Mr. ThurayaElwifati

Department of Translation faculty of Languages

Full name

Mr. Thuraya Bashir Mohamed Elwifati


Master degree

Academic Rank



Thuraya Bashir Elwifati is a member of the teaching staff at Translation Department. Since her appointment, she has been assigned to teach a number of academic courses related to translation/applied linguistics and the supervision of a number of graduation projects. Being the Coordinator of the Quality Assurance Office, Translation Dept., Thuraya has undertaken the translation of the quality assurance policies and the faculty’s strategic plans. Throughout her career with us, she succeeded in bringing together her practical experience and academic knowledge in translation carrying out a number of specialized courses in the Translation of Legal Texts and the terminology of International Trade, besides her academic participation in a number of international and local conferences.

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Language vocabulary can be changed and expanded in order to cop with the infinite world and state-of the art terminology medical innovations. New words can be added, and the meaning of already existing words can be altered. Accordingly, new words can enter a language by means of the process of word formation rules This paper is to discuss derivation morphemes in the filed of medical terminology, and the process of translating them into Arabic. These medical morphemes are complicated so that understanding what derivation morphemes are is important. The paper then is to spotlight on neologisms, hyphenated medical compounds, and process of translating them with special reference to the theory of Meaning-Based Translation arabic 13 English 72
Thuraya Bashir El-Wifati(12-2017)
Publisher's website

Lexical & Syntactic Characteristics of English Legal Texts & Methodology of Achieving Translation Equivalence in Target Language

Legal translation is considered as part of the technical translation in the field of law. Legal discourse is characterized by the presence of a wide-range terminology which is easy to people familiar with it and difficult to those who are unfamiliar with and with its unique lexical/syntactic features. Translators of legal-related material are expected to hold knowledge of the characteristics of such discourse and methods for achieving equivalence in the target language. This paper is to put focus on the common lexical and syntactic problematic aspects of English legal texts, and to spot light on the methodology of legal translation & process of achieving equivalencein target language, with special reference to functional equivalence being suggested by many theoreticians for reproducing the „legal effect‟ in the target text while preserving the fidelity of the source.Text-foreignization /domestication strategies,the intersemiotic and intrasemiotic translation procedures and the principle of fidelity to the source legal text are some other aspects to be tackled arabic 18 English 110
Thuraya Bashir El-Wifati(2-2018)

Pym’s ‘Translation Archaeology & Application; his Intercultural Model (EN)

While approaches related to Descriptive Translation Studies are mainly designed to analyze translated work (the product), Anthony Pym’s approach to Translation archeology, humanization and the intercultural model tends to produce much more focus on translators (the producers) and the context in which those translators worked within or what Pym calls ‘intercultural space’, a concept used to denote to a cross-cultural/ multicultural social space. This paper is to reflect this intercultural model over Al-Andalus, the Arabic name for the Islamic Iberian Peninsula, where the Arabs settled for four centuries bringing with them their own social, political and cultural framework study and where the Arab Islamic culture had flourished. Based on this model, the research is to spot light on the ‘human translator’, address questions such as why such translations were produced in this particular place and time ‘the social causation’, the nature of the relationship of those translators to their patrons and clients their ‘social entourage’ (Pym1998) and to spot light on the social roles played by translators in mediating between cultures and the transmission of Arabic knowledge/science to Europe during the Medieval ages. I believe that putting focus on Pym’s archeology of translation would provide guidance for two types of translation historians: researchers who are interested in intercultural and interdisciplinary collaboration and those who study regional histories that have received little attention by scholars of translation, besides providing us with answers to what translation can tell us about a given historical context. On the other hand, the analysis of this period in specific would help bring this important era of translation history out from the shadows and give it the visibility that it deserves. arabic 19 English 60
Thuraya Bashir El-Wifati(12-2017)
Publisher's website

The Technique of of Calque in the Translation of Political Discourse

The study deals with the problem of the excessive presence of literally translated expressions (Calques) in Arabic political Media. Although Calque is considered to be a recognized technique in translation, yet it is not a good solution in many cases. After a detailed account of various techniques and procedures presented by pioneering translation theoreticians, with special focus on those who have dealt with the technique of Calaque, the study puts us against the disappointing reality lying behind the political discourse as being a tool of ‘truth manipulation’, and how far this discourse employs certain means to achieve its goals. Based on two separate questionnaires, a number of results and conclusions have been reached. The study concludes that the usage of the Calque techniqueis considered as an inappropriate procedure in some cases, when it will result in some structural and ideologically problematic expressions coming into surface. The study emphasizes, as well, the negative effects of the excessive presence of calques on the target language’s listener /reader, besides the positive ones. On the other hand, it recommends that the translator should resort to other techniques, by which the problematic cases could be avoided. arabic 10 English 58
Thuraya Bashir El-Wifati(12-2004)


This paper aims at identifying aspects of disharmony between semantic and syntactic features that result in meaningless medical translated sentences. A special focus is given to Chomsky’s Transformational Generative Theory (T.G. Grammar) that extrapolates the correlation between deep structure (which determines the semantic features of a sentence) and the surface structure (which determines the syntactic structure of a sentence), putting in consideration the importance of achieving harmony between meaning and structure to produce meaningful and accurate translation of the source text (ST) resulting in an acceptable final product (target Text). The investigation of this study also relies on the concept of ‘Selectional Restrictions’ which suggests that certain sets of verbs stand with agreement with certain sets of subjects/objects that subsequently lead to the production of semantically acceptable sentences. Accordingly, it is imperative to touch upon aspects related to the Componential Analysis Theory where the meaning of a word is expressed with the assistance of (+) and (-) markers. I consider this study to be unique and innovative as it applies such prominent semantic theories, for the first time, with the craft of translation, offering real concrete examples extracted from practical translation tasks performed by students of Translation Dept., Faculty of Languages- University of Tripoli. Worth mentioning, that a piece of a translation is proved to be correct when semantic/syntactic harmony is achieved and where the message of the source text (ST) is being effectively communicated in the target text (TT). On the contrary, any disharmony between deep/surface structures found would seriously undermine the quality and correctness of a translation product. Key Words: Source Text (ST) - Target Text (TT) – Deep Structure – Surface structure - Selectional restrictions arabic 11 English 73
ثريا البشير محمد الويفاتي(12-2020)
Publisher's website