faculty of Education Bin Ghesheer

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About faculty of Education Bin Ghesheer

The Faculty of Education is located within the municipality of Qasr bin Ghashir. It particularly covers the municipality’s need for teachers in various scientific disciplines. It was formed by the decision of the former General People's Committee Secretary No. (1386) of 1996. At the start, a Higher Institute for Teacher Education was established in Qasr bin Ghashir. The Institute aims to prepare graduates from the teachers that primary and secondary school institutions need. However, the General People's Committee (former) issued decision No. (118) of 2004 regarding the inclusion of higher institutes to universities and renaming them as teacher preparation colleges. Then, the Higher Institute for Teacher Education in Qasr Bin Ghashir joined the University of Tripoli to become the Faculty of Teacher Preparation. However, former people’s committee of the University of Tripoli issued decision No. (55) for 2009 to renaming the Faculties of Teacher Preparation to Faculties of Education. This includes the Faculty of Education, Qasr bin Ghashir. Its major aims was to work on preparing teachers scientifically and professionally in all scientific disciplines to meet the needs of Qasr Bin Ghashir Municipal Schools.

Facts about faculty of Education Bin Ghesheer

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Who works at the faculty of Education Bin Ghesheer

faculty of Education Bin Ghesheer has more than 134 academic staff members

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Mr. walid alnouri mohamed suisi

أبوالحسن هو احد اعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم اللغة الانجليزية بكلية التربية قصر بن غشير. يعمل السيد أبوالحسن بجامعة طرابلس كـمحاضر مساعد منذ 2015-05-25 وله العديد من المنشورات العلمية في مجال تخصصه


Some of publications in faculty of Education Bin Ghesheer

The First Record of A medicinal Plant Species Prosopis farcta (Banks & Sol) .J.F.Macbr (Fabaceae; Mimosoideae) from Libya

Prosopis farcta (Banks & Sol.) J. F. Macbr. has been reported for the first time from Libya. This species is native in Asia. Flowering specimens of Prosopis farcta collected from Sokna Region about 650 Km south-east Tripoli. It is presented with updated nomenclature, taxonomic description, geographical distribution, place of occurrence in Libya, and field colored photographs are also provided. The voucher specimens were deposited in the Herbarium of Botany Department (ULT), University of , Tripoli, Libya.
Youssef Mohamed Youssef Azzu(6-2021)
Publisher's website

تأثير مادة النشا في إطالة فترة تخزين بعض الفواكه والخضروات في درجة حرارة الغرفة

تحضى تقنية المواد المستخدمة كأغلفة مستساغة لتغليف ثمار الفواكه والخضروات لغرض حفظها وإطالة فترة تخزينها بإهتمام واسع هذه الأيام في كثير من الدول،لما لها من نتائج إيجابية للمحافظة على الثمار بعد الحصاد؛ وذلك للمساهمة في زيادة إنتاج الغذاء وتحقيق الأمن الغذائي. اُستخدمت في هذه الدراسة مادة النشا لهذا الغرض عن طريق غمر بعض ثمار الفواكه (البرتقال، الموز، التفاح، الكمثرى والخوخ) وكذلك بعض ثمار الخضروات (الخيار، الطماطم، الفلفل، القرع والجزر) في محلول النشا في المعمل لفترة 15 دقيقة ثم تركت الثمار في حوافظ خاصة بها تهوية، ولوحظت التغيرات التي طرأت عليها. أوضحت هذه الدراسة أن جميع أصناف ثمار الفواكه المعاملة بمادة النشا عدا التفاح كانت أكثر مقاومة للأمراض الفطرية والفساد الذي طرأ عليها، مقارنة بالثمار الغير معاملة (الشاهد).بينما أبدت جميع ثمار الخضروات المعاملة مقاومة أكثر للأمراض الفطرية والفساد من الثمار الغير معاملة.
يوسف محمد عزو(6-2020)
Publisher's website

Design and Assessment of an Experimental SDN-Enabled Private Cloud using Openstack

Nowadays, educational and research institutions, especially universities, have considered their focus on cloud computing rather than using conventional prospects to take the most benefits of the services offered to support current trends in teaching and learning strategies. To build these networks in a cost effective way, open source cloud computing platforms are used. One of the powerful tools is Openstack, which allows users to create virtual networks and manage virtual machines within distributed learning environments. In this article, we describe our project on designing and evaluating a private cloud within a university environment using Openstack. To this end, we conduct a survey to measure the students' attitude towards the use of private clouds in which students and experts serve as samples. We design a virtual lab consisting of a number of virtual machines operated by a selected sample. We evaluate the proposed solution by adopting Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) methodology. The results obtained from this study show that the students' acceptance in using the private cloud in performing their tasks is encouraging albeit their anxiety on security issues and their lack of experience.
Belaid Mohammed Addokali, Adib Habbal, Suhaidi Hassan, Nabil Benamar(4-2017)
Publisher's website

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