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Simulation of Leishmaniasis Epidemiology in Libya Using Agent Based Modelling

Epidemics control is a continues struggle. In this paper is an attempt to model and then simulate an epidemiological disease known as Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (CL), which is currently affecting large communities in Libya. The model is developed to facilitate the Agent Based Models (ABM) as one of the many tools applied for epidemiological management. Validation of the model is considered by comparing the model's behavior with a trend of field data used by Libyan authorities. The methodology used for describing and designing CL model is derived from nature of the disease mechanisms. The ABM model involves three types of agents: Human, Rodent and Sand-fly. Each agent has its own properties. Additionally, global model parameters are used for following the human infection processes. Several experiments are given for illustrating the model performance, and monitor the number of people infected. Simulation results show that active human agents are more vulnerable to sand-fly bites, and infection rate is increasing or decreasing dependent on number of sand-fly vectors, number of host rodents, and human population awareness level. arabic 9 English 68
Rudwan A. Husain, Hala Shaari, Marwa Solla, Hassan A. H. Ebrahem(3-2019)
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A Model and Tool Features for Collaborative Artifact Inspection and Review

Inspection offers an opportunity to detect and remove defects at various points during software development. Early detection will reduce the effect of propagation and amplification of defects into the later phases of software development. Collaborative inspection on the web aims to eliminate the time factor needed to assemble the inspection or review team at a physical location. Through the collaborative mode, software teams can perform software inspection and review from geographically separated places asynchronously. These newly introduced practices have proven that collaborative inspection and review of artifacts on the web is feasible. This paper provides a model for collaborative inspection and review including possible features of model and tool that will support collaborative inspection and review on the web. arabic 10 English 64
Abdusalam Nwesri, Khairuddin Hashim(10-2008)

Capturing Variants of Transliterated Arabic Names in English Text

Transliteration is the process of representing words of one language into another using corresponding equivalent phonemes. For example, “Mohammed”, “Mohammad”, or “Muhammed” are three valid transliterations to the Arabic proper noun “محمد”. Transliteration from Arabic to English usually results in several different versions for the same Arabic name causing some names to have more than 40 different versions. Finding transliterated names is a problem in most languages. In English, this problem has been studied by researchers and many techniques have been developed to find transliterated names referring to the same foreign name. Techniques such as string matching and phonetic matching have been used to find similar names. However, some of these techniques were designed to find similar names of English origin and not a specific transliterated names. In this paper we review current techniques used to find variants of the same name and introduce a new technique we specifically developed to find transliterated Arabic names in English text. We developed a data set of more than 25,000 transliterated Arabic names and tested the effectiveness of current and the new technique on finding 115 names within that list. Our results show that our technique is superior to all other techniques. We also present an online system that we developed to find transliterated Arabic names on the web using our technique. arabic 8 English 57
Abdusalam F. Ahmad Nwesri, Nabila Al-Mabrouk S. Shinbir(9-2009)

Applying Arabic Stemming Using Query Expansion

The process of conflating different Arabic word formats to their stem or root is called stemming. Indexing text collection using stems or roots has been reported to be superior to using original word formats. However, the Arabic text stemming has negative effects on words. It conflates words with different meaning under one index term. This occurs frequently in Arabic when using stems and it becomes more frequent when choosing roots to index the collection. Furthermore, search engine whose index is constructed using a particular stemmer makes it a stemmer-dependent engine. In this paper, we show how we can still use stemming to reach the same results without indexing the stemmed text. Original words have been indexed, and a stemmer used to extract word variants and add them to the user query. Apart from making our search operation stemmer-independent, we proof that our approach is as good as light stemming and is significantly better than root stemming. arabic 5 English 41
Aabdusalam F Ahmad Nwesri, Hasan A. H. Alyagoubi(9-2015)
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مجموعات الإختبار العربية ودورها في تطوير أداء محركات البحث العربية

يعتمد تطور البحث العلمي عادة على القياس. فبدون قياس لا يمكن معرفة مدى كفاءة أي نظام أو أداة مستحدثة. في هذه الورقة نعرض أدوات القياس التي يتم إستخدامها في تحديد كفاءة أنظمة إسترجاع المعلومات عموما و نركز على ما هو متوفر منها لقياس أنظمة إسترجاع النصوص العربية، ونبين مدى التطور التي أحدثه على مستوى إسترجاع النصوص العربية. تركز الورقة على عرض مجموعات الإختبار العربية المتوفرة حاليا, وتبرز القصور التي تعاني منه، وتظهر الحاجة الى وجود نجموعات اختبار عربية تتوافق مع واقع النصوص العربية الموجودة حاليا على شبكة المعلومات الدولية. كما نقوم بعرض مجموعة الإختبار التي قمنا بإعدادها لإختبار ظاهرة زيادة حجم النصوص العربية. ونبين أن زيادة الحجم في النصوص العربية يؤثر سلبا في مستوى آداء أنظمة الإسترجاع العربية. arabic 125 English 0
عبد السلام الفيتوري أحمد النويصري(10-2015)
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Analysis of Survey Data on Open Educational Resources

This paper reports on a preliminary analysis of survey data on using open educational resources at the Faculty of Information Technology, University of Tripoli. The survey data was collected electronically from students. The objective of the survey is to assess the awareness and usage of open educational resources within the faculty. Results of our survey reveal that 90% of students are using open educational resources. arabic 7 English 46
Abdusalam F. Nwesri , H. Harmain(4-2019)
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Survey on Academic Staff Awareness of Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources become an important asset for many educational institutions. In this paper we report the analysis of our survey data on using open educational resources at the University of Tripoli (UoT) among the academic staff members. The survey data was collected electronically to assess the awareness and usage of open educational resources within the University of Tripoli. Results of our survey reveal that 90% of academic staff members surveyed are using open educational resources, but they are not contributing much to OER due to lack of support from university. arabic 8 English 56
Abdusalam F. Ahmad Nwesri(5-2019)
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biometrics:standing throughout emerging technologies

Biometrics technologies have been around for quite some time and many have been deployed for different applications all around the world, ranging from small companies' time and attendance systems to access control systems for nuclear facilities. Biometrics offer a reliable solution for the establishment of the distinctiveness of identity based on "who an individual is", rather than what he or she knows or carries. Biometric Systems automatically verify a person's identity based on his/her anatomical and behavioral characteristics. Biometric traits represent a strong and undeviating link between a person and his/her identity, these traits cannot be easily lost or forgotten or faked, since biometric systems require the user to be present at the time of authentication. Some biometric systems are more reliable than others, yet they are neither secure nor accurate, all biometrics have their strengths and weaknesses. Although some of these systems have shown reliability and solidarity, work still has to be done to improve the quality of service they provide. Presented is the available standing biometric systems showing their strengths and weaknesses and also emerging technologies which may have great benefits for security applications in the near future.
Abdulmonam Omar Ahmed Alaswad(0-2008)
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