area which will be the basis for the planning of future drilling activities in the area.
عزالدين أحمد أحمد (2009)

Influence of Design Tip Speed Ratio and Rated Wind Speed on Energy Yield of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine


Wind turbines are the means of converting wind energy into electrical energy. It is not unexpected that certain brands of horizontal wind turbines are optimally designed for certain wind speed regimes prevailing at certain sites. It has been the objective of this study to find out whether it is possible to design a wind turbine that is more suitable for a site of lower annual mean wind speed such as the western coast of Libya. In achieving this objective, use was made of a typical wind turbine aerodynamic design and performance analysis procedure together with actual wind speed data recorded at the city of Misurata.Based on the annual wind energy yield obtained from different designs of wind turbines having different rated wind speeds and different blade design tip speed ratios, this study indicates that the decrease of the rated wind speed leads to a continuous increase of annual energy yield as well as an increase of the cost of the wind turbine. Therefore the optimum value of rated wind speed for this site may only be determined as a compromise between added wind energy yield and added cost. Moreover, for any given rated wind speed this study indicates that a blade design tip speed ratio equal to six seems to be the optimum value for the given site.
محمد على نايلي (2015)

Performance and Some Structural Aspects on the Design Pulse Detonation Engine

تهدف الدراسة في هذا المشروع إلي تطوير نموذج تحليلي أحادي البعد يدرس دورة واحدة لمحرك التفجير النابض (PDE). النموذج مبني أساسا على قيم الضغط عند جدار أنبوب التفجير. وقد تمت المقارنة مع بعض النتائج النظرية الموجودة في أحد المراجع لغرض تقييم والتحقق من نتائج النموذج الحالي.معاملات الأداء والتي تشمل، نسبة صرف الوقود، وحدود التردد، ونسبة الوزن إلي قوة الدفع، تم حسابها في نطاق ضروف التشغيل المقترحة. أما الجوانب الإنشائية والتي تتضمن، إجهاد الخضوع، ووزن المحرك، وسرعة تردد الموجة، تم حسابها لغرض تحديد الإطار العام للتصميم المبدائي للمحرك. تم أستخدام الإكسل (Excel sheet) في برمجة النموذج الرياضي في هذا المشروع حيت تم تصميم حاسبة أستخدمت في إيجاد المعاملات التصميمية.لغرض الأعمال المستقبلية فقد تم وضع الإطار المبدائي للمحرك من ناحية الأداء والعوامل الأنشائية.


The objective of the present work is to develop a general one-dimensional analytical model for the impulse of a single cycle pulse detonation engine (PDE). The model is based on the history of pressure at the thrust surface of the detonation tube. The model is validated against theoretical results that obtained in the literature.Performance parameters include, thrust specific fuel consumption, frequency limits, and thrust to weight ratio have been estimated over a range of operating conditions. The structural aspects, such as yield stress, engine weight, and flexural wave are also considered and obtained in this work.The calculation routines are ideally suited to excel programs sheet calculator, and hence the designed model has been laid out according to this calculator outputs.For further work, preliminary design study is identified for both performance and structural aspects.
عبدالحكيم ميلاد القموني (2010)

Aerodynamic design and performance estimation of horizontal-axis wind turbine


Estimation of wind characteristics is considered as the first essential step to evaluate a wind energy project based on information about all aspects of the implementation and operation of the project. It's therefore necessary to have detailed knowledge of the wind to design a suitable wind turbine for a certain zone and also to estimate its performance accurately. The first step in this thesis is study the wind energy and wind assessment in the selected site (Zuara) based on the available wind data, which are obtained from the representative meteorological station. The second step in this thesis is study is to design a suitable horizontal axis wind turbine. Design (HAWT) to achieve satisfactory levels of performance starts with knowledge of the aerodynamic forces acting on the blades. The blade element momentum theory (BEM) is applied for HAWT blade design and to predict the performance of the rotor. A computer program for HAWT blade design and its performance analysis is belt. The input of this program is: power required from a turbine, number of blades, design wind velocity, design tip-speed ratio and properties of the selected airfoil. While the output are: blade geometry parameters (chord and twist distribution), power, torque and thrust coefficients versus tip-speed ratios. This study indicates that capacity factor on the Zuara site equal 3 and it is seen that possible to designed wind turbine to extracting the power from the wind with satisfactory levels of performance in the selected site
فرج الأخضر شنشن (2014)

