كلية الطب البشري

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حول كلية الطب البشري

لقد تم تأسيس كلية الطب البشري في سنة 1973م، بمدينة طرابلس لتقوم بدورها المنوط بها والمتمثل في تخريج الكوادر الطبية المؤهلة، وفي سنة 1980م تم تخريج أول دفعة منها.

تعد كلية الطب البشري من أكبر كليات الجامعة وصرحاً من صروح المعرفة، بحيث أسهمت هذه الكلية خلال العقود الأربعة الماضية في إعداد وتخريج أطباء مؤهلين كان لهم الفضل بعد الله تعالى في إنجاح العمل الطبي من خلال المستشفيات المنتشرة في ربوع الوطن الحبيب لتقديم أفضل الخدمات الصحية، تضم كلية الطب البشري حالياً أكثر من 493 عضو هيئة تدريس جُلهم من العناصر الوطنية الذين كانوا من أوائل الدفعات في هذه الكلية والذين ساهموا في تقديم الخدمات الصحية اللازمة في المستشفيات والعيادات والمستوصفات.

قد تم إيفاد العديد من خريجي هذه الكلية لاستكمال دراستهم في الخارج والذين أثبتوا جدارتهم في التحصيل العلمي والسريري بشهادة العديد من الجامعات العالمية، هذا وفي الوقت الذي تسعي فيه الكلية لتفعيل برنامج الدراسات العليا في مختلف التخصصات فإنها تعمل علي تطوير مفردات مناهجها وطرق التدريس المواكبة لمتطلبات الجودة العالمية.

حقائق حول كلية الطب البشري

نفتخر بما نقدمه للمجتمع والعالم


المنشورات العلمية


هيئة التدريس





البرامج الدراسية

درجة ماجستير
تخصص طب الأسرة والمجتمع


المقرر الدراسي
تخصص طب الأطفالPD480

A twelve week rotation. Five weeks at Tripoli children hospital, rotating in the inpatient and outpatient departments.One week at the pediatric department –Tajoura hospital. Five weeks at Tripoli medical center, one week at university.Emphasis is on acquiring skills, and medical knowledge to be able...


من يعمل بـكلية الطب البشري

يوجد بـكلية الطب البشري أكثر من 238 عضو هيئة تدريس

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أ. مصطفى نجم الدين الهادي المختار

متحصل على بكالوريوس طب وجراحة جامعة طرابلس يناير 2006 وعلى ماجستير أمراض جلدية وتناسلية فبراير 2014 متعاون بكلية الطب البشري جامعة الزاوية منذ يناير 2014

منشورات مختارة

بعض المنشورات التي تم نشرها في كلية الطب البشري

Lipid Biochemistry: For Medical Sciences

Lipid biochemistry can seem overwhelming, which is why it needs to be explained in a simple and straightforward manner. Ashour Saleh Eljamil, a renowned professor of biochemistry, has written this textbook for undergraduate students in the medical sciences, but its a resource that anyone can use to bolster their knowledge about this important subject. To fully understand biochemistry, you need to know how biomolecules are structured, which is why the first chapter emphasizes the individual chemical structure of various lipid classes. Youll also learn how dietary lipids are digested and absorbed as well as how their metabolism works in separate chapters focusing on fatty acids synthesis, fatty acid oxidation, acylglycerols and sphingolipids, glycolipids, cholesterol, plasma lipoproteins, steroid hormones, and fat-soluble vitamins. While scientists have studied lipid biochemistry for three centuries, its only in the past few decades that weve begun to understand why its so important. Gain a clearer understanding of the world with insights about bile acids, sterols, carotenoids, sex hormones, vitamin K and much, much more when you dive into the world of Lipid Biochemistry. arabic 5 English 35
Ashour Eljamil(3-2015)
Publisher's website

Cell Death in Mouse Brain following Early Exposure to Trichloroethane (TCE)

Exposure to chemicals has been shown to adversely affect CNS health in rodents and humans. The objective was to evaluate, in-vivo, the effects of trichloroethane (TCE), a ubiquitous environmental contaminant, on the integrity of neural cells. A group of albino mice was injected intraperitoneally twice weekly for three weeks with TCE (100 and 400 µg/kg). Animals were followed up for signs of toxicity and death. Alterations in neural tissues have also been investigated by histopathology The results showed a large number of degenerative neural cells (pyknosis of nuclei, DNA fragmentation, chromatin condensation) in the 100 and 400 µg/kg TCE-treated groups comparing to controls. Although there were no significant effect on the neural cell counts, the pattern of increased degenerative cells in TCE-treated groups was higher compared to controls. The results also showed that TCE led to a significant increase in the percent of degenerative neurons. There was also a significant reduction in the percent of neurons. These results correlated with the increase in the percent of glia. This study indicates that TCE exposure had detrimental impact on neural cells, and that neurons are more vulnerable to TCE than glia in this in-vivo mouse model.
Mohamed A. Al-Griw, Naser M. Salama, Soad A. Treesh, Lubna N. Algadi, Abdul hakim Elnfati(7-2015)
Publisher's website

Experimental study comparing burn healing effects of raw South African Shea butter and the samples from a Libyan market

Background: The fat extracted from the nut of the African Shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa) is called Shea butter. It has multiple uses at the local level as it is used in cosmetic products and as a cocoa butter substitute in chocolate industries. It has a high nutritious value and is also a valuable product on the local, national, and international markets, making it the ideal candidate to research and invest in. Aim: This study is a comparative experimental study of the possible burn healing effects between imported South African raw Shea butter and samples in a Libyan market. Method: The control samples were brought from South Africa (Benin traditional markets). A total of 18 different samples were collected from different sale centers in Tripoli, including pharmacies, beauty shops, and spices shops, in addition to one sample brought from Poland. Animal experiment on burn healing effect was carried out on nine male Sprague Dawley (350–400 g) rats aged 6–8 weeks old. After shaving the animal’s dorsum hair, a metal cube was used to create a deep second degree burn wound, and the cube was heated to 100°C for 20 seconds. Medication with Shea butter (control, T1, and T2) was initiated daily for one for these groups by the application of a thin film of the Shea butter samples on the burned areas. On days 1, 3, and 7, the rats were anesthetised and a sample from the burned scar tissue and skin adjacent were evaluated using pathological parameters. Results: The histological study indicates that the use of Shea butter T1 as topical treatment induces an immune response, which enhances the form of the presence of a large number of inflammatory cells in the epidermis and dermis layers. The treatment of burned skin with T2 lasted for 72 hours and it showed slightly significant healing in the normal structure of proliferative granulation tissue with accumulation of fibroblasts and inflammatory cells surrounding the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Small areas of the epidermis which formed few layers were observed and some hair roots were grown. This was well seen in cases of T1 and T2. Shea butter bought as raw might have a bad effect on burned skin. Conclusion: Shea butter bought as raw might have bad effect on burned skin. On the other hand, the sample from Poland had a therapeutic effect, which was because of the additives such as avocado oil, grape seed oil, and others. arabic 18 English 101
Sakina Salem Mohammed Saadawi, Soad Ali Abdulsalam Treesh, ٍSuhera Mehemed Abdulsalam Aburawi, , , (11-2020)
Publisher's website