faculty of Law

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About faculty of Law

The Faculty of Law was established by a decision issued by the former General People's Committee for Education on the establishment of the Nasser International University in 1986. However, it became independent in 1994 and was attached the Faculties of the University of Tripoli.


The alumni of the Faculty of Law since its establishment reached 7493 students. This number includes graduates of masters and PhD programs – more than fifteen doctoral theses and almost three hundred and eighty-one master's theses in various disciplines. The Faculty has over 84 staff members with various degrees and scientific specializations, 46 teaching assistants, and almost 48 postgraduate students who have been awarded scholarships to do doctoral theses.


The Faculty adopts a semester-based system of study, which consists of 16 weeks to finish. Each academic year consists of two semesters (Fall and Spring). Students graduate according to the timeframe set by the faculty in eight semesters.


Students take mid-term and final exams for each semester. The mid-term consists of 40 marks and the final exam consists of 60 marks. The average of the total mark that students obtain will determine their pass or fail status as per the stipulated procedures outlined in the General Regulations for Study and Examinations. Students need to pass eight semesters to be granted BA in Law.


The Faculty also grants masters and PhD degrees – according to the conditions and mechanisms described in this guide – in the various departments including Department of Criminal Law, Department of Islamic Sharia, Department of Public Law, and Department of Private Law.


The program of undergraduate studies is theoretical and organizational that is based on distributing the intended courses of study which fall within the scope of each department. Each department defines the course description as well as the elective courses. It makes decisions regarding the requests of teaching assistants and faculty members. The Department decides the need and the faculty’s capability of opening specialized degrees in higher education.  


The Faculty of Law has recently opened a new branch in the city of Janzour for students in Janzour and its suburbs. This is to spare them the trouble of commuting to and from the main campus in Tripoli.


The Faculty publishes a scientific refereed journal called the "Law Journal", in which researches and scientific studies in law and Islamic law are published. It always welcomes all researchers from all over the world to send their manuscripts to the journal for publication. Further, the Criminal Law Department issues an electronic refereed scientific journal that began in 2017. 

Facts about faculty of Law

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff





Who works at the faculty of Law

faculty of Law has more than 99 academic staff members

staff photo


عدنان الشاهري هو احد اعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم الجنائي بكلية القانون طرابلس. يعمل بجامعة طرابلس كـمحاضر مساعد منذ 4.11.2021 .


Some of publications in faculty of Law

مركز القانون الأجنبي أمام القضاء الوطني _ فقها و قضاء

مركز القانون الأجنبي. أمام القضاء الوطني _ فقها و قضاء
مناء مفتاح الصور (3-2016)
Publisher's website

الحماية التشريعية للحريات العامة في القانون الليبي

طالما أن الفرد والمجتمع متلازمان ولا ينفصلان، فإنه يجب تنظيم العلاقة بين سلطة الدولة وحريات الأفراد وبما أن ،في المجتمع الدستور يمثل وسيلة الحكم الديمقراطي في المجتمعات المتقدمة، فعليه تقع مهمة تنظيم هذه العلاقة تحيل كونه يس تصور مجتمع بشري بدون تشريع، فالرابطة الاجتماعية هي رابطة قانونية قبل كل شيء وحيث يكون المجتمع يكون القانون. وفي الواقع، لا تكون حماية ممارسة الحريات العامة دائما وفي كل مكان بنفس الطريقة، حتى داخل الدولة كما أن ال ،الواحدة حلول تختلف تبعا للحريات المعنية، أي تبعا للنشاط الإنساني المعني، وأنماط تنظيمها لا يقع دائما على ذات المستوى ، وإنما يتغير تبعا للحالات العادية التي يكون فيها المجتمع والظروف الاستثنائية التي تمر .بها البلاد لذلك فإن أساليب تنظيم الحرية ليست واحدة فقد تكون عن طريق الدستور أو القانون كما قد تكون عن طريق القرارات الإدارية التنظيمية .
حسام علي الحاج (6-2019)
Publisher's website

المصدر و المصلحة المحمية بالنص الجنائي "اشكالية الوظيفة العقابية "

المصدر و المصلحة المحمية بالنص الجنائي "اشكالية الوظيفة العقابية " arabic 121 English 0
امحمد معمر امحمد الرازقي(1-2013)
Publisher's website


Journals published by faculty of Law