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Different Approaches to Classify Network Routing Protocols

In this paper a brief introduction to the concept of quality of service has been given. However, it mainly focuses on the classification of routing algorithms based on a number of different criteria like: protocols, structure, technologies in use, etc. And it concludes with a presentation of a common problem facing routing protocols, namely routing loops, and explained the known solutions to that problem. arabic 6 English 52
Ibrahim Almerhag, Ali Ganoun(6-2018)

Database for Arabic Speech Commands Recognition

Technology is all around us and it’s changing rapidly, expanding Internet access has had huge impacts on everyday lives as people do everything on their phones and computers. The widespread growth in the use of digital computers, have an increasing need to be able to communicate with machines in a simpler manner. One of the main tasks that can simplify communication with machines is speech recognition. In this work, we introduce the Arabic speech commands database that contains six Arabic control order words and Arabic spoken digits. The created database is used to analyze and compare the recognition accuracy and performance of three recognition techniques which are, Wavelet Time Scattering feature extraction with Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier, Wavelet Time Scattering feature extraction with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) classifier, and Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFCC) feature extraction with K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) classifier. Finally, the experimental results show that the most accurate prediction of the database commands was 98.1250% given by Wavelet Time Scattering feature extraction and LSTM classifier and the fastest training time for the database was 144 minutes given by MFCC and KNN classifier. arabic 5 English 42
Osama A. Alkishriwo, Lina Tarek Benamer(12-2020)
publisher's website

A Novel Denoising Method Based on Discrete Linear Chirp Transform

Denoising of chirp based signals is a challenging problem in signal processing and communications. In this paper, we propose a suitable denoising algorithm based on the discrete linear chirp transform (DLCT), which provides local signal decomposition in terms of linear chirps. Analytical expression for the optimal filter response is derived. The method relies on the ability of the DLCT for providing a sparse representation to a wide class of broadband signals like chirp signals. Simulation results show the efficiency of the proposed method, especially for mono-component chirp signals.
Osama A. Alkishriwo(12-2020)
publisher's website

Image compression using adaptive multiresolution image decomposition algorithm

With the growth of modern digital technologies, demand for transmission multimedia and digital images, which require more storage space and transmission bandwidth, has been increased rapidly. Hence, developing new image compression techniques for reducing data size without degrading the quality of the image, has gained a lot of interest recently. In this study, an adaptive multiresolution image decomposition (AMID) algorithm is proposed and its application for image compression is explored. The developed algorithm is capable of decomposing an image along the vertical, horizontal, and diagonal directions using the pyramidal multiresolution scheme. Compared to the wavelet transform, the AMID can be used for decimation with the guarantees of perfect signal reconstruction. Furthermore, the application of the AMID for image compression is explored and its performance is compared with the state-of-the-art image compression techniques. The performance of compression method is evaluated using peak signal-to-noise ratio and compression ratio. Experimental results have shown promising performance compared with the results of using other image compression approaches
Osama A. Alkishriwo(9-2020)
publisher's website

Image Transmission Over Erroneous Wireless mobile Channels using HQAM Techniques

AbstractThis paper examines the process of sending an image over wireless mobile Channels with errors while maintaining bandwidth, transmission speed and image quality. With the tremendous development in networks, new wireless channels have been opened that threaten the security of data transmitted through networks and communication channels, and from this emerged Encryption techniques to increase the security of the transmitted data, and since the digital image compression algorithm is a process to reassemble the parts of the image so that it takes less space, but this increases the impact of the error extension in sending compressed digital images and greatly reduces the quality of the received image. This prompts us in this paper to study the performance of HQAM technology for the purpose of transmitting image data over wireless communication channels containing errors. In this paper, image quality performance has been evaluated by the BER, SNR, PSNR, SSIM, and Correlation evaluation criteria. The simulated results show that there is an improvement in the image quality received using the proposed technique.
wael saleh mohamed abughres, , , Ashrf Alzrouk Almagdob1, Ahmed B. Abdurrhman, Ibrahim A.Nasir, (9-2020)

A Pilot study on Open Educational Resources and experimental carried out by higher educational in Libya

Open Educational Resources (OER) is simple but powerful educational materials made freely and legally available on the Internet for anyone to reuse, revise, and redistribute. These materials have the potential to give people everywhere equal access to our collective knowledge and provide many more people around the world with access to quality education by making lectures, books and curricula widely available on the Internet. In this paper a brief history of OER is stated and then Creative Commons Licenses are explained and finally the steps to implement OER in Libya are outlined

wael saleh mohamed abughres, Mohamed Ahmed Ramadan Mgheder, Atia M. Albhbah (7-2017)
publisher's website

Modelling Specification and Evaluation Language (MOSEL-2)

Modeling, Specification & Evaluation Language (MOSEL), tool used for the performance and reliability modeling of communication systems, computers, and manufacturing systems, once the system is specified using this language. The modeling language is part of the evaluation environment. Once the system is specified using the language, the evaluation environment takes place by executing the performance analyses of the model, and calculating the steady state probabilities . After this stage, results can be collected in the result file or in graphics mode using the Intermediate Graphical Language (IGL), where the aim of this paper is to give an overview of mosel and to show a real example under windows platform.

wael saleh mohamed abughres, Mohamed Ahmed Ramadan Mgheder, Ahmed B. Abdurrman (8-2017)
publisher's website

The impact of electronic communications and governance in the activation of E-learning,

الحوكمه الإلكترونية والتعليم الإلكتروني هما جوانب هامة من النقل الإلكتروني للمعلومات على مستويين مختلفين . إذا كانت برامج الحكومة الإلكترونية حيوية لتحسين الخدمات العامة، فإن "التعليم الإلكتروني" هو نعمة لضمان التعليم النوعي في كلمكان . لا يزال كثير من الناس يخلط إذا "الحكومة الإلكترونية" و "التعليم الإلكتروني" هما شيئيان مترادفان . هذه الورقة تحاولكشف النقاب عن هذا الخلط من خلال إبراز بعض الجوانب المتنوعة من كل مفهوم . وعلاوة على ذلك، هذه الورقة تستكشفالتأثير المحتمل للحوكمه الإلكترونية على المجتمع الحديث، وتركز على المزايا الكامنة في التعليم الإلكتروني في البيئةالأكاديمية، ونعالج الجوانب الأساسية للجانبين لنفس العملة . المؤلفون يفترضون أن "الحوكمه الإلكترونية" و "التعليمالإلكتروني" هما مفاهيم ناشئة عن تكنولوجيا المعلومات، الاتصالات الحديثة التي يتم تقديمها وتنفيذها على المستويات الحكوميةوالمؤسسية على التوالي لتعزيز التواصل الكفء والفعال للمعلومات الإلكترونية وذلك لسد الفجوة gap للفجوة الرقمية digital divide في جميع أنحاء العالم .

وائل صالح محمد أبوغريس, هلال هدية المنتصر محمد, (7-2012)