Study of Aircraft Noise during Takeoff and Landing and its Environmental Effect

تأثير ألضوضاء على السلوكيات البشرية تتدرج من البسيطة والتي يمكن إهمالها إلى الإزعاج, الغضب, والإحباط النفسي.أما التأثير العضوي ,الضوضاء يمكن أن تتراوح من غير المؤذية إلى المؤلمة,وتسبب أضرارا جسدية. ضوضاء الطائرات تتجاوز عدم القدرة على النوم المريح وإحداث الضرر بطبلة الإذن. وقد تسبب في ارتفاع ضغط الدم وضربات القلب وأمراض الكلي والخرف. الناس الذين يعيشون في تجمعات سكنية قرب المطارات أصبحوا قلقين على نحو متزايد بشأن المشاكل الصحية المحتملة بسبب ضوضاء الطائرات. وبوجه عام فان تخفيض الضوضاء الناتجة عن محركات الطائرات التجارية وبسبب تزايد حركة الملاحة الجوية,يعتبر تحد مستمر .لذلك فان معظم شركات صناعة محركات الطائرات قامت بإعداد مجموعة برامج تهدف إلى تخفيض الضوضاء.حيث أنه بذلت بعض الجهود من قبل الشركات المصنعة للمحركات لتخفيض الضوضاء بحدود 15 ديسيبل أي بنسبة (10%) وفي الحقيقة فان الأجيال التالية للمحركات هي من نوع high-bypass ratio (نسبة الهواء الجانبي اكبر من الهواء عبر حجرة الاحتراق).مقاييس ضوضاء الطائرات , وتردداتها أخذت في العديد من المواقع حول مطار طرابلس العالمي , وتم تحليل البيانات المكتسبة .التحليلات أوضحت أن ترددات موجات الصوت الناتجة عن الطائرات هي من النوع المنخفض الاقل من( 400 هيرتز) وهذا النوع من الترددات يخترق البنايات, وقد وجدت العديد من الشقوق في البنايات القريبة من المطار. كما تبين أن أعلى معدل للشكاوى بشأن الاضطراب أثناء النوم والإزعاج يأتي من الناس الذين يعيشون حول المطار. وقد وجدت علاقة خطية بين التعرضِ المزمن لضوضاءِ الطائرات و ضعف القراءة والفهمِ والذاكرة.


The effect of noise on human emotion ranges from negligible, through annoyance and anger, to psychological disruptive, physiologically, noise can range from harmless to painful and physically damaging, aircraft noise goes beyond disturbed sleeps and damaged eardrums. It may also cause hypertension, strokes, kidney diseases and dementia.People who live in communities near airports have become increasingly concerned about potential health effects from aircraft noise. In general the reduction of noise of the commercial aircraft engines is a continuing challenge, and due to the rise of air-traffic movements, major aero-engines manufacture set programs that aim to reduce the noise.There are some efforts made by engine manufacturers to reduce the noise. It results in a reduction to about ~15dB (10%). In fact the later versions of engines are of high-bypass ratio type to reduce the noise Aircraft noise measurements, have been taken at many sites around Tripoli International Airport, and their frequencies, and analyzing the obtained data. The analyzing shows that aircrafts noise frequencies are low-frequencies less than (400Hz) which penetrate the buildings, cracks have been found in the buildings near the airport. The highest numbers of complaints of sleep disturbance and annoyance come from people living around airports. Linear exposure-effect associations were found between chronic aircraft noise exposure and impairment of reading comprehension and recognition memory.
ميلاد عمر المزوغي (2009)


تتسم المروحة الهوائية من النوع المعروف بإسم Darrieus بمميزات من بينها البساطة في تصميم الدوار و موقع المُولِّد فضلا عن البساطة في تصميم أي منظومة تحكم تحتاجها. و حيث أن الدوار يعتبر المسؤول الرئيس على إستخلاص طاقة الحركة الكامنة في الريح، عليه فإنه من المنتظر بكل تأكيد أن يكون لخصائص الشكل الهندسي لهذا الدوار أثر ملحوظ على أدائه و بالتالي على أداء المروحة بوجه عام. وقد تم في إطار هذه الرسالة دراسة تأثير خصائص الشكل التالية: عدد ريش الدوار، نسبة وتر الريشة إلى نصف قطر الدوار، نسبة الصلادة، و نسبة إرتفاع الدوار إلى قطره. كما تم أيضا دراسة تأثير قيمة رقم رينولدز على أداء الدوار. أسِّست الدراسة على إستخدام نموذج رياضي يدعى "Multiple Streamtube" و مقطع ريشة من نوع "NACA0012" كما أعدت النتائج النهائية في هيئة مخططات بيانية توضح كلا من معامل العزم و معامل القدرة كدالة فيما يسمى بالسرعة الطرفية النسبية.


Darrieus wind turbines offer a number of advantages such as simplicity of design of structure, generator, and any control system. With the rotor being the direct means of extracting kinetic energy from the wind, its particular geometry must undoubtedly have a great effect on the overall performance of the turbine. The rotor geometrical parameters investigated in this study were: number of blades, chord to radius ratio, solidity, height to radius ratio. Moreover, the effects of Reynolds number were also included. The analysis was based on the use of a multi streamtube model and NACA0012 rotor-blade profile. Results are presented in the form of power and torque coefficients as functions of tip-speed ratio.
هشام إبراهيم أبوسنوقة (2010)