Department of Geophysics

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Static Corrections due to sand dunes in Concession 210 western Libya

هذه الدراسة تتركز على تحسين المعلومات بحل المشاكل الأستاتيكية الناتجة عن الكثبان الرملية في الامتياز (NC210) الذي يقع في حوض مرزق في الجنوب الغربي من ليبيا. وقد ثم اختيار عدد اثنين من الخطوط السيزمية وهما الخط (NC210-05-207) والخط (NC210-05-200) لإجراء هذه الدراسة. تم استخدم طريقتين لحساب التصحيحات الأستاتيكية وتم عرض النتائج. وبلغ طول هذين الخطين )26.5) كيلو متر وتم معالجتهما في شركة شمال أفريقيا للاستكشاف الجيوفيزيائ (NAGECO) باستخدام برنامج (ProMAX software, 2003) وكذلك برنامج (GeoTomo software).تم تطبيق معلومات الإنكسار السيزمي بطريقة (Delay Time Method) وكذلك طريقة حفر الآبار Uphole Method)) في هذه الحسابات. وأخيراً تم عرض أمثلة للمقاطع السيزمية باستخدام هاتين الطريقتين ومناقشة النتائج المتحصل عليها. Abstract This study deals with static problems on seismic reflection profiles over sand dunes in concession NC210 in Murzuq Basin southwestern Libya. Two methods of computing field statics have been implemented and the results are presented. Two seismic lines of 26.5 km total length that crossed over sand dunes were processed in North Africa Geophysical Exploration Company (NAGEC) using proMAX software package for seismic data processing and GeoTomo software for inversion static correction softwares for each set of field statics. The refraction field statics are estimated by picking the first break from seismic reflection records using delay time method. The second method of field statics that has been used in this study is the uphole method or conventional method. Examples of brute stack sections of both seismic lines have been presented with two different field statics.range from fair (10%-20%) and lower Nubian (6%-15%). The permeability values range from (2.40 md) to (91.1md), water saturation varies across the reservoir due to the location with respect to the boundaries of the field, averaging 33%. Nubian formation the cement is quartz overgrowth and pore filling cements including anhydrite, chlorite and clays (kaolinite, chlorite and illite/smectite). The oil contact (owc) 3v-59 is defined to be at sub sea depth of 110110 ft. and 97-II NC (OWC) was observed in the reservoir section. The Net Pay is 235 ft at 6% porosity cut off for Q2well, and Q1well the net pay123ft, at 6% porosity, 3v3 the Net pay is 273.5 ft, MOS is 5.64 ft, and residual oil column heigh 7.133 ft, and 3v4 well the net pay equal 324.0 ft, at 6% porosity, Net pay is 273.5 ft, MOS is 3.05 ft, and residual oil column high 2.701ft, and oil saturation 54.66%, Difference in formation water salinity between wells where 3v-59E has salinity of 160,000ppm and OO82 is 215,000 pm. This difference in salinity affects the formation resistivity actor, consequently, the cementation factor because the formation factor depends on many parameters such as porosity, pore size and structure; salinity of connate water and irreducible water saturation.
عبد المجيد عمر أبو محلولة (2013)
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Seismic and Gravity Studies of Zaggut Oil Field, Sirt Basin, Libya

ان البيانات الجيوفيزيائية المتاحة لهذه الدراسة الواقعة بين منصة البيضاء ومنصة المرادا بحوض سرت اظهرت بعض المعلومات عن التراكيب الجيولوجية تحت السطحية والتوزيع الطبقى فى المنطقة، وقد تأثر بشكل واضح وقوع المنطقة بين منصة البيضاء ومنصة المرادا بوجود فالق كبير فى الشمال الشرقى لمنطقة الدراسة ويأخد اتجاه الشمال الغربى وهذا التأثير الكبير ادى بدوره بوجود مجموعة من الفوالق المنتشرة فى منطقة الدراسة. اعطت تطبيقات تقنيات الجاذبية وصفا جيدا ومنطقيا يعكس نفس الصورة المتحصل عليها من الطريقة السيزمية فى نفس المكان. ان البيانات السيزمية ثلاثية الابعاد والمتحصل عليها من شركة الواحة للنفط اعطت تفسيرا بوجود مجموعة من الفوالق فى الشمال والشمال الشرقى وجنوب منطقة الدراسة وهذه الفوالق أثرت فى جميع الطبقات المستهدفة فى وهذه الدراسة. واعطت النتائج ايضا ازدياد فى العمق لكل الطبقات المستهدفة فى هذه الدراسة وهذه الزيادة تتجه ناحية الشرق. البيانات الجادبية المتحصل عليها من مركز بحوث النفط اعطت تفسيرلخريطة بوجير بوجود شواذ ايجابية وسلبية والدى فسر بوجود فالق كبير فى شمال غرب منطقة الدراسة .وقد أظهرت شذوذ الانفصال الإقليمي والمحلى بعض الشواذ المتوزعة على منطقة الدراسة فى شاذة الانفصال المحلى ومن بين التطبيقات تقنيات الجاذبية استخدمنا نماذج متوزعة على منطقة الدراسة واجتيازها للتراكيب الجيولوجية تحت السطحية ومقارنتها بالمقاطع السيزمية المأخودة مسبقا فى نفس المكان للحصول على وصف منطقى لاعطاء صورة جيولوجية للتراكيب تحت السطح. Abstract Geophysical data available for the study of this study area between the Beda platform and Marada trough form is desired luxury showed information on geological structures subsurface and the distribution of the layers of the area, It was very clearly influenced the study area to have occurred between Beda platform and Marada trough is desired luxury and this influence resulted in a major fault in the north-east of the study area was trend northwest and the impact on each study area there is a range of other faults scattered in the region. They gave applications of gravity techniques a good description and logical a set of most viewed reflects the image of the seismic sections which taken in the same place. Seismic data in 3D obtained from Waha Oil Company has given an explanation of the existence of a set of faults north and north-east and south of the study area and these faults affected in all target layers in this study. The interpretation of the results of the targeted layers were all given the same results as the increasing depth to the east and the affected targeted layers in this study the same faults. Gravity data obtained from the Libyan Petroleum Institute and represent of Bouguer map gave an explanation of the existence of high positive and high negative in the study area and the explanation was the presence of major fault trend to northwest. Anomaly separation regional, local this has shown a group of anomalies distributed on study area. Among applications of gravity techniques we used the models dispersed across the study area and pass the geological structures subsurface and compare this topic most viewed profiled with seismic section which taken advance in the same place for a description of logical to give a combined image of the seismic and gravity method.
عمر امحمد عمر (2015)
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النمذجة الجيولوجية للبعد الثالث للمناطق الجافة باستخدام الاستشعار عن بعد بالتكامل مع الطرق الجاذبية

Abstract Murzuq Basin is located in south western of Libya. The theses represent a study of the concession (NC-174) area in Murzuq Basin. This theses consists of two major parts; the first part investigates the geophysical seismic interpretation of the concession (NC-174) area including the Elephant field area, and as a result the pressure of Elephant oil field (western part of (NC-174) concession) is not superior so that it needs to inject water interested in the oil structure. Therefore, the second part of theses provides better understanding of the aquifers study (Aquifers volume, extensions, isolation) within the concession (NC-174) area to be used for water injection of the oil reservoir of Elephant filed. The water injection method used in oil production is where water is injected back into the reservoir usually to increase pressure and thereby stimulate production. In this theses most visible horizons are interpreted by charisma software focused on the all aquifer water and (seal, reservoir, basement) formations, and the seismic interpretation includes all of the available 2-D and 3-D seismic data.The geophysical seismic interpretation method is used to cover the concession (NC-174) area, concentrates on the Elephant oil field using all the available seismic versions datasets. The main result of this thesis indicates that the Ordovician sandstone (Mamuniyat formation) is high-quality oil reservoir in the Elephant oil field and can be represent a saline aquifer outside the Elephant oil field structure (scorpion area_ southeast of Elephant oil structure ) either to the northern or southern hanging wall unless the main faults are not sealing. The Mamuniyat reservoirs sourced by hot shales of the Lower Silurian Tanezzuft Formation.
عادل المبروك التوجير (2009)
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